Bugzilla – Bug 13112
Disconnected menu request from SC returns bad data
Last modified: 2009-10-05 14:27:25 UTC
Dump of disconnected SC menu items: { --[[table: 0x17413a40]] { --[[table: 0x17413a60]] stringToken = "MY_MUSIC", isANode = true, weight = 11, id = "_myMusic", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, node = "hidden", window = { --[[table: 0x17413a80]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17413ac0]] stringToken = "FAVORITES", node = "home", weight = 100, id = "favorites", window = { --[[table: 0x17413fb0]] ... }, actions = { --[[table: 0x17413ae0]] ... }, text = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x17413ff0]] node = "_music_stores", stringToken = "PLUGIN_AMAZON_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 30, id = "opmlamazon", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17414010]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x174142b0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17413f90]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_CLASSICAL_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 38, id = "opmlclassical", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17414290]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17414570]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17414550]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_LMA_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 60, id = "opmllma", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17414590]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17414830]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17414630]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_LFM_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 40, id = "opmllfm", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x174148b0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17414b30]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x174142d0]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_MP3TUNES_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 50, id = "opmlmp3tunes", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17414b50]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17414df0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17414bf0]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_MEDIAFLY_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 55, id = "opmlmediafly", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17414e10]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x174150b0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17414eb0]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_NAPSTER_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 25, id = "opmlnapster", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x174150d0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17415370]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17415170]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_PANDORA_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 10, id = "opmlpandora", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17415390]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17415690]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17414890]] stringToken = "PLUGIN_PODCAST", displayWhenOff = 0, id = "podcast", window = { --[[table: 0x174158e0]] ... }, ["icon-id"] = "plugins/Podcast/html/images/icon.png", weight = 20, node = "extras", actions = { --[[table: 0x174156b0]] ... }, text = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x17415900]] stringToken = "PLUGIN_RANDOMPLAY", isANode = 1, weight = 60, id = "randomplay", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, node = "_myMusic", window = { --[[table: 0x17415750]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17415980]] stringToken = "PLUGIN_RANDOM_CHOOSE_GENRES", node = "randomplay", weight = 50, id = "randomchoosegenres", window = { --[[table: 0x174159e0]] ... }, actions = { --[[table: 0x174159a0]] ... }, text = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x17415ad0]] node = "randomplay", stringToken = "PLUGIN_RANDOM_YEAR", style = "itemplay", weight = 40, id = "randomyears", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17415a20]] ... }, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", }, { --[[table: 0x17415dd0]] node = "randomplay", stringToken = "PLUGIN_RANDOM_CONTRIBUTOR", style = "itemplay", weight = 30, id = "randomartists", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17415fa0]] ... }, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", }, { --[[table: 0x17416080]] node = "randomplay", stringToken = "PLUGIN_RANDOM_ALBUM", style = "itemplay", weight = 20, id = "randomalbums", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17416250]] ... }, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", }, { --[[table: 0x17416330]] node = "randomplay", stringToken = "PLUGIN_RANDOM_TRACK", style = "itemplay", weight = 10, id = "randomtracks", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17416500]] ... }, nextWindow = "nowPlaying", }, { --[[table: 0x174165e0]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_RHAPSODY_DIRECT_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 20, id = "opmlrhapsodydirect", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x174167b0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17416ba0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17416b80]] node = "_music_services", stringToken = "PLUGIN_SLACKER_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 30, id = "opmlslacker", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x17416bc0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17416e60]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17416c60]] stringToken = "PLUGIN_SOUNDS_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, id = "sounds", window = { --[[table: 0x174170b0]] ... }, ["icon-id"] = "plugins/Sounds/html/images/icon.png", weight = 30, node = "extras", actions = { --[[table: 0x17416e80]] ... }, text = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x17416f20]] node = "plugins", stringToken = "PLUGIN_SOUNDS_MODULE_NAME", displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 1000, id = "opmlsounds", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x174170f0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17417480]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17417250]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 10, id = "opmlpicks", text = "Staff Picks", actions = { --[[table: 0x174174a0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17417740]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17417540]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 20, id = "opmllocal", text = "Local", actions = { --[[table: 0x17417760]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17417a00]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17417800]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 30, id = "opmlmusic", text = "Music", actions = { --[[table: 0x17417a20]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17417cc0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17417ac0]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 40, id = "opmltalk", text = "Talk", actions = { --[[table: 0x17417ce0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17417f80]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17417d80]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 50, id = "opmlsports", text = "Sports", actions = { --[[table: 0x17417fa0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17418240]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17418040]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 60, id = "opmlworld", text = "World", actions = { --[[table: 0x17418260]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17418500]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17418300]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 70, id = "opmlsirius", text = "SIRIUS Internet Radio", actions = { --[[table: 0x17418520]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x174187c0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x174185c0]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 80, id = "opmlradioio", text = "radioio", actions = { --[[table: 0x174187e0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17418a80]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17418880]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 90, id = "opmlmoreradio", text = "More Radio...", actions = { --[[table: 0x17418aa0]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17418d40]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17418b40]] node = "radios", stringToken = function: 0x1687cbb0, displayWhenOff = 0, weight = 110, id = "opmlsearch", text = "Search", actions = { --[[table: 0x17418d60]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x17419000]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x17418e00]] ["1"] = "weight", settingsAudio = "node", settings = "isANode", text = "id", ["HASH(0x3495fe4)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, ["35"] = "window", }, { --[[table: 0x17419040]] ["HASH(0x34a4b2c)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, settings = "weight", ["20"] = "choiceStrings", settingsRepeat = "node", text = "id", ["1"] = "actions", ["ARRAY(0x353789c)"] = "selectedIndex", }, { --[[table: 0x174192e0]] ["ARRAY(0x34a5894)"] = "actions", ["HASH(0x34b21d4)"] = "window", settings = "selectedIndex", ["2"] = "weight", ["HASH(0x355038c)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, text = "id", settingsShuffle = "node", ["10"] = "choiceStrings", }, { --[[table: 0x174169e0]] ["1"] = "id", ["HASH(0x349caa8)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, advancedSettings = "weight", ["ARRAY(0x34cfb14)"] = "selectedIndex", text = "choiceStrings", ["100"] = "actions", settingsPlaylistMode = "node", }, { --[[table: 0x17416a20]] ["HASH(0x353604c)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, settings = "weight", ["65"] = "actions", text = "id", settingsSleep = "node", ["HASH(0x34d0130)"] = "window", }, { --[[table: 0x174190d0]] advancedSettings = "weight", ["HASH(0x34cfb14)"] = "actions", ["100"] = "window", settingsInformation = "node", text = "id", ["HASH(0x353ec98)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x174196a0]] ["HASH(0x349ccd0)"] = "window", settings = "weight", ["HASH(0x34b21d4)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, text = "id", settingsPlayerNameChange = "node", ["67"] = "input", ["HASH(0x34d0124)"] = "actions", }, { --[[table: 0x174197e0]] stringToken = "PLUGIN_AUDIOSCROBBLER_MODULE_NAME", weight = 100, id = "audioscrobbler", text = function: 0x1687cbb0, actions = { --[[table: 0x174198e0]] ... }, node = "advancedSettings", }, { --[[table: 0x17419960]] ["HASH(0x34aae44)"] = "window", home = "weight", radios = "node", ["20"] = "actions", text = "id", ["HASH(0x3551f98)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x17419b10]] music_services = "node", home = "weight", ["HASH(0x3439634)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, text = "id", ["HASH(0x353bcb0)"] = "window", ["30"] = "actions", }, { --[[table: 0x17419c30]] ["HASH(0x34d0064)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, ["HASH(0x353c694)"] = "window", home = "weight", music_stores = "node", text = "id", ["35"] = "actions", }, { --[[table: 0x17419d70]] settingsAlbumSettings = "node", ["HASH(0x41fb2cc)"] = "window", advancedSettings = "weight", text = "id", ["HASH(0x34d0ae4)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, ["105"] = "actions", }, { --[[table: 0x17419ed0]] node = "_myMusic", weight = 10, id = "myMusicArtists", window = { --[[table: 0x1741a0b0]] ... }, actions = { --[[table: 0x17419ef0]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", }, { --[[table: 0x1741a090]] node = "_myMusic", weight = 20, id = "myMusicAlbums", window = { --[[table: 0x1741a340]] ... }, actions = { --[[table: 0x1741a0f0]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", }, { --[[table: 0x1741a320]] node = "_myMusic", weight = 30, id = "myMusicGenres", window = { --[[table: 0x1741a5d0]] ... }, actions = { --[[table: 0x1741a360]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", }, { --[[table: 0x1741a5b0]] node = "_myMusic", weight = 40, id = "myMusicYears", window = { --[[table: 0x1741a840]] ... }, actions = { --[[table: 0x1741a610]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", }, { --[[table: 0x1741a820]] ["HASH(0x353604c)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, ["50"] = "actions", myMusicNewMusic = "node", text = "id", ["HASH(0x353f04c)"] = "window", myMusic = "weight", }, { --[[table: 0x1741a910]] ["HASH(0x3551a64)"] = "window", myMusic = "weight", myMusicPlaylists = "node", text = "id", ["80"] = "actions", ["HASH(0x35561c0)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, { --[[table: 0x1741ab30]] ["1"] = "weight", myMusic = "isANode", myMusicSearch = "node", text = "id", ["HASH(0x349ecdc)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, ["90"] = "window", }, { --[[table: 0x1741ac50]] node = "myMusicSearch", id = "myMusicSearchArtists", weight = 10, input = { --[[table: 0x1741adf0]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", actions = { --[[table: 0x1741ac70]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x1741a8a0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x1741af70]] node = "myMusicSearch", id = "myMusicSearchAlbums", weight = 20, input = { --[[table: 0x1741b230]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", actions = { --[[table: 0x1741af90]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x1741b0a0]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x1741b370]] node = "myMusicSearch", id = "myMusicSearchSongs", weight = 30, input = { --[[table: 0x1741b6a0]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", actions = { --[[table: 0x1741b390]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x1741b510]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x1741b7e0]] node = "myMusicSearch", id = "myMusicSearchPlaylists", weight = 40, input = { --[[table: 0x1741bb50]] ... }, text = "homeMenuText", actions = { --[[table: 0x1741b800]] ... }, window = { --[[table: 0x1741bb70]] ... }, }, { --[[table: 0x1741bbf0]] ["70"] = "actions", myMusic = "weight", ["HASH(0x34b28dc)"] = "window", text = "id", myMusicMusicFolder = "node", ["HASH(0x34a4a9c)"] = function: 0x1687cbb0, }, }
Fixed in change 27893.
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server! * SqueezeCenter: 28672 * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130 * Transporter: 80 * Receiver: 65 * Boom: 50 * Controller: 7790 * Radio: 7790 Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.