Bug 1348 - moved plugins need to clean up old ones.
: moved plugins need to clean up old ones.
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Windows Installer
: 6.1.0
: All All
: P1 major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Vidur Apparao
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Reported: 2005-04-10 10:40 UTC by KDF
Modified: 2008-08-18 10:54 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description KDF 2005-04-10 10:40:00 UTC
ShoutcastBrowser, RadioIO, and Picks have all been moved to PluginName/Plugin.pm
structure instead of the older PluginName.pm form in order to add web
interfaces.  On upgraded installs, this leaves the older forms around as working
plugins as well.  we need a new method to clean up the old plugins.  

One option would be to have the server keep a list and delete those.  Another
more scalable option would be a destroyPlugin() function that can be called from
a plugin to remove an old version.  this way, only the plugin authors have to
keep track of old versions and can be done when the plugins are installed
instead of having to wait for a slimserver release/build.

I'm still very busy with the day job, so it will be a while.  I'd be more than
happy to take ideas and mini-patches/test feedback along the way.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2005-04-10 12:13:51 UTC
Oops... sorry, should have read this report before answering on the mailing list 

But do we really need that method? RPMs could take care of the problem (I guess) 
as does the Windows installer. This should cover most of the users. Those using 
tarballs and zip files should be able to fix the problem themselves. Well, at 
least for the main plugins contained in the distribution.

I'm not sure third part plugin authors would care too much about doing and 
testing one more procedure in their plugins. I only recently came across the 
possibility of the initPlugin() (was it?) and others... 
Comment 2 KDF 2005-04-10 12:53:57 UTC
well, there was one other option I had: make you do it ;)  doing it in teh
builds/installers means coming up with 3 different versions, plus testing, and
answering 3 different sets of pissing and moaning if it fails.  Those who use
svn or tarballs have proven themselves to be not as self-sufficient as I would
have once hoped. I think it would be unwise to simply expect them all to be
perfectly capable and willing to deal wth the confusion. it also doesn't solve
the problem if third party plugins start doing the same moves.

Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2005-04-20 16:31:30 UTC
the windows installer needs to remove these.  needed for 6.1.  Mac is ok, since the plugins in the 
package are completely wiped out.  The RPM appears to do the right thing already, removing the old 
.pm files.  Windows need to selectively remove the old versions.
Comment 4 KDF 2005-05-11 01:58:07 UTC
*** Bug 1512 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 5 KDF 2005-05-11 02:01:45 UTC
this is starting to get reported more and more since 6.0.x is becoming stagnant
in favour of moving toward 6.1.  This problem needs a fix.  if it is to be the
installer, then this really falls to very specific people who know best how the
installer works.  Need to hunt them down and make some bribes.
Comment 6 Vidur Apparao 2005-06-21 15:30:45 UTC
Fixed Windows installer to remove old Radioio.pm, Picks.pm, ShoutcastBrowser.pm
and Live365.pm. Did I miss any?
Comment 7 Chris Owens 2008-03-11 11:28:09 UTC
This bug was marked resolved in Slimserver 6.1, which is several versions ago.  If you're still seeing this bug, please re-open it.  Thanks!