Bugzilla – Bug 4125
Slim Devices Picks should be first on SlimServer home page.
Last modified: 2008-12-18 11:12:53 UTC
First under Internet Radio, or First in Browse, or first above even Browse?
After Slim Devices Picks, the other items should be in alphabetical order. Likewise, we should be able to control the order of the Help fields on the home page, so we can start with Getting Started, etc.
Sorry, it should be first under Internet Radio. Essentially, we need to be able to explicitly control the order of all the added links.
Any method aside from an explicit, hard-coded array for the "preferred" links will leave it open for third party plugins to insert themselves throughout the listing. Might as well go for a @preferred, and have those listed first as a set, then list any third party or 'order not critical' included modules in alphabetical after. We would just create a secondary additionalLinks.radio list. @preferred would be a hash keyed by order, values are the string tokens for the radio plugin. if that sounds ok, let me know and I can work up a patch. At least that way, anyone wanting to change that order would have to hack their own copy of SS.
Subject: Re: Slim Devices Picks should be first on SlimServer home page. On Sep 27, 2006, at 12:13 AM, Slim Devices Bugzilla wrote: > ------- Comment #4 from slim-mail@deane-freeman.com 2006-09-27 > 00:13 ------- > Any method aside from an explicit, hard-coded array for the > "preferred" links > will leave it open for third party plugins to insert themselves > throughout the > listing. Might as well go for a @preferred, and have those listed > first as a > set, then list any third party or 'order not critical' included > modules in > alphabetical after. We would just create a secondary > additionalLinks.radio > list. @preferred would be a hash keyed by order, values are the > string tokens > for the radio plugin. if that sounds ok, let me know and I can > work up a > patch. At least that way, anyone wanting to change that order would > have to > hack their own copy of SS. Sounds reasonable.
given the ui changes and the new skin, I assume this is either done or to be done via the weighting methods currently used for constructing the jive menu?
It's not done yet. I already order the SN menus by hacking the 'rank-' prefs, I'll try to come up with a better way where the plugins can define their own order or something.
According to Dean's latest layout Picks have to go to the end of the list... http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.cgi?UserInterfaceHierarchy
I put them in alphabetically on that page awaiting an opinion (yet forthcoming) from Marketing. Do we have the means to reorder manually? We'll need that and it may change over time.
well, several other menu sections are being done by weight. However, pressure from plugin authors is also there to make the weight work for any supplied caller. No guarantee of what stays where once that starts getting into the mix. While were on weight, it might make sense to define the API within limits, or allow overrides from Logitech for features that they want to introduce with some exposure even to existing users. however, this needs serious planning, and a well defined and published definition so that people know what to expect and where the limits exist for anything they provide in the form of third party plugins.
Picks is indeed already the first item with the rest sorted alphabetically. I have also properly sorted the My Music menu in change 14699, just using the rank prefs for now. I'm going to mark this fixed.
Actually, radio and MOD menus are still not sorted properly in the web UI, so I'll work on that.
Darn, can't use tied hashes with Template::Stash::XS. So doing any ordering the web UI links is going to require rewriting a bunch of templates.
OK I've ordered the default skin's radio and MOD menus according to the same rank prefs. Other skins will need to be updated to take advantage of this.
I updated EN, Classic, and Handheld at change 14711 and Fishbone at change 14713. do we care about ordering for Xml and XMLTelcanto? Nokia770 skin doesn't need ordering for it's normal mode, but the "more" version needs an update.
Marking fixed.
This bug is being closed since it was resolved for a version which is now released! Please download the new version of SqueezeCenter (formerly SlimServer) at http://www.slimdevices.com/su_downloads.html If you are still seeing this bug, please re-open it and we will consider it for a future release.