Bugzilla – Bug 7752
scanner won't scan folders with "foreign " characters
Last modified: 2009-07-31 10:19:19 UTC
Hi i recently noticed that scanner won't scan folders with "foreign " characters in the folder name ? at least not the nordic/swedish character "ö". As all my Björk and Röyksopp music was gone. And it will not scan files with "ö" in the tags. See this tread for more explanation. http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=45909 My server is a Clarkconnect 4.2 on an VIA-EPIA motherboard SqueezeCenter Version: 7.0.1 - 17889 - Red Hat - EN - utf8 Server IP address: Perl Version: 5.8.5 i386-linux-thread-multi MySQL Version: 4.1.20 Platform Architecture: i686-linux Hostname: hal.home.lan Server Port Number: 9000 Total Players Recognized: 1 Cache Folder: /var/lib/squeezecenter/cache Preferences Folder: /var/lib/squeezecenter/prefs Plugin Folders: /usr/libexec/Slim/Plugin, /usr/share/squeezecenter/Plugins, /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/Slim/Plugin Player Information Name: mikael Model: Squeezebox v3 Firmware: 86 The IP address for this player is: The ethernet MAC address for this player is: 00:04:20:06:42:42 Wireless Signal Strength: 92
Hi i didn't attached my Björk dir as suggested 1,1gb it will take a very long time ADSL line 0,5/8 mbit :-/
Mikael: Can you attach just 1 song for us to look at. I could not find a problem with my Björk test file.
Ok I will attach a song, but remember it is so that if the DIRECTORY has an " ö " in it, then it will be invisible. the file itself can be without any foreign charachters, do you realy understand me ? I would like to export my whole file structure for you to see, but thats impractical Do you need access to my server to fault trace this ? I have a Dyn DNS i've already portforwarded my Squeezecenter page and webadmin for my Server, I could also forward port 22 so one could SSH to it. SSH migth be tricky should i create a new user for you and a new (webadmin user to).
btw i Will make the attachment so that i keep some file structure.
Created attachment 3209 [details] Björk dir with Björk - medulla all but 2 songs removed Björk dir with Björk - medulla all but 2 songs removed. enjouy.
Thanks for uploading those files. What shall I say... works for me. Extracted them on an Ubuntu box which has a slightly newer perl version and the latest SC trunk. Please update to the very latest build (we're at 18536 now!). I've recently done a lot of changes regarding non-latin character issues.
Hi uppgrading to 7.0.1 - 18530 wich was the latest rpm I could find ? where's 18536 ?
> Hi uppgrading to 7.0.1 - 18530 wich was the latest rpm I could find ? > where's 18536 ? That's fine - 18530 is the latest build. Anything later has been changed today. Can you still reproduce with 18530?
Now were talking it's fixed :) great work. should one always upgrade ? I was waiting for my duet to arrive, before i did that. it also found more music than before 1185 albums vs 1105 ! Improved scanning i see... Sorry for bothering I thought about upgrading, but I assumed that this basic functionality was working from version 1.00 or completely missing through all version's Another oddity I noted is sorting: example: John Rutter John Scofield The John Scofield Band Johnny Cash Jack Johnson Jonas Johansen Jonas Knutsson This is the order these artist's appears in SC ? time for a new bug :-/ This was present in the old version to ? "Jack Johnsson" should apear some where else after other "Jack's" Jack DeJohnette Jackson Browne he he, I should stop locking for things like these, I mostly enjoy playing music. There's probably more important bug's in sync and playback. I've got one on synking with my Ubuntu Softsqueeze or Squeezeslave and my SB3,( I've never encountered issues when the softplayers was one the same system as the server), I should try that with 18530 and see what gives.
> Now were talking it's fixed I'm glad I didn't break something else :-) > should one always upgrade ? It's always reasonable to update to the latest build before reporting a bug. > John Rutter > John Scofield > The John Scofield Band > Johnny Cash > Jack Johnson > Jonas Johansen This is very likely an ARTISTSORT tag or something with "Johnson Jack" in it. Please check your tags.
Verified to be fixed in 7.0.1 - 19597.
This bug has recently been fixed in the latest release of SqueezeCenter 7.0.1 Please try that version, if you still see the error, then reopen this bug. To download this version, please navigate to: http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html
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