Bug 15333 - Menus aren't in correct language sometimes
: Menus aren't in correct language sometimes
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 15108
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Napster
: unspecified
: PC Other
: P2 normal (vote)
: Joplin
Assigned To: Michael Herger
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Reported: 2009-12-18 14:24 UTC by Joerg Schwieder
Modified: 2010-03-31 07:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Joerg Schwieder 2009-12-18 14:24:16 UTC
When I open the Napster App while my interface language is set to German, I get a mix of German and English menu items.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2009-12-21 05:25:18 UTC
Is this only about Napster or any service? As many of those menus are fed by the service providers it would be very helpful to know which menu isn't translated properly.
Comment 2 Andy Grundman 2009-12-21 06:04:52 UTC
I'm sure it's just a Napster issue, because they provide the menu text themselves.
Comment 3 Joerg Schwieder 2009-12-21 08:47:17 UTC
Err... no.

Today (I did not apply Michael's patch, yet), ALL of my "App" menus are English.

My Client Language (Accept Language) is set to "German", my server's Language setting is set to "English" and so is my test.SN account, so these might also play into this.

My "Radios" which still use the "traditional" XMLBrowser meus are German (don't ask me, why).

This is a bit strange since I am sure that when I filed this bug, Napster was a mix and Last.fm was German.

BTW, I see the same thing on iPeng and Controller, so I don't think it's an iPeng thing.
Comment 4 Chris Owens 2010-02-08 09:27:28 UTC
Michael notes there is a bug he has seen where menu items show up in the wrong language from time to time.  However, it is certainly true that Napster has a number of problems in localizing their menu items.

We can't fix Napster's problem, obviously.  Are you seeing this other issue Michael talks about?
Comment 5 Joerg Schwieder 2010-02-08 09:32:40 UTC
I don't know which other issue you mean, but right now Napster is NOT localized at all for me.
Most other services are, so it obviously has something to do with Napster.

Yet I don't believe it's a "Napster only" issue. When using Napster, even things like the Standard items in Context menus are NOT localized at all, but these are SBS or MySB items.
For example: When using the local library or Last.fm, I get a menu item called "Auf Pandora", with Napster that same menu item is called "On Pandora" so is obviously not localized (I'm using German).

IMHO, this has to be a plugin/app issue.
Comment 6 Joerg Schwieder 2010-02-08 09:38:22 UTC
Actually, I'm not only seeing this with Napster.
While Last.fm's context menus are correct, their "normal" menus are English, too.
Comment 7 Michael Herger 2010-03-31 06:38:19 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 15108 ***
Comment 8 Joerg Schwieder 2010-03-31 06:43:31 UTC
Michael, are you sure this is the same thing?
The issue I am reporting here is not about menus changing the language but menus showing up in the wrong language (permanently, always).
Comment 9 Michael Herger 2010-03-31 06:49:09 UTC
Your description of the problem isn't very clear about this. "Today (I did not apply Michael's patch, yet), ALL of my "App" menus are English." sounds like it's not always the case?
Comment 10 Joerg Schwieder 2010-03-31 07:23:59 UTC
Oh, that was back then and it was to indicate that I wasn't sure how long it had been that way.
Now it's consistent: some menus are German, some are English but they stay that way.