Bugzilla – Bug 4231
Incorrect Artist Count in Album Display
Last modified: 2009-07-31 10:13:59 UTC
My home display shows "1882 albums with 17594 songs by 2118 artists". The Artist display is identical, and these numbers seem right. However, the Album display shows "1882 albums with 17594 songs by 3779 artists". I would assume these numbers should be consistent. The ratio of the two Artist numbers has stayed near this (somewhat less than 2:1) through severl database updates.
see bug 4146.
I am now running 6.5.1 - 10078. For approximately half of my Albums, I will select an Artist, and then select one of their albums. The summary for the album will say something like "1 album with 16 songs by 6 artists", when there is clearly only a single artist. The display is the same if the album is selected in Browse Albums. All of the albums tested do not have the Compilations flag set in iTunes. Albums with this flag set appear to always present the correct number of artists. I have not checked counts, but I would expect that the total of all the individual incorrect artist counts is the same as the incorrect total album count presented in the Browse Albums display. This may be the same bug as reported in Bug 2146, but the description seems quite different. I am running a "cleaner" environment, I think (everything is managed through iTunes on Windows XP).
I'm using SlimServer Version: 6.5.1 - 10147 on Windows XP and only use WAV and CUE files. I have noticed a similar errors. After adding a few "normal" CDs, then using "Rescan - Look for new or changed music" the album and artists is always 1 or 2 short of the right number. Doing a "Rescan - Clear libray and rescan everything" seems to remedy the issue. The number of tracks is correct in both circumstances. This is a consistent error and I have reproduced it many times. I think it has something to do with counting "No Album / No Artist". Adding "various artists" CDs seem to cause a very similar but different results and I have not tested it thoroughly as I don't add many "various artists" CDs. The "Rescan - Clear libray and rescan everything" also has a minor issue with cover art. I have noticed after a rescan usually one (and only one) cover art is displayed incorrect. Clearing IE browser cache always fixes the problem. In 6.5.0 playlists were causing me lots of recan problems, so I don't use them at the moment and have set playlist directory to "blank".
Steve, what kind of formats do you have? (I'm sure I've asked you this for one or more of your other bugs; sorry if I can't find it at the moment).
Subject: RE: Incorrect Artist Count in Album Display No problem - all song files are MP3s. -----Original Message----- From: Slim Devices Bugzilla [mailto:bugs@bugs.slimdevices.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 1:39 PM To: steve.sheafor@alumni.rice.edu Subject: [Bug 4231] Incorrect Artist Count in Album Display https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=4231 ------- Comment #4 from chris@slimdevices.com 2006-10-25 11:38 ------- Steve, what kind of formats do you have? (I'm sure I've asked you this for one or more of your other bugs; sorry if I can't find it at the moment). ------- You are receiving this mail because: ------- You reported the bug, or are watching the reporter.
I downloaded the new suggested version of SlimServer, which is: 6.5.2 - 12047 - Windows Server 2003 - EN - cp1252 The counts are still wrong in exactly the same way as previously described. I would have thought that you would be inundated with complaints about this problem and be trivially repeatable, but perhaps there is something in my system which causes this to happen (although I have a hard time coming up with such a scenario). Is this not a generally known bug?
Yes, it's a well known bug. Artist, track, and sometimes album counts are wrong in a lot of places. It's like that with pretty much any library, independent of music file formats. From what I've seen, it's compilations and other albums with more than one artist that throw SlimServer off.
Actually, I have never seen this error in a compilation - they always have the correct number of Artists (which is of course more than one). It is normal albums which will claim, for example, to have 8 artists when there is only one. It seems like counting Artists should be trivial in any data base.
QA will add tests to automated test suite for this bug.
I downloaded the Beta of 7.0 - 14001. This bug still exists in exactly the same way as described previously. It can now be seen more easily, since the "XXX albums with YYY songs by ZZZ artists" is always visible at the bottom of the left hand display panel. Switch between Albums, Artists and My Music and the number of Artists changes in the Albums display. A very quick check showed that Compilations still seem to show the correct number of Artists.
I downloaded the latest version of 7.0 - 17006. This bug is now fixed!! It definitely was still there in version 16051, so something in the interim seems to have solved the problem.
Thats great news! Steve if it happens again please feel free to re-open the bug. CC'ing Wallace per comment #9.
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