Bug 4773 - WMA lossless file will not play
: WMA lossless file will not play
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Transcoding
: 6.5.1
: PC Windows XP
: P2 trivial (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Ross Levine
Depends on:
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Reported: 2007-02-20 16:03 UTC by Anoop Mehta
Modified: 2008-12-18 11:11 UTC (History)
6 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

File that will not play (24.25 MB, audio/x-ms-wma)
2007-02-20 16:20 UTC, Anoop Mehta
Top half of file types screen shot (5.37 MB, application/octet-stream)
2007-02-26 17:37 UTC, Anoop Mehta
Screen shot of file types (5.37 MB, application/octet-stream)
2007-02-26 17:46 UTC, Anoop Mehta
D_Source log (71.02 KB, application/octet-stream)
2007-02-26 17:50 UTC, Anoop Mehta
New log sent in by customer (344.28 KB, application/octet-stream)
2007-03-15 12:41 UTC, Anoop Mehta

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Anoop Mehta 2007-02-20 16:03:55 UTC
Attatched is a customers file that will not play on his end. We have tested the file on my(Anoop's) computer and it plays perfectly. I have SlimServer 6.5.1 and Windows Media Player version 9. We also tested the file on Ross' computer and it did not play. He is using 6.5.1 and Windows Media Player version 10. The customer is using version 10 as well. All tests have been done on a Windows XP machine. For further note Ross' computer does have some server issues that havent been resolved. What these issues are we do not know but they might be related.
Comment 1 KDF 2007-02-20 16:12:16 UTC
While service is stopped, from command prompt (start->programs->accessories->command prompt:

c:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe --d_source

Worth noting as a starting point for any playback failure. This will reveal the command being used, thus uncovering any file types settings problems, missing binaries, etc.  It will also show any cases where the trancoding application is failing, or any error messages that the server throws due to codec issues.

Comment 2 Anoop Mehta 2007-02-20 16:20:12 UTC
Created attachment 1819 [details]
File that will not play

File that will not play
Comment 3 Spies Steven 2007-02-21 12:27:30 UTC
Excellent information KDF, thank you. I suspect that this issue has something to do with the users File Types settings or possibly wmadec since we cannot currently play WMA lossless on the hardware noted in Bug 2565. The file plays fine on my systems and is most likely not a bug.
Comment 4 Chris Owens 2007-02-22 14:56:52 UTC
Anoop, could you go back to the customer and try and get some information about their Slimserver 'File Types' settings, and a log including d_source, as KDF suggests?  Thanks.
Comment 5 Anoop Mehta 2007-02-26 17:37:17 UTC
Created attachment 1821 [details]
Top half of file types screen shot

Here is the top half of screen shot for file types. Other screen shots and d_source log, i am still waiting for.
Comment 6 Anoop Mehta 2007-02-26 17:46:40 UTC
Created attachment 1822 [details]
Screen shot of file types
Comment 7 Anoop Mehta 2007-02-26 17:50:23 UTC
Created attachment 1823 [details]
D_Source log
Comment 8 Spies Steven 2007-02-27 09:32:00 UTC
I pasted the error from the log file below but I am not sure what would cause it. Has the user tried a nightly build? Any other ideas?

Pipeline reader connected
readlen undef: (Unknown error)10054
end of file or error on socket, opening next song, (song pos: 0(tell says: . 0), totalbytes: 0)
Didn't stream any bytes for this song, so just mark it as played
opening next song...
Comment 9 Chris Owens 2007-02-28 16:11:55 UTC
I'm also having no problem playing the file.  The file types screen shot shows the default settings, which is transcoding to FLAC on the server side.  I'm running WMP11.

Steven, do you have an image running WMP10 and 6.5.1 that you could try to reproduce this on?
Comment 10 Spies Steven 2007-02-28 16:54:37 UTC
When I get a chance I will check to see if I have one running windows media player 10. However I was under the impression that wmadec did not rely on windows media player at all. Am I mistaken?
Comment 11 Spies Steven 2007-03-01 11:44:54 UTC
OK, wmadec IS dependent upon the Windows Media Player DLLs in order to work. It is certainly possible that WMA10 is the culprit here.
Comment 12 Spies Steven 2007-03-01 12:54:15 UTC
I just installed Windows Media Player 10 on a fresh install of Windows XP and I had no problems playing the file. I suspect the problem lies with the DLLs on the customers system. Perhaps a reinstall of Windows Media Player 10 or even an upgrade to Windows Media Player 11 would fix the problem.
Comment 13 Spies Steven 2007-03-05 11:25:46 UTC
Anoop, have we heard back from the customer on this one?
Comment 14 Anoop Mehta 2007-03-12 11:04:05 UTC
Customer wrote back with this:

I have upgraded to windows media 11 and the problem persists.  I also reset the transporter to factory settings and redid setup, still no change.  The transporter recognizes files on my pc but won’t play them.  When I go to the computer, I see the song in the playlist but its not playing and pushing play does from the computer also causes nothing to happen.

Comment 15 Spies Steven 2007-03-12 11:42:02 UTC
Did WMA lossless ever work for this customer? I still suspect it has something to do with wmadec and DLLs. I suggest that the customer try playing a WMA lossless file with only Windows Media to WAV selected in file types. I think this would narrow it down to wmadec being the only culprit. I suppose another approach would be to run wmadec from the command line and see if it runs successfully. I am inclined to mark this WORKSFORME since I cannot reproduce.
Comment 16 Robert Holbrook 2007-03-15 11:01:15 UTC
I am the customer that submitted the file that will not play.  Steven Spies, please note that your support staff has successfully reproduced this problem in house:  In the first message dated 2007-02-20 16:03, it is reported that the file plays on Anoop's computer, but not on Ross's.  In my opinion, this bug should not be labeled "WORKSFORME", since it doesn't work for Ross.

That said, I will describe my situation in more detail. 

I have used EAC to rip my files to WMAL.  I have configured EAC to use the "Microsoft WMA9 Encoder".  I have also edited the metadata with MP3Tag and WMP 10.

I have WMP 10 installed and have not tried WMP 11. Perhaps Anoop knows of another customer with a similar syndrome.  I have not been contacted since I submitted this bug in early January.

I have no problem playing these files with 6.5.0.  The problem was introduced with 6.5.1.  My 20 MP3 files play fine on 6.5.1, but my 23,000 WMAL files do not play.  Information about the file makes it to the SB3: the SB3 displays the song title and the progress bar, but progress freezes at 0:00, with the length of the song shown as remaining.  

I doubt that it matters, but I am using the S/PDIF output.

I can tell you that this does not appear to be an issue with the firmware associated with 6.5.1.  After I reverted to 6.5.0, I was able to play music through the SB3 *before* the SB3 forced me to revert to the earlier firmware.  (I used the SlimServer to cue up the music and sound from my WMAL files came out the other end.)

While trying to fix the problem, I tried various WMA file type settings as recommended by support.  That did not work.  Two and a half months later, I'm not sure which ones I tried.

Regarding the severity, I do not agree that this is a trivial problem.  Until this problem is fixed or a workaround is diagnosed, my entire library is unplayable on any release after 6.5.0.  The fact that Ross' computer had the same problem suggests that this is not an obscure error.  I understand from support that many people have called in similar errors, perhaps involving other file types.  I consider this to be a "normal" problem, that will increase in severity with each new release.


Comment 17 Anoop Mehta 2007-03-15 12:41:02 UTC
Created attachment 1843 [details]
New log sent in by customer
Comment 18 Ross Levine 2007-03-15 13:35:54 UTC

We would like one more log if you don't mind. Please stop your SlimServer and type this from the command prompt (Start -> Run -> CMD):

C:\program files\slimserver\server\slim.exe --d_source --logfile=C:\wmadecmanuallog.txt

Then play a WMA lossless file and let us know if it works, either way please attach said log. 

Thank you for your patience and understanding. 
Comment 19 Ross Levine 2007-03-15 16:42:24 UTC
One more thing. Robert if you wouldn't mind when you get a chance to install 6.5.1 again could you also please try this from command prompt:

C:\program files\slimserver\server\bin\MSWin32-x86-multi-thread\wmadac -d -o C:\wmadacoutput.txt C:\Documents and Settings\Michael Paasche\My Documents\My Music\Steve Winwood\Back in the High Life\Take It as It Comes.wma

I hope you don't mind but to make things easier I went ahead and selected a song from your library based on your logs so that you won't have to find the path. 
Comment 20 Ross Levine 2007-03-20 15:41:56 UTC
Steven I hope you don't mind but I think I'll take over on this bug for now. 

I heard from Robert that he'll have time to produce some logs sometime soon. 

I'm working with Mike via email to get some information from logs that Chris thinks will help us to understand the issue. Thank you to Mike and Robert for your patience and your help!
Comment 21 Ross Levine 2007-04-05 16:30:57 UTC
Anyone still seeing this? If so have you had a chance to produce some logs? 
Comment 22 Chris Owens 2007-04-17 12:39:44 UTC
Please let us know if you're still seeing this bug, and especially if you can provide the requested logs.  Thanks!
Comment 23 Bryan Alton 2007-05-15 17:17:34 UTC
This looks like the socketwrapper problem as it only started with 6.5.1 and will depend on some security or networking  being installed.  If it is the problem then socketwrapper in 6.5.2 will fix (see bug 5066)
Comment 24 KDF 2007-05-22 11:02:00 UTC
Marking as fixed for the release of 6.5.2 as these issues are believed to be corrected with the updates to socketwrapper included with 6.5.2.  

Please feel free to re-open if there are any continuing issues, or new symptoms we may need to investigate.
Comment 25 Chris Owens 2007-05-22 12:10:31 UTC
Fixed in 6.5.2, which is now released and available for download at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html

If you're still experiencing this bug, please re-open it!
Comment 26 Robert Holbrook 2007-05-22 21:37:55 UTC
Installing 6.5.2 fixed this problem for me.  Congratulations.

However, upgrading to 6.5.2 turned out to be worse than useless, because I apparently ran into a known bug (#4882?) where my 25,000 tracks show up in SlimServer with only 71 artists.  This thread identifies a user with the exact same syndrome
The thread suggests that DAN introduced this bug a couple of months ago and it has something to do with the COMPOSER field. Lots of people have just deleted their COMPOSER field.  That's crazy: you should fix the bug.

So, I'm reverting to 6.5.0 *again* as this bug is apparently not scheduled to be fixed until after 6.5.2.

I'm disappointed and unhappy.  I didn't have time to mess around with yet another "upgrade" that doesn't work.  My formerly very positive impression of SlimDevices is worsening.

I'm the CEO of the software business.  My suggestion is to maintain two parallel release threads: 1) A thread that includes new functions, but will inevitably be buggier, and 2) A "stability" thread for which you accumulate bug fixes.  Mixing the two isn't working for me.  Back to 6.5.0.  Again.
Comment 27 Chris Owens 2007-05-23 12:00:21 UTC
Hi Robert,

We realize bug 4882 is very annoying for many of our customers.  It's targeted to be fixed in the 5.6.3 release, which we're hoping to have out in a few more weeks.

Indeed the change has been committed to the source tree and should appear in the nightly builds.

Unfortunately we had a very hard deadline for the 6.5.2 release and were not able to halt various other processes here to wait for the 4882 fix.

I apologize for the inconvenience.
Comment 28 Ross Levine 2007-05-23 16:40:23 UTC

Bug 4882 (as well as the other related bugs, 4979, 4694, 4925, 4629) have all been fixed recently in the latest nightly build. Would you mind giving it one more try with our latest nightly to see if you no longer see either of these issues?