Bug 11740 - Attempting to download the Debian/Ubuntu SC package installer brings you to wiki page
: Attempting to download the Debian/Ubuntu SC package installer brings you to w...
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Setup
: 7.3.2
: PC Ubuntu Linux
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Matthew J. Martin
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-04-09 14:13 UTC by Julius Dauz
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:30 UTC (History)
8 users (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Julius Dauz 2009-04-09 14:13:51 UTC
When you attempt to download the Package Installer from the support downloads page, it brings you to the following page: 


Wouldn't it be easier to have the customer install using the Debian Installer Package rather than attempt a terminal install?
Comment 1 Walker LaRon 2009-04-09 14:15:26 UTC
Hello All,

Can we just make it like the Linux RPM, and just download the file, instead of a re-direct?


Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-04-09 14:51:37 UTC
Dean: Can you comment on this please
Comment 3 Walker LaRon 2009-04-09 15:28:34 UTC
Hello All,

I have just spoken with Matthew M, and he stated that the "Redirect to the Wiki page" for the Debian/Ubuntu download decision was made by Product Marketing.


Comment 4 Matthew J. Martin 2009-04-09 15:31:06 UTC
This was a product marketing decision a long time ago. Something about different distributions having different instructions.

Whatever the right solution is, this will be implemented in the refreshed site due to launch this month.
Comment 5 Blackketter Dean 2009-04-09 16:09:31 UTC
Matthew: What will be implemented?  We'll be moving SC downloads to SN for 8.0, and until then we need to have the non-mainstream (non-mac/windows) linked from a community maintained site.
Comment 6 Matthew J. Martin 2009-04-09 16:21:56 UTC
Sorry to clarify, I meant whatever functionality changes are needed won't happen on SlimDevices.com, they will be made to the refreshed LogitechSqueezebox.com.

Regardless of where SC downloads actually live, LogitechSqueezebox.com will always have links to them from both product and support areas.

Let me know what the best user experience flow is for these downloads and we'll accommodate that.
Comment 7 Chris Owens 2009-04-13 09:49:34 UTC
The concensus of the bug meeting is that linking to the download is NOT the easy or right thing to do.  Linking to the wiki allows the user to set up a more maintainable and user-friendly system by adding our debian package server to their sources.list instead of downloading packages, which is frankly the less user-friendly option.
Comment 8 Ross Levine 2009-04-21 18:28:19 UTC
I'm curious, how is editing sources.list and updating via aptitude easier and more maintainable? RPM download links to the package, why not have Debian downloads do the same? Same package either way. 

From my perspective it is easier to download the .deb file from a link rather than editing sources.list.
Comment 9 Matt Wise 2009-04-22 09:12:54 UTC
Agreed. I've always thought we should just link to the .deb package.  
Linking to a Wiki article is not a great customer experience.
Comment 10 Blackketter Dean 2009-04-22 09:22:52 UTC
I've put direct links on the wiki page, feel free to improve.
Comment 11 Matt Wise 2009-04-22 09:28:19 UTC
Why not just make the downloads page directly download the file? Isn't  
that the best possible customer experience for someone actually trying  
to download SqueezeCenter?
Comment 12 Ross Levine 2009-04-22 13:28:34 UTC
http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html If you select RPM you're linked to the rpm file. If you select Debian / Ubuntu you're sent to the wiki. Not only is this inconsistent, it's more work for the user. They don't need to edit sources.list, they can simply download the .deb file. 

I feel we should do what is easiest for the customer; I believe we should just point to the .deb file. 

Dean / Wise Matt, are there any technical advantages to using sources.list that I'm unaware of? As far as I know it's the same file just a more complex means to get to it via our wiki.
Comment 13 Ross Levine 2009-04-22 13:29:36 UTC
Support input welcome. :)
Comment 14 Anoop Mehta 2009-04-22 13:34:59 UTC
Supports opinion is clear here...we think it is much easier for the customer to get directed to download the .deb file. 

When we get calls on editing the sources.list file we let the customer know that there is an easier way to do this and point them to the .deb file from downloads.slimdevices.com.
Comment 15 Matthew J. Martin 2009-04-22 16:12:24 UTC
Based on QA & Supports suggestions Sam Feng has made an executive product marketing decision to supply the .deb in the same manner as the other files.  I'll make this change today.
Comment 16 Matthew J. Martin 2009-04-22 16:26:04 UTC
Fixed w/ r5644.  Ross, care to verify? --


I'll push live after the bug is verified.
Comment 17 Ross Levine 2009-04-22 16:41:02 UTC
(In reply to comment #16)
> Fixed w/ r5644.  Ross, care to verify? --

Verified as fixed, thanks to all involved! :-)
Comment 18 Matthew J. Martin 2009-04-28 14:03:47 UTC
Download page will not link to Norman build per Sam Feng. The thought being it's more confusing than anything (and breaks Win2K) especially with ambiguous "Norman" vs. "Norton" name.
Comment 19 Matthew J. Martin 2009-04-28 14:12:44 UTC
ignore last comment