Bug 14496 - Player display goes blank after upgrading to 7.4
: Player display goes blank after upgrading to 7.4
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Display
: 7.4.0
: Macintosh Other
: P1 normal with 1 vote (vote)
: 7.4.1
Assigned To: Michael Herger
: Support-Important
Depends on:
  Show dependency treegraph
Reported: 2009-10-01 12:42 UTC by Osama Zaidan
Modified: 2010-02-08 09:56 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

this is the 7.3.x version of my server.prefs file. (17.15 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-10-08 07:22 UTC, rob@electrolund.com
this is the auto-created 7.4 version of server.prefs (13.10 KB, application/octet-stream)
2009-10-08 07:24 UTC, rob@electrolund.com

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Osama Zaidan 2009-10-01 12:42:49 UTC
Customer upgraded to 7.4 on a MAC 10.6.1 successfully. However his Transporter display goes blank after connecting to the server. The SC server shows the Transporter is connected and you can control the unit by playing music from the UI. Hitting the left arrow key on the remote the display comes back allowing you go through the setting and it goes blank once you chose the 7.4 server as the music source. Customer reverted back to 7.3.3 and the Transporter function fine. I think SC 7.4 is providing the player with wrong info about the display preference!

SC 7.4 – 128672
Transporter firmware 80
Mac 10.6.1
RN = 090930-000359
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2009-10-02 01:55:02 UTC
a server.log would help greatly - as always
Comment 2 James Richardson 2009-10-02 15:08:46 UTC
More info from the forums: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=68861
[09-10-01 22:06:48.3756] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1918) Error: While trying to run function coderef [Slim::Control::Commands::irCommand]: [Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Hardware/IR.pm line 446.

[09-10-01 22:23:18.7607] main::init (320) Starting Squeezebox Server (v7.4.1, r28715, Thu Oct 1 04:01:49 PDT 2009) perl 5.010000
[09-10-01 22:23:21.3166] main::init (320) Starting Squeezebox Server (v7.4.1, r28715, Thu Oct 1 04:01:49 PDT 2009) perl 5.010000
[09-10-02 06:28:01.6762] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1918) Error: While trying to run function coderef [Slim::Control::Commands::buttonCommand]: [Can't use string ("json:{"URL":"http://www.bbc.co.u") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at /Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Buttons/Common.pm line 862.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2009-10-02 22:30:16 UTC
James - thanks. But very likely not the bug we're seeing here. We need more logs :-)
Comment 4 Steve Angell 2009-10-03 11:58:20 UTC
I have just upgraded to 7.4.0 and the same thing occurs.  On mysqueezebox.com (the network) it works fine and the display and audio is great.  When connected to the squeezecentre server (an iMac on Leopard), the display is blank (other than the small spectrum).

Player Model: squeezebox3  Firmware: 130
I upgraded to 7.4.1 just in case, but have the same issue.

Here is the log file:
[09-10-03 19:50:06.1486] Slim::Display::Graphics::render (114) Error: bad lines function - non hash based display formats are deprecated
[09-10-03 19:50:13.0640] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (48) trackid has been parsed from path as: 6818
[09-10-03 19:50:13.0644] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (103) artwork cache key: music/6818/cover_96x96_p.png
[09-10-03 19:50:13.0679] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (156) Asking for trackid: 6818 - cover at size 96x96
[09-10-03 19:50:13.0682] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (166)   The variable $actualContentType, which attempts to understand what image type the original file is, is set to image/png
[09-10-03 19:50:13.0684] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (230)   missing artwork replaced by cover placeholder
[09-10-03 19:50:13.0692] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (246)   got cover art image image/png of 42670 bytes
[09-10-03 19:50:13.1194] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (299)   caching result key: music/6818/cover_96x96_p.png, orig=0
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7864] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (48) trackid has been parsed from path as: 8958
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7867] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (103) artwork cache key: music/8958/cover_96x96_p.png
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7926] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (156) Asking for trackid: 8958 - cover at size 96x96
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7929] Slim::Schema::Track::coverArt (371) Retrieving artwork for: file:///Users/sangell/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Music/Show%20Of%20Hands/Witness/01%20Witness.mp3
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7932] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtTags (205) Looking for a cover art image in the tags of: [/Users/sangell/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Show Of Hands/Witness/01 Witness.mp3]
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7944] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtTags (222) Found image of length [49973] bytes with type: [image/png]
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7954] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (166)   The variable $actualContentType, which attempts to understand what image type the original file is, is set to image/png
[09-10-03 19:53:14.7956] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (246)   got cover art image image/png of 49973 bytes
[09-10-03 19:53:14.8097] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (299)   caching result key: music/8958/cover_96x96_p.png, orig=/Users/sangell/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Show Of Hands/Witness/01 Witness.mp3
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2156] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (48) trackid has been parsed from path as: 7223
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2159] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (103) artwork cache key: music/7223/cover_96x96_p.png
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2195] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (156) Asking for trackid: 7223 - cover at size 96x96
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2199] Slim::Schema::Track::coverArt (371) Retrieving artwork for: file:///Users/sangell/Music/iTunes/iTunes%20Music/Mary%20Black/Speaking%20With%20The%20Angel/12%20Fields%20Of%20Gold%20(%20Live%20Bonus%20Track).mp3
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2201] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtTags (205) Looking for a cover art image in the tags of: [/Users/sangell/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Mary Black/Speaking With The Angel/12 Fields Of Gold ( Live Bonus Track).mp3]
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2215] Slim::Music::Artwork::_readCoverArtTags (222) Found image of length [65469] bytes with type: [image/png]
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2229] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (166)   The variable $actualContentType, which attempts to understand what image type the original file is, is set to image/png
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2231] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (246)   got cover art image image/png of 65469 bytes
[09-10-03 19:56:46.2392] Slim::Web::Graphics::processCoverArtRequest (299)   caching result key: music/7223/cover_96x96_p.png, orig=/Users/sangell/Music/iTunes/iTunes Music/Mary Black/Speaking With The Angel/12 Fields Of Gold ( Live Bonus Track).mp3
[09-10-03 19:57:02.1456] Slim::Display::Graphics::render (114) Error: bad lines function - non hash based display formats are deprecated
[09-10-03 19:57:55.8912] Slim::Display::Display::string (809) Error: missing string QUEEN
[09-10-03 19:57:55.8915] Slim::Display::Display::string (809) Backtrace:

   frame 0: Slim::Utils::Log::logBacktrace (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Display/Display.pm line 809)
   frame 1: Slim::Display::Display::string (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Player/Player.pm line 186)
   frame 2: Slim::Player::Player::string (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Utils/Strings.pm line 451)
   frame 3: Slim::Utils::Strings::clientString (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Menu/SystemInfo.pm line 410)
   frame 4: Slim::Menu::SystemInfo::infoPlugins (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Menu/Base.pm line 171)
   frame 5: (eval) (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Menu/Base.pm line 171)
   frame 6: Slim::Menu::Base::addItem (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Menu/Base.pm line 142)
   frame 7: Slim::Menu::Base::menu (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Web/Settings/Server/Status.pm line 33)
   frame 8: Slim::Web::Settings::Server::Status::handler (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 1107)
   frame 9: Slim::Web::HTTP::generateHTTPResponse (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 913)
   frame 10: Slim::Web::HTTP::processURL (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Web/HTTP.pm line 724)
   frame 11: Slim::Web::HTTP::processHTTP (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 139)
   frame 12: (eval) (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 123)
   frame 13: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 183)
   frame 14: (eval) (/Library/PreferencePanes/Squeezebox.prefPane/Contents/server/Slim/Networking/IO/Select.pm line 183)
   frame 15: Slim::Networking::IO::Select::loop (./slimserver.pl line 620)
   frame 16: main::idle (./slimserver.pl line 574)
   frame 17: main::main (./slimserver.pl line 1103)
Comment 5 Steve Angell 2009-10-03 12:08:38 UTC
Additional information.
I have just disabled the following plugings that were set by default in 7.4.1 and the display is now working.  There must be a link here, but I will leave that to the reader..

1. Deezer
2. Facebook,
3. Flickr
4. Generic OPML Browser
5. Last.fm Audioscrobbler
6. MP3tunes Music Locker
7. Napster
8. Pandora
9. Queen
10. Rhapsody
11. RS232
12. SlimTris
Comment 6 rob@electrolund.com 2009-10-08 07:22:56 UTC
Created attachment 6064 [details]
this is the 7.3.x version of my server.prefs file.

bug symptoms exhibited with this prefs file
Comment 7 rob@electrolund.com 2009-10-08 07:24:15 UTC
Created attachment 6065 [details]
this is the auto-created 7.4 version of server.prefs

bug is now gone after deleting the old 7.3.x server.prefs file and letting the server create a new 7.4 version.
Comment 8 rob@electrolund.com 2009-10-08 07:24:53 UTC
hope these prefs files help.  User jrichardson on the forums asked to see prefs.
Comment 9 Michael Herger 2009-10-15 22:09:58 UTC
*** Bug 14485 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 10 Michael Herger 2009-10-15 22:10:32 UTC
Reproducible with the 7.3.3 server.prefs:

$ perl slimserver.pl --debug player.display=info
[09-10-16 07:06:09.9568] main::init (320) Starting Squeezebox Server (v7.4.1, rTRUNK, UNKNOWN) perl 5.010000
[09-10-16 07:06:24.1472] Slim::Plugin::MusicMagic::Plugin::initPlugin (265) Can't connect to port 10002 - MusicIP disabl
[09-10-16 07:06:26.2808] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (146) Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Networking
::Slimproto::client_readable: Can't use an undefined value as an ARRAY reference at D:/eclipse/7.4/server/Slim/Hardware/
IR.pm line 406.
; fh=IO::Socket::INET=GLOB(0x4d5279c)
[09-10-16 07:06:34.7197] Slim::Networking::IO::Select::__ANON__ (146) Error: Select task failed calling Slim::Networking
::Async::HTTP::_http_read_body: Can't use an undefined value as a symbol reference at D:/eclipse/7.4/server/Slim/Utils/P
erlRunTime.pm line 112.
; fh=Slim::Networking::Async::Socket::HTTP=GLOB(0x737c444)
Comment 11 SVN Bot 2009-10-15 22:56:47 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #28884 to the slim repo by michael ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=28884 ==

Fixed Bug: 14496 +2
Description: in some cases the disabledirsets pref wasn't a list, but set as an undefined value. In those cases various oddities would happen: IR doesn't work, display goes blank, player settings don't show up in the web UI.

Make sure we're using a valid list reference before evaluating that particular pref.
Comment 12 James Richardson 2009-10-20 14:41:40 UTC
Upgrade installs from 7.3.3 to 7.4.1 r28948 no issues with IP3K devices
Comment 13 Chris Owens 2010-02-08 09:56:55 UTC
These are all bugs that have been marked 'fixed' or 'closed' but still have the bug_meeting keyword.  They were not showing up in James's bug meeting search.

Please let me know (chris_owens@logitech.com) if these need to be brought up at the next bug meeting.  In the meantime I will fix the search.