Bugzilla – Bug 5102
Sometimes SlimServer sees this song as silence.mp3, displays it as 3 songs.
Last modified: 2012-02-27 17:33:37 UTC
System Info: Gateway, P4, 2.0 GHz, 1.25 GB in RAM, Win 2K SP4 ENU SlimServer Version: 6.5.3 - 12202 - Windows 2000 - EN - cp1252 (2007-06-04 build) Perl Version: 5.8.8 MSWin32-x86-multi-thread MySQL Version: 5.0.22-community-nt Steps to Reproduce: 1. Start SlimServer. Start the web interface. 2. Go to Server Setting and do a rescan. 3. Change the Music folder to a place containing this song -- zgr_sishuiliunian.mp3. 4. Perform a rescan. 5. Go to Album and click "All Songs". 6. Notice sometimes SlimServer diplays zgr_sishuiliunian.mp3 as silence, ibsilence, and silencepacket. Note: It is played as one continuous song. It plays fine. Work Around: Performa few more rescan.
Unable to attach file to Bugzilla using Win 2k again. undef error - Undefined subroutine Fh::slice at data/template/template/en/default/global/hidden-fields.html.tmpl line 58 Here is part of the log file: Matched Format: mp3 Type: mp3 Command: - openSong: this is an mp3 file: file:///D:/Program%20Files/SlimServer/server/HTML/EN/html/silence.mp3 file type: mp3 format: mp3 inrate: 320 maxRate: 0 command: - openSong: opening file D:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\HTML\EN\html\silence.mp3 openSong: seeking in 0 into D:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\HTML\EN\html\silence.mp3 openSong on: file:///D:/Program%20Files/SlimServer/server/HTML/EN/html/silentpacket.mp3 openSong: duration: [0.0522083] size: [1253] endian [] offset: [0] for file:///D:/Program%20Files/SlimServer/server/HTML/EN/html/silentpacket.mp3 openSong on: file:///D:/Program%20Files/SlimServer/server/HTML/EN/html/lbrsilence.mp3 openSong: duration: [0.0261667] size: [314] endian [] offset: [0] for file:///D:/Program%20Files/SlimServer/server/HTML/EN/html/lbrsilence.mp3
Created attachment 2033 [details] The song in question. The song in question.
Created attachment 2034 [details] The complete log. The complete log.
this makes little sense. silence.mp3 and lbrsilence.mp3 should never be in the database, and have no clear way of being scanned. These files are only used when connecting via an http client (sends silence.mp3 or lbrsilence.mp3 while idle) or when the Audio Startup Time pref is used. I can't even find where the server ever asks for silentpacket.mp3. Looking at the log, the sql seems to be specifically requesting silence.mp3 by it's url, so I don't see how it's a simple case of mistaking the one song for another.
Unable to reproduce on XP SP2 ENU.
Unable to reproduce with 6.5.1 (official release) on XP SP2 ENU either.
Steven, could you try to reproduce this on your windows box?
When this bug happens, "silence" is displayed on the SqueezeBox while the song is playing. The time remains at 00:00. Again, the song plays fine.
something else to try when this is reproduced: using mysql: SELECT * FROM slimserver.tracks t; you can also use mysql query browser (a free download from mysql.com) Let's make sure the db isn't getting messed up somehow with this test setup. I don't have a win2k machine to use, so can't test myself but it may require some added debug code to look into why the server is getting the wrong url/metadata and playing the correct audio. Also, what is the full contents of the current playlist at this time. Could this be another case of bug5103 where the server gets confused if there are too many short tracks in the playlist (all of the silence tracks are at most a second long). All Songs would play everything in the db, so presumably at some point the music folder was pointed at a location that would eventually cause a scan of D:\Program Files\SlimServer\server\HTML\EN\html\. A wipe and rescan with the folder set to the single track should never include the silence.mp3 files.
Unable to connect to MySQL on lochalhost with Perl script. Here are the lines: use Mysql; $DBHOST = "localhost"; $DBNAME = "slimserver"; $DBUSER = "perlscripts"; $DBPASS = "slimserver_password"; $DB = Mysql->connect($DBHOST, $DBNAME, $DBUSER, $DBPASS); The error message is: Mysql connect('database=9092;host=','slimserver',...) failed: Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061) at e:\TryMySQL.pl line 13; Is is because of the password?
Changed password to ''. Still does not connect. I am using the same host, password, and stuff on SQLyog. SQLyog works. Actually, SQLyog asks for port also, which is 9092.
Wallace, can I get a copy of Windows 2000 from you so I can try reproducing this myself?
Got the script going. The key is to add the line "use DBI;" to the script.
Unable to reproduce in the last several days.
Closing resolved bugs - if you feel this bug still exists please first re-test with the latest SW/FW version. If you are able to reproduce then feel free to reopen and attach new logs / steps to reproduce.