Bugzilla – Bug 15206
Various bugs with WinXP on embedded
Last modified: 2011-05-25 16:15:57 UTC
Various bugs with WinXP on embedded (r29492): - Control Panel doesn't start - Can't change between SQLite and MYSql-Database - No progress shown while scanning (SQLite) - Can't do a complete rescan (clear scan) - option always changes to "change for new and changed files" again - While scanning only 32 CDs (from > 1.000) are put into database - Update-scan crashes after 1 hour (after scanning a lot CDs) :(
> - Control Panel doesn't start Any error message? Could you please tell us more about your system (Windows version, SP, antivirus, firewall etc.) > - Can't change between SQLite and MYSql-Database How does it fail? Error message? could you please attach server.log and scanner.log (location can be found in Settings/Info)
> > - Control Panel doesn't start > Any error message? Could you please tell us more about your system > (Windows version, SP, antivirus, firewall etc.) No error message, no entry in the log files ...cp is in task manager for a few seconds then disappears Win XP SP 3, Avira AntiVir (disabled), no firewall > > - Can't change between SQLite and MYSql-Database > How does it fail? Error message? There is not even an option in the web interface to do so > could you please attach server.log and scanner.log (location can be found > in Settings/Info) Had to reinstall the "Normal" 7.5 by copying the (before saved) directory (including the old log files) to my system and to do a rescan. Scanner log doesn't have any lines of the embedded scan. Yesterday I posted some here: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=71900
Just installed embedded r29549 but it didn't work as well. 1. Control Panel can't be opened - squeezeboxcp appears for 10 seconds then disappears - no entry in logfile (WinXP SP 3, no firewall, no virusscan) My music is sorted the following Hard Disk "M:" Different folders "M:\A", "M:\B" ... "M:\Z". One Directory "M:\Database" with links to all directories that should be searched. Works fine under "normal" 7.5 Tried SQLlite and MySQL scan: In Both scans, progress can only be viewed by MANUALLY refreshing browser. No automatic refresh. (Works finde in "normal" 7.5) 1. SQLlite scan => took 3 hours (140.000 files). Not quicker than normal 7.5. Scan ran fine - scanning M:\A, M:\B ... After M:\Z It "precaced artwork" - but only 239 fles (maybe the artwork in M:\Z only?). No error message in scanner.log But: - NO artwork is shown - but even no default artwork-icon, only a red "x". 2. MYSQL scan: - No progress shown during scan even not after manual refresh - After 2 1/2 hours (being scanning M:\x" scanner crashed (unfortunately I had to re-install the before saved "working" directory and deleted the log-file). What I recognized: 1st line was "removing cache" Then It started scanning with M:\A But right from the beginning ALL artists showed up under "artists" and even albums being in e.g. M:\N , scanned later. VERY frustrating - took me 5 hours and version is as unuseful as previous. I'm only testing embedded for Andy announced the new scanner will be included in this - and he refuses to take the new scanner to "normal" 7.5. But "Normal" 7.5 has different bugs with artworks known for month. Maybe those bugs could be corrected in embedded windows soon? Thanks :) Frank
As the embedded branch has become the base for 7.6 we'll need to review this. Do you still see these issues with 7.6 nightlies?
Please open new, distinct bugs for issues still seen in 7.6 latest nightly. And make sure they're not reported already. http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/?ver=7.6 Thanks!
7.6 32466 Scanned library of 4383 songs quickly and showed artwork (flac files mostly) WinXP 32 with SP3