Bug 1717 - All tracks are repeated with invalid path
: All tracks are repeated with invalid path
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 6.1.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal with 1 vote (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
Depends on: 1716
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Reported: 2005-06-25 16:59 UTC by Jim McAtee
Modified: 2008-08-18 10:54 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

SlimServer prefs file (7.59 KB, text/plain)
2005-06-25 17:11 UTC, Jim McAtee
Modified types.conf, with .m3u commented out (3.30 KB, text/plain)
2005-06-25 17:12 UTC, Jim McAtee

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Jim McAtee 2005-06-25 16:59:40 UTC
Rev 3559.  Maybe related to bug 1716, maybe no.  All tracks are in the tracks 
table twice - once with their correct path and once with an invalid path.  The 
form of the bad path in all instances is


The correct path is

Comment 1 Dan Sully 2005-06-25 17:02:36 UTC
Can you please attach your slimserver.pref file?

Do you have any windows shortcuts in your directory tree?
Comment 2 Jim McAtee 2005-06-25 17:11:53 UTC
Created attachment 573 [details]
SlimServer prefs file
Comment 3 Jim McAtee 2005-06-25 17:12:57 UTC
Created attachment 574 [details]
Modified types.conf, with .m3u commented out
Comment 4 Jim McAtee 2005-06-25 17:15:22 UTC
No, no shortcuts.  I do have m3u playlists for albums in each directory.  I'm 
still using the workaround of commenting out the m3u entry in types.conf.  See 
Comment 5 Dan Sully 2005-06-25 18:24:18 UTC
What exactly are you working around with the commented out m3u in types.conf ?
Comment 6 Jim McAtee 2005-06-25 19:00:53 UTC
Argh... check that.  My bad.  The suffix 'cue' is commented out in my 
types.conf.  I store both a cue sheet and an m3u file in every album folder.  
The types.conf workaround was to get SlimServer to ignore the cue files.  Any 
time a cue file had conflicting info I'd see additional albums and artists 
added to the database.  Since the cue sheet is generated when I rip the CD, 
this is fairly common if the files are later retagged with a different artist 
or album name or spelling.

Comment 7 Vidur Apparao 2005-06-30 14:01:00 UTC
Related to bug 1716...Dan is working on it for 6.1.
Comment 8 KDF 2005-07-09 20:28:04 UTC
I've committed a fix at change 3661 that should clean up path fixing from
playlists.  try updating svn, or July 10 build and rescan.
Comment 9 Chris Owens 2008-03-11 11:28:24 UTC
This bug was marked resolved in Slimserver 6.1, which is several versions ago.  If you're still seeing this bug, please re-open it.  Thanks!