Bug 1735 - Scanning (corrupt) playlists adds albums, removes years
: Scanning (corrupt) playlists adds albums, removes years
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 6.1.0
: PC All
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: KDF
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Reported: 2005-06-29 23:10 UTC by Michael Herger
Modified: 2008-08-18 10:54 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

The playlist. It was created under Windows using winamp, I guess. (1.15 KB, text/plain)
2005-06-29 23:13 UTC, Michael Herger
log while scanning "Peter Gabriel" folder (100.61 KB, application/x-gzip)
2005-06-29 23:20 UTC, Michael Herger
Scan Log and M3U that results in files being erroneously indexed in "C:\WINDOWS\system32" (3.97 KB, text/plain)
2005-07-04 17:50 UTC, Neil MacLeod
d_path and d_scan logs for D:\Music\Test\MP3\Portishead\Dummy (25.78 KB, text/plain)
2005-07-09 14:08 UTC, Neil MacLeod
d_paths and d_parse logs for D:\Music\Test\MP3\Portishead\Dummy (5.80 KB, text/plain)
2005-07-09 17:28 UTC, Neil MacLeod
d_paths, d_parse and d_scan logs for D:\Music\Test\MP3\Portishead\Dummy (27.66 KB, text/plain)
2005-07-09 20:38 UTC, Neil MacLeod
check -e for m3u entries (707 bytes, patch)
2005-07-14 22:06 UTC, KDF
Details | Diff
-e checks for all playlists (1.17 KB, patch)
2005-07-15 00:30 UTC, KDF
Details | Diff

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Michael Herger 2005-06-29 23:10:30 UTC
I have a folder "Peter Gabriel" with the following content:

1 (Car)/
2 (Scratch)/
3 (Melt)/
4 (Security)/
Ein deutsches Album [3]/
Ein deutsches Album [4]/
Growing Up (Summer 2003) - 06.26.03 Milwaukee/
OVO Millennium Show/
Plays Live/
Secret World Live/
Shaking the Tree/
Sky Blue (Martin Bennet Remix).mp3*
Still Growing UP - Zurich 24.05.04/

pg.m3u contains a reference to "1 (car)" (yes, lowercase!). This is added as an empty album to the 
album list.

The other albums contained in that playlist (Up, So) don't show their year in the album list. 

After removing the playlist and a rescan everything's fine again.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2005-06-29 23:13:00 UTC
Created attachment 583 [details]
The playlist. It was created under Windows using winamp, I guess.
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2005-06-29 23:20:18 UTC
Created attachment 584 [details]
log while scanning "Peter Gabriel" folder

Oh, it isn't reading any information from this playlist as it does not find the
files (see slimserver.log). Might be due to using Windows style backslashes but
running the server on Linux.

Shouldn't playlist entries which aren't available be ignored?
Comment 3 Vidur Apparao 2005-06-30 14:21:01 UTC
Dan is fixing playlist scanning in the music folder...to make sure that they aren't.
Comment 4 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-04 17:45:57 UTC
Perhaps a related bug is reported in this post in the forums:

It seems that when scanning a music folder that contains a *.m3u file such as
the following:
Portishead - Mysterons.mp3
#EXTINF:254,Sour Times
Portishead - Sour Times.mp3
Portishead - Strangers.mp3
#EXTINF:260,It Could Be Sweet
Portishead - It Could Be Sweet.mp3
#EXTINF:297,Wandering Star
Portishead - Wandering Star.mp3
Portishead - Numb.mp3
Portishead - Roads.mp3
Portishead - Pedestal.mp3
Portishead - Biscuit.mp3
#EXTINF:309,Glory Box
Portishead - Glory Box.mp3

6.1b1 will prefix the directory and song name with "C:/WINDOWS/system32". With
the 12 June 2005 nightly this did not happen and I had 5113 songs in the library
(which is correct) but now with 6.1b1 I have 7233 songs in my library (very
Comment 5 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-04 17:50:45 UTC
Created attachment 597 [details]
Scan Log and M3U that results in files being erroneously indexed in "C:\WINDOWS\system32"

This behaviour is seen with 6.1b1 on Windows 2003 Server. Never seen before
this version (last version used 12 Jun 2005 nightly). Previous version (12 Jun
2005) uninstalled and 6.1b1 installed from scratch.
Comment 6 KDF 2005-07-05 01:11:26 UTC
neil, could you attach a d_paths log for the same section as the d_scan? These
playlists are relative paths, so the d_paths will hopefully show anything going
wrong in converting the relative to absolute.
Comment 7 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-09 14:08:55 UTC
Created attachment 620 [details]
d_path and d_scan logs for D:\Music\Test\MP3\Portishead\Dummy

Hi kdf - sorry for the late reply, I didn't receive an email from bugzilla
informing me this entry had been updated.

To simply matters, I've created a new library consisting only of the Porishead
album, as follows:


The "Dummy" directory consists of 11 items - 10 songs and 1 m3u/playlist file.
The playlist file is as previously attached to my earlier entry. The d_paths
and d_scan log output for the single "Dummy" directory is attached to this

Having rescanned the library for the single Portishead album, when I access the
"Home" page of the web interface (Browse Artists) Slim Server informs me that I
now have "2 albums with 20 songs by 2 artists" and lists All Albums, No Artist
and Portishead.

If I drill into the Portishead, Slim Server informs me I have "1 album with 10
songs by 1 artist" and lists the album Dummy. Drilling into Dummy correctly
lists the 10 tracks.

However if I drill into "No Artist" from the Home page, Slim Server informs me
I have "1 album with 10 songs by 1 artist" - an album called "No Album" is
listed, but drilling into this album results in an empty track listing.
Clicking on the "No Artist" in the navigation "Browse Artists /  No Artist / 
No Album" results in the message "0 albums with 0 songs by 0 artists". Clicking
on "Browse Artists" now results in "2 albums with 10 songs by 1 artist", and
only Portishead is listed.

Note that the above testing has been performed using 6.1b2 on Windows 2003
Server, standard install in "C:\Program Files\SlimServer" and running slim.exe
as a service.
Comment 8 KDF 2005-07-09 14:23:24 UTC
ok, something is wrong with parsing m3u and fixPath().

As I dont' run windows, I can't easily test with this setup myself.  However, if
you can provide the same section of scan with just d_paths and d_parse it might
help narrow down the point where things go wrong.
Comment 9 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-09 17:28:26 UTC
Created attachment 621 [details]
d_paths and d_parse logs for D:\Music\Test\MP3\Portishead\Dummy

Hi kdf - log attached for the scan of the single Portishead/Dummy directory
with d_paths and d_parse enabled.

Let me know if I can be of any assistance.

PS. Bugzilla emails still don't seem to be arriving... :(
Comment 10 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-09 17:29:53 UTC
Forget about the email issues - probably explained due to me not being the
reporter, assignee, cc or voter! Adding myself to cc list... :)
Comment 11 KDF 2005-07-09 19:15:26 UTC
a few notes:
this seems to be the result of change 3507, which is the playlist-bmf merge.
in the branch, this was change 3427.

we used to do pathFromFileURL, but instead its now splitdir and catdir, which
doesn't seem to construct a proper fileurl at the end.

Cause is around Utils/Scan.pm line 638.

at line 643 may help, but I can't be sure without a test on my windows machine.
 May work for Michael as well.

Comment 12 KDF 2005-07-09 19:22:52 UTC
seems to get valid looking results on my linux setup, so I've committed to trunk
at change 3661.  This means it will make it to the July 10 nightly build. 
Please try scaning with that and see if you have improved results.

Michael, I'm not sure yet why you are seeing metadata issues with this, but the
paths should now parse correctly for your playlist.  try updating svn and see if
you see any improvement
Comment 13 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-09 19:55:06 UTC
OK, real thickie question - after adding the patch to line 640 of Utils/Scan.pm,
what do I have to do for Slim Server to pick up the change? I've tried stopping
and restarting (after saving the updated Scan.pm!) but am not seeing any
difference. I added an extra $::d_scan message but am not seeing it output, so I
don't think the server has picked up the change to Scan.pm.

Being a newbie when it comes to Perl, is there anything else I need to do in
addition to changing the source file?
Comment 14 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-09 20:38:15 UTC
Created attachment 622 [details]
d_paths, d_parse and d_scan logs for D:\Music\Test\MP3\Portishead\Dummy

Found out that running "perl slimserver.pl --d_paths --d_parse --d_scan" from
the command line does the trick - lucky I had perl already installed :)

I've attached the logs (d_paths, d_parse and d_scan enabled) for the single
"Dummy" directory - it's improved but still not correct as it continues to load
20 files but no longer references C:\Windows\System32 as part of the filename
(lots of \\\\ though).

My Utils\Scan.pm now looks like the following:

	if ($playlist_filehandle) {
		my $playlist_base = undef;

		if (Slim::Music::Info::isFileURL($playlisturl)) {
			my @parts = splitdir($playlistpath);
			shift(@parts);	# Added 10 July 2005
			$playlist_base =
			$::d_scan && msg("gonna scan $playlisturl, with path
$playlistpath, for base: $playlist_base\n");
Comment 15 KDF 2005-07-09 20:51:34 UTC
neil, can you add:

use Data::Dumper;
print Dumper(\@parts);

before the pop(@parts) line and try that again.  no debug flags needed this time.
Comment 16 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-09 21:07:03 UTC
With those two lines added and no debug options, I get the following in the console:

C:\Program Files\SlimServer\server>perl slimserver.pl
$VAR1 = [

Any good? :)
Comment 17 KDF 2005-07-09 21:09:57 UTC
thanks.  that's just what I was expecting to see.  The old method (pre r3427) would work, but I'll need 
to find out from Dan why the pathFromFileURL command was removed before simply dropping it back 

Comment 18 KDF 2005-07-09 23:25:02 UTC
I have now reverted change 3661, in favour of a reversion of change 3427 which
should more cleanly handle the path conversion and other problems.  

Will await feedback from Neil and Michael from next nightly.
Comment 19 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-10 11:50:52 UTC
Just to confirm that the June 10 nightly is looking good with the patch from kdf.
Comment 20 Neil MacLeod 2005-07-10 11:51:11 UTC
Ermm... July 10. :)
Comment 21 Michael Herger 2005-07-11 00:17:38 UTC
I don't see any change, with or without the shift(@parts). What change would you have expected?
Comment 22 Michael Herger 2005-07-11 00:20:29 UTC
Oh, there's been a change - though not an improvement: I now have two artists. "Peter Gabriel" and 
"Peter%20Gabriel". The latter is the artist of all the albums in the playlist, but they contain no song.
Comment 23 KDF 2005-07-11 00:24:17 UTC
don't use the shift patch (that leaves url escaping in).  the july 10 nightly
uses the pathFromFileURL conversion, which should clean up url escaping (bug 1717)
Comment 24 Michael Herger 2005-07-11 00:37:58 UTC
Thanks, Kevin, just finished a rescan without the shift(..). But my problems remain: empty albums and no 
year for those that exist AND are in the playlist. Does the album parsed from the playlist overwrite the 
album parsed from tags, thus removing the date info?
Comment 25 KDF 2005-07-11 00:49:40 UTC
the patch changed nothing but the parsing of playlists for filenames.  you'll
need to look at the d_info, d_parse, d_scan logs to see what is going on with
the metadata.  I had simply hoped that having the urls correct would have
matched up the song data properly.  be sure you are using the latest nightly,
with none of the tweaks previously mentioned for this bug.
Comment 26 Michael Herger 2005-07-11 01:21:05 UTC
When scanning playlists slimserver even stores information for files which do _not_ exist (or it does not 
find). As my playlist had been created on Windows but the server is running on linux it does not recognize 
the backslash as a path separator:

2005-07-11 09:58:16.6606   entry from file: #EXTINF:382,Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6615   found title: Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6621   entry from file: So\05 - Mercy Street.mp3
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6646     entry: file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%20Mercy%
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6702 New track for file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6711 readTag was 1 for file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6730 Converting file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%
20Mercy%20Street.mp3 to /home/mh/Musig/Peter Gabriel/So\05 - Mercy Street.mp3
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6743 mp3 file type for file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6751 reading tags for: file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6773 Info: no tags found for /home/mh/Musig/Peter Gabriel/So\05 - Mercy Street.mp3
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6782 Info: no title found, using plain title for file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6787 Guessing tags for: file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%

...and then it's (wrongly) _guessing_ the information from the information found in the playlist.

2005-07-11 09:58:16.6840 ARTIST => Peter Gabriel
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6845 ALBUM => So
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6850 TRACKNUM => 05
2005-07-11 09:58:16.6855 TITLE => Mercy Street

This is ok so far. But then:

2005-07-11 09:58:16.6873 Adding file:///home/mh/Musig/Peter%20Gabriel/So%5C05%20-%20Mercy%
20Street.mp3 : TITLE to Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street

Why is is the title set to "Peter Gabriel - Mercy Street" here? It was correctly recognized only 0.0018 
seconds before :-)

And shouldn't it, while scanning playlists, simply ignore local files that don't exist? 
Comment 27 KDF 2005-07-11 01:33:43 UTC
the title is being set from the EXTINF info, instead of guessTags.
guessTags is called for any files that appear to have no tags.  The EXTINF
information, then appears to override info for the tracks.

is mercy street a file that doesn't actually exist on the drive?
Comment 28 Michael Herger 2005-07-11 02:09:59 UTC
The file does exist. But the server is running on linux, and the playlist contains backspaces. "so\05 - mercy 
street.mp3" therefore isn't recoginzed as "so/05 - mercy street.mp3", but interpreted as a filename with 
escaped "\05" or something. Which does not exist.
Comment 29 Michael Herger 2005-07-11 22:51:22 UTC
The disappearing year has been fixed by change 3669.

Still seeing empty albums, though.
Comment 30 KDF 2005-07-14 10:39:43 UTC
I think what this is is the guesstags somehow kicking in when no tags are found.
 you can try turning off all the guesstags to confirm.  What is likely needed is:
1) better fixpath to avoid the mixed up paths.
2) a -e test is some logical location prior to updateOrCreate. Annoyingly, this
would likely require a pathFromFileUrl call since the fileURL is the object
present at the best place for this test.
Comment 31 KDF 2005-07-14 22:06:47 UTC
Created attachment 639 [details]
check -e for m3u entries

this is an example, parsing cue and reading m3u.  it would have to be spread
out to the rest of the read/parsing to be more complete.  However, I wanted to
know how well this worked against the reproducable case.  

let me know, michael :)
Comment 32 Michael Herger 2005-07-14 23:35:17 UTC
I can only speak for m3u files (don't have *.cue). But your patch is fine for me! Thanks.
Comment 33 KDF 2005-07-15 00:30:49 UTC
Created attachment 641 [details]
-e checks for all playlists

may not make sense for cue's (since they can be indexed), but here is the patch
to cover m3u, pls, wpl, asx.  waiting for approval before comitting.
Comment 34 Dan Sully 2005-07-15 09:06:19 UTC
-r seems like a better check.
Comment 35 KDF 2005-07-15 10:42:12 UTC
agreed.  will merge tonight.  
Comment 36 KDF 2005-07-15 22:24:37 UTC
committed -r check at subversion change 3719.  Is there anything else we should
be doing to finish this one off?
Comment 37 Michael Herger 2005-07-16 00:02:14 UTC
The issues I encountered are all fixed (m3u only).

Comment 38 KDF 2005-07-16 00:23:01 UTC
cool.  one more down then.  can reopen of create new reports if anything related
comes up.
Comment 39 Chris Owens 2008-03-11 11:28:24 UTC
This bug was marked resolved in Slimserver 6.1, which is several versions ago.  If you're still seeing this bug, please re-open it.  Thanks!