Bug 12319 - RTC Backup Alarm stops after 1 min if no network connections
: RTC Backup Alarm stops after 1 min if no network connections
Product: SB Boom
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Hardware
: 43
: PC Windows Vista
: P4 normal with 7 votes (vote)
: 7.5.x
Assigned To: Felix Mueller
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Reported: 2009-06-09 12:25 UTC by Norbert
Modified: 2011-05-09 15:20 UTC (History)
9 users (show)

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Category: Bug


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Description Norbert 2009-06-09 12:25:28 UTC
If no network connection the alarm should be longer than 1 min - see also posted thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=64292

By the way - how do I update firmware on my boom. As I understand current version is 46. My boom has 43 and i do not get a notification regardless if connected to squeezenetwork or squeezecenter. Documentation says that i can press brightness key on the remote to force update - but the boom rempote does not have a brightness key ...

Comment 1 James Richardson 2009-06-09 13:57:15 UTC
This is by design
Comment 2 Mike Cappella 2009-06-16 11:25:50 UTC
My 2c - alarms should never stop unless either a) stopped by the user, or b) a sufficiently long timeout has occurred.  Alarms are simply TOO IMPORTANT to many peoples lives.

I'd like to see Logitech up the ante re: alarms.  Alarms: YES or Alarms: NO, but no Alarms: USUALLY.

Either alarms are a *reliably implemented feature*, or they are just toys, not to be trusted.
Comment 3 James Richardson 2009-06-16 14:48:45 UTC
*** Bug 12401 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 4 quentin.jackson 2009-06-17 00:57:41 UTC
I agree, it should go for more than 1 minute, it should behave in a loop until either snooze is pressed or the alarm is cancelled.  I purchased this device primarily as an alarm clock so it's really important.  I've missed two alarms in the last week, I have no idea why, I'd go so far as saying that it didn't go at all, no backup alarm or anything.... until I saw this!
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2009-07-06 09:15:24 UTC
Weldon and Andy note that we should see what other alarm clocks do.

Seth, do you have any comments to add?
Comment 6 Seth Schulte 2009-07-06 16:44:06 UTC
I did a little digging. It's actually a bit tough to nail down a "typical" alarm duration, but it's certainly longer than one minute...

The typical alarm clock _snooze_ duration is 7-9 minutes. The reasoning is that five minutes is deemed too short and 10 minutes is too long.

Based on this, we should increase the backup alarm duration to 30 minutes since five minutes is probably the minimum and one hour is probably too long.
Comment 7 Felix Mueller 2009-07-07 01:17:55 UTC
Changed title to clarify we are talking about the RTC (real time clock) built in alarm duration.
Comment 8 Blackketter Dean 2009-07-07 05:01:50 UTC
I'm not sure why the RTC clock behavior should be any/much different than the standard clock.
Comment 9 Seth Schulte 2009-07-30 16:36:03 UTC
Changed priority. Reassigned to Felix.

Please reassign as appropriate if this one's not for you Felix.
Comment 10 Ben Klaas 2009-08-26 07:50:11 UTC
this is an administrative shuffle on priority fields to help make better judgment on the top end of the priority list. P4->P5, P3->P4, and P2->P3.
Comment 11 Neil Davidson (Funkstar) 2009-09-24 04:24:02 UTC
For Completeness, another thread discussing this issue:
Comment 12 JP Moins 2009-09-27 06:15:41 UTC
My 2cts on the subject, as I own a Boom and have played a lot with power management on the SC server, making the setup unstable at times. I have been saved more than once by alarm clocks other than the Boom which failed to wake me. 

My normal setup:
- I use alarms on the Boom, volume at 55 or 60%, on a local playlist. The Boom is wired. I've had troubles in wireless mode, and using internet radios (URLs changing or timeouts)
- I always keep my phone as a backup. It is self-powered. I use 3 alarms at 5 minutes distance, each lasts about 60 seconds (not my choice). Volume is set to max. It's unpleasant but not extremely loud of course.

When I have a plane to catch, I add my old radio clock that I did not remove from the bedroom. It has backup battery power. It plays FM radio -hint- or a buzzer for 60 minutes. Volume is set to max. That's loud.

My opinion on the Boom backup alarm:
It is fired in emergency situation, so I'd try to make it last as long as possible and gradually go to max volume: generally it takes me a few *minutes* to react in the morning. And at equal volume, some sounds will wake me and others not.

I am unclear as if the Boom has any capability of ringing the alarm if network failure is due to power failure. The battery option in Radio is a must-have in this use, i guess.
Comment 13 Felix Mueller 2009-09-27 07:28:59 UTC
There are two levels of backup alarm. One is used when there still is a network connection and the desired playlist or radio station fails to play. This bug is not about this situation.

This bug (and hence the title RTC - real time clock) talks about the second level of backup alarm (duped RTC alarm) which comes into play in case the network connection is lost when the alarm is due. It is not a playlist nor can the RTC alarm sound be changed by the user. It is a five tone sequence which is programmed fix into firmware.

The RTC alarm currently is set to last for one minute. It has been suggested to up this time to the same length a regular alarm is using which is one hour.

Seth: you suggested 30 minutes in comment #6. Is that still what you want or should I set it to one hour to make it the same length as the regular alarm time as Dean suggested in comment #8?

BTW: Snooze time is set to 9 minutes for the RTC alarm.

Comment 14 Seth Schulte 2009-10-09 16:02:21 UTC
Dean's right. There is no reason it should be different than the standard clock. So, it should be an hour.
Comment 15 SVN Bot 2009-10-16 09:20:25 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #6492 to the player repo by felix ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/player?view=revision&revision=6492 ==

Bug: 12319 +1
Description: Extend RTC backup alarm (SBB) from 1 minute to 60 minutes.
Comment 16 Felix Mueller 2009-10-16 09:23:30 UTC
This will be available with SBB firmware version 51.
Comment 17 Mickey Gee 2010-04-02 09:37:11 UTC
Changed release target since firmware 51 is not targeted for 7.5.0
Comment 18 Paul Chandler 2011-05-09 15:20:22 UTC
Boom FW 56
SBS 7.6.0 r 32390

RTC backup alarm (5 tones) continues until snoozed or stopped (60 minutes)