Bugzilla – Bug 3621
Browse Prolific Artists, feature request
Last modified: 2011-11-06 23:25:13 UTC
Feature request, I'm just going to paste his explanation rather than attempt to reword it: Let me try explaining. Here's a snippet from 'Browse Artists' in the web interface: 10,000 Maniacs Play Add to playlist 1910 Fruitgum Co Play Add to playlist 20/20 Play Add to playlist 360's, The Play Add to playlist The 360s Play Add to playlist 38 Special Play Add to playlist 4 Non Blondes Play Add to playlist Now, I'll pull some data from my private backend: Tracks Artist 10 10,000 Maniacs 1 1910 Fruitgum Co 1 20/20 1 360s, The 1 The 360s 6 38 Special 11 4 Non Blondes What I'd like is the ability to have, in addition to 'Browse Artists', something like 'Browse Prolific Artists' such that, the list can be filtered by number of tracks. So, using the above chart as a guideline, the 'Browse Prolific Artists' would display just (for N=5): 10,000 Maniacs Play Add to playlist 38 Special Play Add to playlist 4 Non Blondes Play Add to playlist or for N=10, just: 10,000 Maniacs Play Add to playlist 4 Non Blondes Play Add to playlist In other words, take the onesie-twosies out of the artist list and just display artists with a reasonable amount of material. I hope this is clearer. TMID 5181
Just to be clear, this was a request from a customer through Ross, not from Ross himself. Dan, if you don't want me to assign you enhancements until, perhaps, after a meeting where we discuss them, please let me know.
(In reply to comment #1) > Just to be clear, this was a request from a customer through Ross, not from > Ross himself. > > Dan, if you don't want me to assign you enhancements until, perhaps, after a > meeting where we discuss them, please let me know. > Clarification=true, this is a request from Scott Mueller.
All enhancements should be put in target Future right now. We are feature complete for both 6.3 and 6.5 We'll need to go through enhancement requests post 6.5, and pick things to do.
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.