Bugzilla – Bug 7023
Menu structure issues
Last modified: 2009-09-08 09:18:51 UTC
1. Rhapsody and MP3tunes services should appear in Music Library menu. This is specified in the wiki to be available in SqueezeNetwork, it should be consistant across both products (SqueezeCenter and SqueezeNetwork) from within Jive. 2. The Extras menu should appear above the settings menu, as Extras contains content. This is also reflected in the wiki.
Thanks, Mike. Extras should definitely move above Settings, settings should be last. We should talk about the placement of the other services and do a little user test to make sure that these positions are intuitive. I find them not so, but I'm usually wrong. Brian: can you please look at this post-7.0?
I don't think we want Rhapsody and MP3tunes in Music Library except on SN (because SN has no other Music Library items). Also, SC currently does not have a way of knowing if someone has a Rhapsody or MP3tunes account, so adding them for everyone would not be a good idea.
I will move extras above settings, but I'm with Andy (comment #2) on moving Rhapsody and Mp3Tunes to Music Library. That's going to cause confusion for SC users.
settings now below extras on top level menu. I'll reiterate my dislike of putting Rhapsody/Slacker/whatever in the Music Library menu, but rather than close I will reassign this to Brian.
I agree as well, I think having these services in Music Library isn't the best idea
Verified r2697