Bugzilla – Bug 15543
Repeat Playlist enabled state shown as PLAYLIST_SHORT
Last modified: 2010-04-08 17:26:10 UTC
Repeat state shows states of Off, Song, and PLAYLIST_SHORT. Running firmware 7.5.0 r8398.
That string comes from the server-side, and it's there in my fully up-to-data SBS. Can you update that side and tell me if you still see the problem? If you still see a problem after update, assign back to me or Michael. Otherwise close.
Ooops ... forgot to mention I am running TinySC only. No Squeezebox Server on PC involved.
I think we have a string caching issue. I've seen this too. Wiping the /etc/squeezecenter/cache/strings* and restarting fixed it. Can you reproduce this?
Adrian - could you imagine this is due to the fact that at boot time, fab4 will always have january 1st 1970? The time sync is probably later in the process than the strings are read.
The cache is validated based on the mtimes of the string files. If these can't be usefully compared the cache file it will not be updated. From memory it calculates the sum of mtimes and stores this in the cache file and will then update the cache if this is wrong. But are the timestamps for the filesystem ok or are we potentially writing files with old mtimes? Can you set the default debugging to log the stringcache startup?
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #29941 to the slim repo by michael == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=29941 == Fixed Bug: 15543 Description: add revision number to string cache, forcing renewal of the cache on updates. Adrian - mtime for the installed files is always January 1 1970. Thus the cache would live forever.
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release. If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!