Bug 3981 - Firmware won't play alternate WMA streams
: Firmware won't play alternate WMA streams
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Streaming To SlimServer
: 6.5b1
: Macintosh Other
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Richard Titmuss
Depends on:
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Reported: 2006-08-21 21:37 UTC by Andy Grundman
Modified: 2008-09-15 14:39 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

settings and strings for support (2.62 KB, patch)
2006-08-22 00:22 UTC, KDF
Details | Diff

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Description Andy Grundman 2006-08-21 21:37:02 UTC
Add a simple select box to the Network page for selecting the max bandwidth to be selected in a multi-bitrate WMA streams.

Reference: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=26597
Comment 1 KDF 2006-08-22 00:22:49 UTC
Created attachment 1460 [details]
settings and strings for support

just in case no one else wants the unpleasant settings work.  Here is the diff for a pref in the web setup hash, server settings->network, and the required strings (feel free to change wording)
Comment 2 Andy Grundman 2006-08-22 06:51:29 UTC
Thanks :)
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2006-08-22 12:28:36 UTC
I've checked in the server-side support for these alternate streams, but the firmware doesn't want to play them for some reason.  Here is a log of trying to play the 2nd stream (32kbps) on Classic FM.

Everything appears normal, the player buffers some data, and returns metadata chunks, but no audio ever starts to play and the display sits at "Now Playing ... 00:00"

2006-08-22 15:27:01.3256 scanRemoteURL: opening remote location http://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM
2006-08-22 15:27:01.5676 scanRemoteURL: Content-Type is asx for http://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM
2006-08-22 15:27:01.5719 scanRemoteURL: found that http://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM is a playlist
2006-08-22 15:27:01.5771 parseList (type: asx): http://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM
2006-08-22 15:27:01.5913 parsed 2 items in asx playlist
2006-08-22 15:27:01.6004 scanPlaylistFileHandle: found 2 items in playlist:
2006-08-22 15:27:01.6007   mms://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM?MSWMExt=.asf
2006-08-22 15:27:01.6008   mms://
2006-08-22 15:27:01.6018 scanPlaylistURLs: Found an audio URL: mms://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM?MSWMExt=.asf [wma]
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9438 WMA header data: bless({
  BITRATES => { 1 => 128_764, 2 => 32_704 },
  INFO     => {
                bitrate            => "-8690.78947368421",
                bits_per_sample    => 16,
                channels           => 2,
                codec              => "Windows Media Audio V7 / V8 / V9",
                creation_date      => "1766374576",
                creation_date_unix => "-11644473423",
                data_packets       => "4294967295",
                fileid_guid        => "9F6C5AAE-64D9-448F-A15B-E7327253467B",
                filesize           => 2642,
                flags              => { broadcast => 1, seekable => 0 },
                flags_raw          => 9,
                max_bitrate        => 35_974,
                max_packet_size    => 5493,
                min_packet_size    => 5493,
                play_duration      => 0,
                playtime_seconds   => "-2.432",
                preroll            => 2432,
                sample_rate        => 32_000,
                send_duration      => 0,
  STREAM   => [
                  audio => {
                        bits_per_sample => 16,
                        channels => 2,
                        codec => "Windows Media Audio V7 / V8 / V9",
                        sample_rate => 48_000,
                  bitrate => 128_764,
                  error_correct_data => "\1V\25V\25\1\0\0",
                  error_correct_guid => "BFC3CD50-618F-11CF-8BB2-00AA00B4E220",
                  error_correct_type => pack("H*","50cdc3bf8f61cf118bb200aa00b4e220"),
                  error_data_length => 8,
                  flags => { encrypted => 0 },
                  flags_raw => 1,
                  streamNumber => 1,
                  stream_type => "\@\x9Ei\xF8M[\xCF\21\xA8\xFD\0\x80_\\D+",
                  stream_type_guid => "F8699E40-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B",
                  time_offset => 0,
                  type_data_length => 28,
                  type_specific_data => pack("H*","6101020080bb0000823e0000561510000a00008800000f0059550000"),
                  audio => {
                        bits_per_sample => 16,
                        channels => 2,
                        codec => "Windows Media Audio V7 / V8 / V9",
                        sample_rate => 32_000,
                  bitrate => 32_704,
                  error_correct_data => "\1\0\6\0\6\1\0\0",
                  error_correct_guid => "BFC3CD50-618F-11CF-8BB2-00AA00B4E220",
                  error_correct_type => pack("H*","50cdc3bf8f61cf118bb200aa00b4e220"),
                  error_data_length => 8,
                  flags => { encrypted => 0 },
                  flags_raw => 2,
                  streamNumber => 2,
                  stream_type => "\@\x9Ei\xF8M[\xCF\21\xA8\xFD\0\x80_\\D+",
                  stream_type_guid => "F8699E40-5B4D-11CF-A8FD-00805F5C442B",
                  time_offset => 0,
                  type_data_length => 28,
                  type_specific_data => pack("H*","61010200007d0000a00f0000000610000a00008800001700001e0000"),
  TAGS     => { VBR => 0 },
  offset   => 2610,
}, "Audio::WMA")
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9443 scanWMA: Available stream: #1, 128 kbps
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9444 scanWMA: Available stream: #2, 32 kbps
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9445 scanWMA: Will play stream #2, bitrate: 32 kbps
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9627 This player supports direct streaming for mms://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM?MSWMExt=.asf as mms://mediasrv.musicradio.com/ClassicFM?MSWMExt=.asf, let's do it.
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9737 Setting bitrate to 32 from WMA metadata
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9740 setting up direct stream (1360277554:80) autostart: 2.
2006-08-22 15:27:01.9741 request string: GET /ClassicFM?MSWMExt=.asf HTTP/1.0
Accept: */*
User-Agent: NSPlayer/
Host: mediasrv.musicradio.com
Pragma: xClientGUID={e48dd330-0254-cb6c-5fe3-38b382b50b7c}
Pragma: no-cache,rate=1.0000000,stream-time=0,stream-offset=0:0,request-context=2,max-duration=0
Pragma: xPlayStrm=1
Pragma: stream-switch-count=1
Pragma: stream-switch-entry=ffff:2:0 

2006-08-22 15:27:02.1971 processing headers for direct streaming:
HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Content-Type: application/x-mms-framed
Server: Cougar/
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:26:35 GMT
Pragma: no-cache, client-id=19479427, xResetStrm=1, features="broadcast,playlist", AccelBW=0, AccelDuration=0, Speed=1.000
Cache-Control: no-cache
Last-Modified: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:26:35 GMT
Supported: com.microsoft.wm.srvppair, com.microsoft.wm.sswitch, com.microsoft.wm.predstrm, com.microsoft.wm.fastcache, com.microsoft.wm.startupprofile
Connection: keep-alive

2006-08-22 15:27:02.1976 processing 8 headers
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1977 header-ds: Content-Type: application/x-mms-framed
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1979 header-ds: Server: Cougar/
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1979 header-ds: Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:26:35 GMT
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1981 header-ds: Pragma: no-cache, client-id=19479427, xResetStrm=1, features="broadcast,playlist", AccelBW=0, AccelDuration=0, Speed=1.000
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1981 header-ds: Cache-Control: no-cache
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1983 header-ds: Last-Modified: Tue, 22 Aug 2006 19:26:35 GMT
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1983 header-ds: Supported: com.microsoft.wm.srvppair, com.microsoft.wm.sswitch, com.microsoft.wm.predstrm, com.microsoft.wm.fastcache, com.microsoft.wm.startupprofile
2006-08-22 15:27:02.1985 header-ds: Connection: keep-alive
2006-08-22 15:27:02.2061 got a stream type:: wma  bitrate: 32000  title: 
2006-08-22 15:27:02.2066 Beginning direct stream!
2006-08-22 15:27:06.5971 metadata (len: 138)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6139 Setting bitrate to 32 from WMA bitrate properties object
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6144 metadata (len: 204)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6162 metadata (len: 152)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6182 metadata (len: 178)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6197 metadata (len: 188)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6213 metadata (len: 188)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6226 metadata (len: 126)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6239 metadata (len: 318)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6256 metadata (len: 1396)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6272 metadata (len: 146)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6288 metadata (len: 178)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6302 metadata (len: 160)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6315 metadata (len: 262)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6328 metadata (len: 270)
2006-08-22 15:27:06.6343 metadata (len: 148)
Comment 4 Richard Titmuss 2006-09-01 15:30:20 UTC
This bug is fixed in squeezebox2/3 fw50 and transporter fw12. It is currently undergoing internal testing. You will be notified again when it is made part of a nightly release.