Bugzilla – Bug 13978
Design audit of Context Menus
Last modified: 2016-11-27 21:04:02 UTC
There are several cosmetic issues with Context Menus. This bug is a general posting to track and monitor the skin: 1. Please remove the hort. divider lines for all NON touch menu skins. 2. The scrollbar is not centered vert. More padding exists at the bottom than the top. Seen on Baby. 3. The spacing of the selection menu box is not correct. After checking SVN I need to update the guidelines. A 1px padding exists on the top and left edges. This will make the corner radii concentric. The correct sizes are: Landscape = 41x296px. (no scrollbar) Portrait = 41x214px. (no scrollbar) Touch = 43x448px (no scrollbar) 4. The ">" are not inc. in size when selected for QVGAskins. We either need to scale them like all other areas of the UI or not scale the text as well. Not a P1, however, we need to correct this. I realize that we are truncating text by inc. the size. I am open to opinion for CM as scaling the text + icons is dec. usability. 5. Revise bump animation for pressing enter on items that can not be nav. into. The alpha overlay disappears creating a white flash (seen on Jive). This is not desirable. If we are going to bump anything it should just be the CM and NOT the alpha background. 6. Remove bump for top/bottom of menus. This is jarring and reads as a "bug." 7. Overhaul of menu organization. Prioritize items: Title, More info., etc. For instance the title should appear at the top (if available) and not be highlighted. Currently it is the second item. 8. Transition btwn. CM screens. Artwork and text can be seen outside the CM boundary as it pushes on screen. This should never happen. The transition should be masked to only be seen inside the white edge defining the CM. 9. After an item is selected the button asset switches to a diff. asset commonly seen in reg. menu lists (no round corners). I have seen this while nav. down a list in Baby as well. 10. "More info" most items are not selectable. Highlighting these items seems misleading. This should move to an information window treatment inside the context menu if possible. Scrolling down would show more items/text, but not highlight. I can see a strong argument to put this at the bottom on every menu list. ... (touch specific) 11. Shortcuts. Need to define and implement shorcuts on fab4. The album artwork/icon, Track title text, Album title text are all potential areas to include CM and nav. shortcuts. 12. For internet radio stations, custom radio, and all NON playlist content the upper right button should be a "+" symbol >icon_more_tb.png. Currently asset is pointing to >icon_nplay_list_tb.png. 13. CM close button is not aligned properly. Needs to move left ~5px. Padding at the top and right should be the same. 14. Need to add back button (see titlebar assets) after nav. away from initial CM screen. No way to go back in current build. 15. Same transition issues as QVGAskins (see #8).
CC'ing Weldon and Seth...
Ummm, yeah. What he said. ;-) Seriously though, nice work Noah. This is currently assigned to me, but I think it's really for Tom. Or Ben?
Seth, my cup runneth over right now, so what you can tell me is in all of those items in Noah's comment, which ones are critical for initial release. Do that, and then assign to me as a P1
#5 I will fix now
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7585 to the jive repo by tom == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7585 == Fixed Bug: 13978 - draw cm bg during bumps
Oops didn't mean to mark fixed, re-opened
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7589 to the jive repo by bklaas == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7589 == Bug: 13978 Description: fix point 1 of Noah's list, do not use horiz divider lines in QVGA context menus
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7590 to the jive repo by bklaas == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7590 == Bug: 13978 Description: fix point 2 in Noah's list, center scrollbar vertically in both Baby and Controller
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7591 to the jive repo by bklaas == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7591 == Bug: 13978 Description: fix point 4 of Noah's list, increase size of > when selected in QVGA skins
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7592 to the jive repo by bklaas == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7592 == Bug: 13978 Description: fix point 9 in Noah's list, use correct selection box for locked state in QVGA context menus
points 1, 2, 4, 5, and 9 have all been fixed point 6 I investigated and don't see it. There is no bump at top/bottom of the CM, at least on Baby. point 3 is harder than it might look and because of baby/controller inheritance has some slight risk associated with it. point 7 won't happen before 7.4 release. point 8 is probably the ugliest UI-wise, but I'm going to have to defer to Tom on a fix. point 10 I don't agree with-- the more info items are not drillable and show that in the UI by not having a > symbol. It's not necessary that we do more for those items. They are *deep* in our UI structure and are something only someone who frankly wouldn't care about the UI would look at. IMO I think we've now done enough for 7.4 release. Moving to P2, but feel free to disagree :)
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #7593 to the jive repo by bklaas == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7593 == Bug: 13978 Description: no horiz divider for item_no_arrow (e.g., more info items)
>point 3 is harder than it might look and because of baby/controller inheritance has some slight risk associated with it. Ben, should we correct this in the artwork by adding the necessary padding? I don't like doing this generally, however, I would rather have it look right then overlap. point 6-Correction: This only found on the touch skin.
I'm not sure what's left on this bug. Noah/Matt can you re-review and create individual bugs out of that
7.4.x milestone is in the past