Bug 17870 - Playing a file directly via "Browse Music Folder" changes its track title to file name
: Playing a file directly via "Browse Music Folder" changes its track title to ...
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Database
: 7.7.1
: PC Debian Linux
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2012-01-25 02:11 UTC by Magnar Strand Olsen
Modified: 2012-01-25 02:12 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---

An album after playing track no. 2 via folder browsing. (39.05 KB, image/jpeg)
2012-01-25 02:11 UTC, Magnar Strand Olsen

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Description Magnar Strand Olsen 2012-01-25 02:11:38 UTC
Created attachment 7610 [details]
An album after playing track no. 2 via folder browsing.

If I play a music file by selecting the file itself via "Music folder" option
in the web interface, the corresponding track title in the music database is
replaced with the file name.
I've attached a screenshot after triggering the bug - as you can see, the title
of the 2nd. track is now "02 - Play For Today.flac" as opposed to the correct
"Play For Today" (which the TITLE tag reads).