Bugzilla – Bug 9785
LastFM Recent Tracks list displays a 0 after each song title
Last modified: 2008-12-15 12:17:13 UTC
Each track title in my list of recently played songs Home > Last.fm Radio > Recent Tracks: hergest has a 0 appended to it. eg: Everything in Its Right Place by Radiohead from Kid A0 0h ago Summer Salt by Kristin Hersh from Sunny Border Blue0 1h ago
Philip, does the same error happen from SN or a later build of 7.3? I am unable to reproduce this error using 7.3-23729 If you still see the error, please reopen the bug, attach a log from plugin.lfm and if possible a screen shoot of the error you are seeing.
I am still seeing this in SC7.3 SVN 23736. I see it in the WebUI, Default skin and Player UI. I am a Last.fm subscriber, if that makes any difference. I also tried SqueezeNetwork and also see the same problem.
Can you add a screen shoot of what you are seeing please
I think I've worked out why I see the 0. It's the time that the track was played. It's reporting <title> by <artist><when played> There's no gap between artist and the reported time it was played. It's clearer today, because I haven't scrobbled any extra tracks for over a day, so it is reporting "Tangerine Dream1d 11hr ago". I'll post a screenshot.
Created attachment 4185 [details] Last.fm recent tracks
Michael: would this be a web UI issue? or something else.
Thanks Phil. You're right - this is a badly concatenated string. But it's on the SN side of things.
change 5008 - insert space before the "time since..." string; don't show the 0 if time is less than a day James - you'll have to wait for Andy to update test.sn.com and connect to it instead of www.sn.com to test this change. Thanks!
This bug has been fixed in the latest release of SqueezeNetwork! If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.