Bug 1332 - List New Music ordered by Creation date
: List New Music ordered by Creation date
Status: RESOLVED DUPLICATE of bug 1330
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 6.0.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 enhancement (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Dan Sully
Depends on:
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Reported: 2005-04-07 11:28 UTC by Philip Meyer
Modified: 2005-04-07 11:33 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Philip Meyer 2005-04-07 11:28:35 UTC
I have been using the "New Music" browse method quite a lot recently to find 
music that I have recently ripped to my music collection.  By and large, this 
works really well.

However, my SO has just become interested in learning how to use the 
Squeezebox, so a while back I added a shortcut to her music folder into the 
SqueezeBox music folder.  She also uses Windows Media Player to rip CDs to the 
hard disk, and sync them to an MP3 device.

I just looked at the "New Music" list to discover that the majority of her 
music has recently appeared at the top of the list.  This is a bit of a pain, 
in that a lot of the music has actually been on the hard disk for "donkeys 
years" - it's not really "New Music".

I am guessing that WMP has updated the MP3 files with tag information gathered 
from the internet (I need to check this behaviour as I thought that it only 
updated tags in its own database, not the actual .mp3 files).

Looking at one of the example files, it has a creation date from a few years 
back, but it has a modification date of yesterday.  The music is the same - 
I'm guessing the tags were automatically updated, causing the modification 
date to be touched.

It would seem to be a good idea for the "New Music" facility to be driven by 
the creation date, not modification date.  I'm not really interested if some 
tags get amended; the music is the same.  Alternatively, perhaps a new config 
item could be added to the Behaviour settings, to select which timestamp to 
use for determining the  "New Music" list.
Comment 1 KDF 2005-04-07 11:33:37 UTC

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1330 ***