Bug 4437 - Navigating unsorted lists with the number keys doesn't work
: Navigating unsorted lists with the number keys doesn't work
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: 6.5.1
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Chris Owens
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Reported: 2006-10-29 09:58 UTC by Christopher Key
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:13 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Christopher Key 2006-10-29 09:58:46 UTC
The ability to jump to a specific item in unsorted lists with the number keys seems to have stopped working, e.g. try Browse -> Albums-> All Songs.  The problem seems to be due to the isSorted parameter that is passed to numberScroll.  I've traced this back to the test on line 867 of Slim::Buttons::BrowseDB.pm, which reads:

   # If this is a list of containers (e.g. albums, artists, genres)
   # that are not the result of a search, assume they are sorted.
   # sort at simple track level as well.
   if (($descend && !$search) || ($levels[$level] eq 'track' && !exists $find->{'album.id'} && !$search)) {

This doesn't seem to be doing what's intended.  The following

   if (($descend || !($levels[$level] eq 'track' || $levels[$level] eq 'playlistTrack')) && !$search) {

seems behave sensibly for all the situations I can create.
Comment 1 Christopher Key 2006-10-29 10:10:09 UTC
> This doesn't seem to be doing what's intended.  The following
>    if (($descend || !($levels[$level] eq 'track' || $levels[$level] eq
> 'playlistTrack')) && !$search) {
> seems behave sensibly for all the situations I can create.

Checked in to trunk in r10504.  To be added to 6.5 pending feedback.
Comment 2 KDF 2006-10-30 08:47:05 UTC
Dean, please review and comment on desired behaviour for various track lists.

refer to this thread as well
Comment 3 Blackketter Dean 2006-10-30 10:34:29 UTC
Subject: Re:  Navigating unsorted lists with the number keys doesn't work

"Sorted lists" are those that are sorted alphabetically and should  
use the number keys as on a phone (i.e. press 2 to jump to the first  
item that starts with a 'B').

All others should use the number keys as numbers.  Historically, this  
has been to press 1 to jump to the first item, 0 to jump to the last,  
and the other digits to jump proportionally within the list.

This behavior should be encapsulated in the INPUT.list mode.

(I say "historically" because I do want to move to direct number  
input for jumping around in unsorted lists, i.e. press 1 to jump to  
the first item, then press 2 to jump to the 12th.  But this is a  
separate issue.)

Comment 4 Chris Owens 2006-11-07 14:17:38 UTC
I'm too poor a perl programmer to tell if this fix meets Dean's spec.  Is this in the 7.0 nightlies currently, then?  I will just test it there, if so.
Comment 5 Christopher Key 2006-11-07 23:05:10 UTC
(In reply to comment #4)
> I'm too poor a perl programmer to tell if this fix meets Dean's spec.  Is this
> in the 7.0 nightlies currently, then?  I will just test it there, if so.

This will be in the 7.0 nightlies, but not in any release of 6.5.
Comment 6 Chris Owens 2006-11-10 11:48:14 UTC
Seems to be working.  If anyone else sees this feel free to re-open.
Comment 7 Christopher Key 2006-11-10 16:40:26 UTC
(In reply to comment #6)
> Seems to be working.  If anyone else sees this feel free to re-open.

Did you try 6.5?

Under 6.5 (r10495), if I go 'Browse' -> 'Albums' -> 'All Songs' then use the number keys, I get completely erratic jumps.  Can anyone else confirm this happens to them too?
Comment 8 Christopher Key 2006-11-19 10:42:51 UTC
Just to confirm, still a problem under 6.5.1 r10724 
Comment 9 KDF 2007-05-17 16:36:44 UTC
If this is fixed, we should probably look at porting this over to 6.5.x after all this time, but too late for 6.5.2
can be punted or marked as fixed if trunk is the only place we want it.
Comment 10 KDF 2007-05-23 19:45:57 UTC
fixed in 6.5.3 at change 12104.

Not something we could fold into INPUT.List in this case.  INPUT.List does handle number navigation automatically, but it still must be told whether the list is sorted or not, and what kind.  INPUT.List just see a list and knows nothing about it.