Bug 12457 - Prefix "Le" not shown in Artist, Albumartist & Composer
: Prefix "Le" not shown in Artist, Albumartist & Composer
Status: NEW
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 7.3.3
: PC Windows XP
: -- normal (vote)
: 8.0.0
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-06-19 00:22 UTC by vagskal
Modified: 2009-07-29 14:59 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---

Screen shot of tags (166.52 KB, image/jpeg)
2009-06-22 04:05 UTC, vagskal
Screen shot of SC Entry (51.61 KB, image/jpeg)
2009-06-22 04:17 UTC, vagskal

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description vagskal 2009-06-19 00:22:39 UTC
The group "Le Tigre" is shown in SC as "Tigre" in Artist, Albumartist and Composer. The album "Le Tigre" is shown correctly in Album.

SC is set to ignore i.a. "Le", "Les" and "The" when sorting. "Les Dudek", "Les Nubians" and "The The" are, for example, shown correctly.

My details:
Version: 7.3.3 - 27044 @ Sun Jun 14 03:09:03 PDT 2009
Värdnamn: Musikmaskinen
Serverns IP-adress:
HTTP-serverns portnummer: 9000
Operativsystem: Windows XP - SV - cp1252
Plattformsarkitektur: 586
Perl-version: 5.8.8 - MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
MySQL-version: 5.0.22-community-nt
Totalt antal anslutna spelare: 4

Sorry if this should be a duplicate. I tried tor search for the issue but could not find any existing bug report.
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2009-06-22 03:29:59 UTC
Please check your tags (or upload a sample file). Most likely this is an alternate tag using "Tigre" only. Would it be shown correctly if you removed "le" from the list of articles to be ignored?
Comment 2 vagskal 2009-06-22 04:05:17 UTC
Created attachment 5353 [details]
Screen shot of tags
Comment 3 vagskal 2009-06-22 04:07:30 UTC
I do think my tags are in order.

I do not know where to upload the mp3 file, but I made a screen shot showing the tags in Mp3tag and that there are only ID3v2.3 tags in the files (attached). If you give me instructions I can upload a sample file as well.

I have not removed "le" from the list of articles to be ignored since this will invoke a wipe and rescan. I am reluctant to do such an operation since it will take some 6-8 hours.
Comment 4 vagskal 2009-06-22 04:17:00 UTC
Created attachment 5354 [details]
Screen shot of SC Entry
Comment 5 James Richardson 2009-06-22 08:13:06 UTC
Just as you added the screen shot as an 'attachment' you can add the track as an attachment
Comment 6 vagskal 2009-06-22 09:39:43 UTC
(In reply to comment #5)
> Just as you added the screen shot as an 'attachment' you can add the track as
> an attachment

I have sent you a sample file via email. Please tell me if it does not reach you.
Comment 7 vagskal 2009-07-03 06:57:58 UTC
I finally removed "Le" (and Les and Los) from the list of articles to be ignored when sorting and did a wipe and rescan (which took over 18 hours; is that normal?).

That operation fixed the issue, and now "Le Tigre" shows up as expected. I did not change any tags.

Therefore I think the bug report should read: The group "Le Tigre" is shown in SC as "Tigre" in Artist, Albumartist and Composer when SC is set to ignore the preceding article "Le" when sorting.
Comment 8 James Richardson 2009-07-06 09:28:37 UTC
Andy will take a look at this
Comment 9 Andy Grundman 2009-07-29 14:59:25 UTC
Moving 7.4 bugs to 8.0.