Bug 17986 - logitechmediaserver not working on Fedora 17 for ARM
: logitechmediaserver not working on Fedora 17 for ARM
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Misc
: 7.7.2
: Other Fedora
: -- normal with 2 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2012-07-05 12:25 UTC by dmaley
Modified: 2012-09-26 14:01 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

build.log for Image::Scan module (7.30 KB, text/plain)
2012-08-14 14:11 UTC, kefabean

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Description dmaley 2012-07-05 12:25:56 UTC
I'm trying to get LMS/SBS working on a F17 ARM (sheevaplug) box but am running into some problems. Attempting to start the service generates the following errors:

Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: Starting Squeezebox Server: The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech Media Server:
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: Audio::Scan (loaded but missing object file, need 0.93)
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: Image::Scale (loaded but missing object file, need 0.08)
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: To fix this problem you have several options:
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: 1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan Some::Module
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: 2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc.
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: 3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all required CPAN modules.
Jul 3 13:48:58 moe squeezeboxserver[2471]: [ OK ]

As suggested in the error output I tried the .tar.gz version, but it throws the same errors:

[root@ logitechmediaserver-7.7.2-33893]# ./slimserver.pl --daemon
The following CPAN modules were found but cannot work with Logitech Media Server:
Audio::Scan (loaded but missing object file, need 0.93)
Image::Scale (loaded but missing object file, need 0.08)

To fix this problem you have several options:
1. Install the latest version of the module(s) using CPAN: sudo cpan Some::Module
2. Update the module's package using apt-get, yum, etc.
3. Run the .tar.gz version of Logitech Media Server which includes all required CPAN modules.

I've also tested the latest 7.7 and 7.8 nightly builds w/ the exact same results.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2012-07-11 00:42:02 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 17985 ***
Comment 2 dmaley 2012-07-11 08:48:47 UTC
F17 includes perl 5.14.2 so this doesn't appear to be a duplicate of bug 17985 ....  re-opened.
Comment 3 dmaley 2012-07-11 12:21:52 UTC
I've verified that this problem is specific to ARM.  logitechmediaserver-7.7.2-1 works just fine on a F17 x86_64 box.
Comment 4 kefabean 2012-08-14 14:11:56 UTC
Created attachment 7678 [details]
build.log for Image::Scan module
Comment 5 kefabean 2012-08-14 14:14:51 UTC
I am also getting the problem outlined below. I am trying to get LMS running on an ARM F17 Raspberry PI (Perl version 5.14.2). I have managed to resolve all of the dependencies by yum updating various perl modules and cpan modules:

yum install perl-DBI
yum install perl-Sub-Name
yum install perl-JSON-XS
yum install perl-XML-Parser
yum install perl-YAML-LibYAML
yum install perl-Digest-SHA1
yum install rsync
yum install make
yum install gcc-c++
yum install libpng-devel
yum install libjpeg-turbo-devel
yum install giflib
yum install giflib-devel
yum install perl-App-cpanminus
yum install perl-ExtUtils-XSpp
yum install perl-ExtUtils-Depends perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder
yum install perl-ExtUtils-XSBuilder
yum install perl-Class-XSAccessor
cpanm --self-upgrade
cpanm CPAN
cpanm Audio::Scan
cpanm Image::Scale

However, it is the last module Image::Scale that fails to make properly. I have tried downloading CPAN libraries from slim devices but I get the same build error: see attached build log error for the Image::Scan module.
Comment 6 kefabean 2012-08-18 14:07:11 UTC
any thoughts on any potential workaround to get this moving would be massively appreciated...thanks
Comment 7 dmaley 2012-09-26 14:01:06 UTC
> However, it is the last module Image::Scale that fails to make properly. I
> have tried downloading CPAN libraries from slim devices but I get the same
> build error: see attached build log error for the Image::Scan module.

I was seeing the same:

Error:  Can't load '/root/.cpanm/work/1344896751.5688/Image-Scale-0.08/blib/arch/auto/Image/Scale/Scale.so' for module Image::Scale: /root/.cpanm/work/1344896751.5688/Image-Scale-0.08/blib/arch/auto/Image/Scale/Scale.so: undefined symbol: png_memcpy at /usr/lib/perl5/DynaLoader.pm line 190.

..error and managed to workaround it by removing libpng/libpng-devel.  Since either libpng or libjpeg is required I just made sure to have libjpeg-turbo-devel installed, removed libpng, and the 'cpanm Image::Scale' build succeeded.

That being said I haven't progressed much beyond this point. I'm now hitting:

   Can't locate loadable object for module Media::Scan in @INC