Bug 2618 - Problem with changing volume on handheld web interface on Palm OS PDA
: Problem with changing volume on handheld web interface on Palm OS PDA
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 3288
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 6.2.2
: Other Other
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on:
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Reported: 2005-11-22 12:07 UTC by zengelman
Modified: 2006-04-22 22:04 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description zengelman 2005-11-22 12:07:49 UTC
I have found a problem with using the handheld skin from a treo650 PALM OS 5.0 pda, Browser version Blazer 4.0.  This is the new PALM OS

Currently using Nov 17th 6.2 release of slimserver.

when using serveraddress:9000/handheld

The first time I select a volume level "5, 6, etc", it will transmit as if it is a hyperlink and the sb2 will be updated properly with the new volume level. Browser says "Sending" and then the screen refreshes with the correct volume level and the sb2 changes volume correctly.

The next time I press a volume that had previously been selected, the browser only says "redrawing" and it does not transmit the volume change selection to slimserver. I have to manually press the refresh button or clear the cache on the browser to get the new volume level to go through.

This does not happen when viewing the serveraddress:9000/handheld skin from ie6 browser from a laptop.

Some page addresses copied from the browser for each step in the issue:

Initial status page address before changing any volume, initial startup volume = 8:


Status page volume after changing volume from 8 to 7 - This works and you see internet access of "Sending" and "Receiving":

serverip:9000/Handheld/status.html?p0=mixer&p1=volume&p2=60&player=00%3A0 4%3A20%

Status page changed from 7 back to 8 - This doesn't work, the only internet traffic on the browser says "Redrawing" and the volume stays the same physically on the sb2:

serverip:9000/Handheld/status.html?p0=mixer&p1=volume&p2=70&player=00%3A0 4%3A20%

So it seems like the html is not forcing a refresh, only a redrawing of the screen, once a specific volume has already previously been selected.

However, if I manually press the refresh button after changing to a volume which was previously selectecd, it will say "Sending" and then "Receiving" and the volume will change properly.

Any thoughts on what may be causing this?
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2006-04-20 23:37:18 UTC
There's been some talk about a similar problem. Can you update your Palm's software?

Comment 2 Blackketter Dean 2006-04-22 22:04:24 UTC
This appears to be the same bug in that browser, just with different manifestations.

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 3288 ***