Bug 17706 - 'Kohina' (ogg vorbis) rebuffers during switch of track
: 'Kohina' (ogg vorbis) rebuffers during switch of track
Product: SB Radio
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Internet Radio
: Include FW version in comment
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2011-10-27 14:22 UTC by Kristina
Modified: 2011-10-27 15:27 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Description Kristina 2011-10-27 14:22:32 UTC
Customer has a Squeezebox Radio, firmware version of 7.6.1
Plays Kohina (ogg vorbis) stream Through internet Radio>Search.

When track switches station re buffers

Has been tested on another Radio and experience same issue with stream

They do not have .mp3 stream anymore to try

This does not occur on PC or other devices
Comment 1 R. Scott Clark 2011-10-27 15:27:16 UTC
Kohina (Kohina.com) is an Ogg Vorbis stream of chiptune radio directly ripped from Commodores, Amigas, Arcades, etc... being that it's a niche genre, there's not much room for alternatives.  Sadly the MP3 relay has been down for years, so we're stuck with Ogg.

The stream is continuous and features cross-fades between each song, with only the song information changing.  Whenever this happens, my Squeezebox radio will decide to rebuffer rather than just updating the title.  Usually, this rebuffering will go from 0-44% multiple times until it finally fails, and restarts the stream from scratch.

I have tried accessing this station both through the Radio Search, and by manually inputting the M3U URL for the France 112Kbit relay (http://stream.nute.net:8000/kohina/stream.ogg.m3u) into my Favorites.  The France stream is preferred, because the rebuffering will actually fail and start anew.  If I use the Radio Search stream, it will occasionally rebuffer "successfully" in that it shows as playing but no audio is actually played back.

VLC v1.1.0 plays the stream with no problem, so long as "Continuous Stream" is marked at Preferences (All) > Input / Codecs > Access Modules > HTTP(S).  GSPlayer on Windows Mobile 6 can also play the stream without any rebuffering.