Bugzilla – Bug 2906
Cannot load songs from playlist that contain non ISO-Latin1 characters
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:38:10 UTC
I created a playlist that included an album by Bj�rk (note the umlaut) and saved it using the web interface. When I browse back to the playlist, the Bj�rk album is missing. The rest of the playlist exists. My locale is English US.
The main page for bugzilla instructs to try the latest nightly. Please do try that, as there has been a number of fixes for non-latin chars. then, when you have that, please try to supply a section of log with d_scan and d_parse enabled.
I can confirm the problem also happens for me when the filenames of playlist tracks contain utf8 characters. This is for SlimServer Version: 6.2.1 - 5194 - solaris - EN - iso-8859-1. Also, since I am running a MySQL backend, this problem seems to provike the following error, which results in slimserver.pl exiting: 2006-02-11 03:09:11.7763 DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails at /home/slimserver/SlimServer_v6.2.1/CPAN/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm line 51. Can't delete file:///home/slimserver/audiodir/flac/v/a/Various%20(Nat%20King%20Cole)%20~%20In%20the%20Mood%20for%20Love%20~%2009%20~%20Quiz%E0s,%20Quiz%E0s,%20Quiz%E0s%20(Perhaps,%20Perhaps,%20Perhaps).flac: DBD::mysql::st execute failed: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails at /home/slimserver/SlimServer_v6.2.1/CPAN/DBIx/ContextualFetch.pm line 51. at /home/slimserver/SlimServer_v6.2.1/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 652
For example I get the following error from the Slimserver (6.2.2 from 05.04.2006): 2006-04-05 14:17:00.3904 Slim::Formats::Parse::readM3U: WARNING: file:///U:/Unterhaltungsmedien/Musik/Alben/A/%C4rzte,%20Die%20-%20(2000) %20Runter%20Mit%20Den%20Spendierhosen,%20Unsichtba rer!/%C4rzte,%20Die%20-%20(17) %20Ein%20Sommer%20Nur%20F%FCr%20Mich.mp3 found in playlist: file:///U:/Unterhaltungsmedien/Musik/Playlists/Test.m3u doesn't exist on disk - skipping! I make a rescan with a from Slimserver saved playlist, like this: #CURTRACK 0 #EXTM3U ... U:\Unterhaltungsmedien\Musik\Alben\A\�rzte, Die - (2000) Runter Mit Den Spendierhosen, Unsichtbarer!\�rzte, Die - (17) Ein Sommer Nur F�r Mich.mp3 ... I think there is a code translation error because the file is still exist on disk and this error happens always with tracks in playlist containing the 'german umlaute' (����). Regards, Pauli
*** Bug 3196 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 3026 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Moving to 6.2.2 for Dan to evaluate.
Regading: "Bug 3196 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug." I opened bug 3196. It does not seem to be the same bug is this one: This bug 2906 is about songs named with unicode characters failing to play from a playlist. My bug 3196 is about failing to save playlists named with unicode characters.
Fixed in change 7131
Fixed in 6.2.2. Thanks!