Bugzilla – Bug 15770
Last FM Skip Track not Working
Last modified: 2010-05-27 14:46:31 UTC
Using 7.5 the skip (or forward button) on the radio doesn't work on Last FM. I've seen similar bugs for different music services which seem to have been fixed (and marked as such) so I've created this new one juts to confirm this is now a LastFM issue.
Looking at this in detail, it looks like I've already fixed this :) Beta users aren't fully up-to-date on 7.5 firmware. We have to do extra QA on radio firmware before pushing it out, and the current one being offered is a bit long in the tooth. I confirmed this is broken in the current pushed 7.4 firmware, and then tested against the newest internal build (r8569) and it works correctly. I did a bunch of work on NP behaviors between then and now, so that makes sense.
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release. If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!
These bugs have all been marked resolved and belong to a component which is being removed. Therefore they have been moved to the most applicable of the new components.