Bug 12191 - Can only enter one Slacker Favorite
: Can only enter one Slacker Favorite
Status: NEW
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Slacker
: Prod
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: Joplin
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-05-28 15:32 UTC by Mark Miksis
Modified: 2009-07-28 12:53 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Mark Miksis 2009-05-28 15:32:05 UTC
From the playerUI, if I "add to Slacker Favorites", it only seems to remember one entry.  When I add a second, the first one gets bumped off.  I can add multiple entries from slacker.com as expected.  If I add another one from the playerUI, it will sometimes show up in the webUI, but the playerUI will only display the last one added.

Observed when connected to either SC 7.4 or prod SN.
Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-05-28 15:52:31 UTC
Mark: What firmware version is on your controller, does the same thing happen when using SqueezePlay?
Comment 2 Mark Miksis 2009-05-28 15:54:52 UTC
I haven't even tried this with a controller - but I will.  By "playerUI", I mean ip3k.
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2009-07-28 12:53:37 UTC
Punting bugs that won't make it for the next release.