Bug 2208 - With MMM enabled Various Artist tracks are split across multiple albums
: With MMM enabled Various Artist tracks are split across multiple albums
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: MusicIP
: 6.2.0
: PC Linux (other)
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
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Reported: 2005-09-27 14:31 UTC by David Brittain
Modified: 2011-03-16 04:19 UTC (History)
0 users

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Category: ---


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Description David Brittain 2005-09-27 14:31:22 UTC
If I have MMM enabled and perform a "Clear library and rescan everything" then
the Various Artists albums that get found are built incorrectly. I find that for
some albums (and it seems to be consistently the same ones) the tracks for the
album get split across multiple albums with the same name.

If I disable MMM, then all get classified ok.

Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2)

1. How Insensitive (Original Mix)  from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party
(Disc 2 of 2)  by Sun Trust
3. A Loop In Time (Banco De Gaia Remix) from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe -
Party (Disc 2 of 2) by Wally Brill

Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2)
2. Daydreaming from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by
4. Drama Of Japan from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by La
5. Cairo (Duke Monster Remix) from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2
of 2) by Great Barrier
6. Inshalla (Ya Salam) from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2)
by Angel Tears
7. After from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by Dzihan and
8. Felicidade from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by Suba
9. Logozo from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by Sidestepper
10. Escravos De Jo from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by
Kerrie Chandler and Joe Clausell
11. The String Thing from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by
Soul Ascendants
12. New World from Buddha Bar II - Claude Challe - Party (Disc 2 of 2) by Attaboy
Comment 1 Dan Sully 2005-10-12 15:28:57 UTC
David - is this still happening with the latest 6.2 nightly?

Comment 2 David Brittain 2005-10-14 03:07:18 UTC
I still have the same problem with last nights 6.2 build.
Comment 3 Dan Sully 2005-10-15 15:53:08 UTC
Can you try marking one of those albums as a Compilation?

Using iTunes or the like, set the Compilation flag.

If these are FLAC files, add the tag: COMPILATION=1
Comment 4 David Brittain 2005-10-16 09:11:55 UTC
I then get this error and slimserver crashes (I'm using flac):

Slim::DataStores::DBI::Album can't SELECT id, title, titlesort, contributor,
compilation, year, artwork_path, disc, discc, musicmagic_mixable
FROM   albums
WHERE  compilation = ? AND disc = ? AND title = ?
: Cannot call execute with a reference (ARRAY(0x945c910))
 at /home/usr_local/slimserver/Slim/DataStores/DBI/DBIStore.pm line 1539
2005-10-16 17:06:34.0553 closing dbh with active statement handles
Comment 5 Dan Sully 2005-10-16 10:18:43 UTC
Are you running the latest 6.2 nightly?

Can you run metaflac --export-tags-to=FILENAME on one of the files in question?
Comment 6 David Brittain 2005-10-16 10:34:27 UTC
TITLE=1-800 Ming
ARTIST=Brothers Love Dubs
ALBUM=John Digweed - Global Underground 019 (Disc 1 of 2)
Comment 7 Dan Sully 2005-10-16 10:36:58 UTC
Ok - I don't see the compilation flag in there. Run:

metaflac --set-tag="COMPILATION=1" *.flac

But that doesn't explain your crash.
Comment 8 David Brittain 2005-10-16 12:26:56 UTC
Sorry, I had removed the tag again so that slimserver would run. So, the info
below is what I see without the tag.

So, I started again. I downloaded the latest slimserver (I had been running
Thursday's). I set my music folder to just the Digweed album to speed up
testing. Tried this without the compilation tag, and no crash, and then with the
tag and a restart and now no crash either. All of the above was without MMM. I
then started MMM and restarted. Interestingly, it very quickly scans the one
album (in the single music folder) and puts it in the various artists folder.
But it then goes on to find every album on my disc that is registered with MMM,
even though these albums are not in the music folder. And at the very end of
this scan adds all of these into the Various Artists too.

Anyway, the end result is that adding the COMPILATION=1 tag fixes things. Is
this the solution you are proposing? or was it a debugging aid? It is just that
Tag & Rename does not support the COMPILATION tag, so marking all my compilation
albums this way will not be particularly convenient.
Comment 9 Dan Sully 2005-10-16 12:37:07 UTC
This is the solution I'm proposing.

I've already sent an email to the Tag & Rename people last week about adding a compilation box.

From: Evgeny Efimov <evgeny@softpointer.com>                                                                                                                 
Subject: Re: Additional FLAC support                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Date:   Mon, 10 Oct 2005 23:14:33 +0400             
Hello Dan,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                
Sorry for delay. In next update I will add 'Part of a compilation'                                                                                           
flag support (COMPILATION for flac, ogg and ape).
Comment 10 David Brittain 2005-10-16 12:41:09 UTC
Ok, that sounds good then. Thanks.