Bug 1611 - ExBrowse2 has JavaScript error in Firefox 1.0.4 deleting items from current playlist
: ExBrowse2 has JavaScript error in Firefox 1.0.4 deleting items from current p...
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 6.1.0
: PC Debian Linux
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Jacob Potter
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Reported: 2005-05-25 09:34 UTC by Chris Doherty
Modified: 2008-08-18 10:54 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Chris Doherty 2005-05-25 09:34:57 UTC
I've created a large playlist of my entire music collection--1544 songs. when I
delete a song from this playlist while it's the current playlist, it disappears,
this error appears in the JavaScript console, and the song reappears. this
happens with Shuffle on or off, and occurs with a 49-song playlist also, but not
a 13-song playlist.

Error: listbox.rows[i] has no properties
Source File: http://shiny:9000/html/playlist.js
Line: 187

this is with SlimServer 6.0.2.


1. Play a playlist with at least 49 songs.
2. Delete a song from the current playlist.
3. Song should disappear, then reappear.
Comment 1 Chris Doherty 2005-06-05 18:57:02 UTC
this appears to be fixed as of svn 3345.
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2008-03-11 11:28:18 UTC
This bug was marked resolved in Slimserver 6.1, which is several versions ago.  If you're still seeing this bug, please re-open it.  Thanks!