Bug 9364 - Alarm should end when the alarm playlist is replaced
: Alarm should end when the alarm playlist is replaced
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Alarm
: 7.2
: All All
: -- minor with 7 votes (vote)
: Future
Assigned To: Max Spicer
Depends on: 9243
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Reported: 2008-09-02 01:26 UTC by Max Spicer
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:21 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Max Spicer 2008-09-02 01:26:22 UTC
People on the forums have suggested that an active alarm should end when the user replaces the alarm playlist with something else.  Siduhe puts it well: "Alarm Playlist=alarm active and icon flashing. Different playlist is no longer an alarm scenario but a listening session."  This is easily done, so I'm opening this bug as a vote holder.

At the moment an alarm stops when you stop the music.  I intentionally allowed the playlist to be replaced in order to let people change the the music but still use snooze.  Does anyone want to keep the old behaviour?
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2008-09-02 07:19:52 UTC
Choosing another thing to play is enough evidence that they are up, imho.  

If they want they can use the sleep button...

Comment 2 Max Spicer 2008-09-05 14:46:49 UTC
This isn't easily done at the moment as its hard to stop the alarm being immediately stopped by 'playlist playtracks|loadtracks' commands that result from the alarm itself.  Bug 9243 should hopefully make this easier.  Having thought about this a bit more, I'd be happier doing this as a 7.3 fix, as the alarm stop mechanism is pretty fragile, so anything that changes it is inherently risky.
Comment 3 Max Spicer 2008-09-27 11:00:52 UTC
The doc changes are in 7.2, by the way.
Comment 4 Max Spicer 2008-09-27 11:01:26 UTC
Apologies - wrong bug!  Please ignore the previous comment.
Comment 5 Chris Owens 2008-11-12 15:14:17 UTC
Not required for the 7.3 release.
Comment 6 James Richardson 2009-01-08 09:39:39 UTC
Moving to future for now, if you disagree, please target appropriately