Bug 16292 - Playing 5.1 (or any >2 channel / multichannel / surround) FLAC hangs hardware.
: Playing 5.1 (or any >2 channel / multichannel / surround) FLAC hangs hardware.
Product: SB Boom
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: 50
: PC Windows 7
: -- major (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2010-06-13 14:52 UTC by Joseph Tham
Modified: 2011-11-06 23:22 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

Multichannel 6-channel FLAC file - causes SB to hang! (5.23 MB, application/x-flac)
2010-06-15 19:02 UTC, Joseph Tham

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Description Joseph Tham 2010-06-13 14:52:40 UTC
Try playing a 5.1 encoded FLAC file to SqueezeBox device.  File will not play (obviously) but needs a *hard reset* (unplugging) before the device ready to play anything else.

This is an issue with my SB3, Transporter, and Boom.

Expectation: these files should either be downmixed to stereo (with SOX) by the Server then sent to the hardware OR somehow notify user that file cannot be played (eg. message on Squeezebox saying "File format error." or something like that.)
Comment 1 Jim McAtee 2010-06-13 16:14:48 UTC
If a file can't be played then it shouldn't even be added to the library.  If it's a file with an extension that may be playable then there should be nothing more than a log entry made by the scanner about the unplayable format.
Comment 2 Joseph Tham 2010-06-15 19:02:53 UTC
Created attachment 6883 [details]
Multichannel 6-channel FLAC file - causes SB to hang!

Here's a sample 6-channel file that SqueezeCenter / Squeezebox will choke on...
Comment 3 Joseph Tham 2010-06-15 19:07:56 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> Created an attachment (id=6883) [details]
> Multichannel 6-channel FLAC file - causes SB to hang!
> Here's a sample 6-channel file that SqueezeCenter / Squeezebox will choke on...

Hey guys, just attached a short 30-sec 6-channel FLAC-compliant file.  It's 6 channels of a sine wave.

Import into SqueezeCenter and you'll see that it's accepted and will show up in the database.  Now play it...  No sound but hardware will show it playing.

Now try playing something else that should play properly. Bet you have to unplug the Squeezebox to reset before you can play anything again.
Comment 4 Alan Young 2011-11-06 23:22:11 UTC
Unassigned bugs cannot have a priority.