Bug 16590 - Most transcoding is broken in 7.6.0 - r31401
: Most transcoding is broken in 7.6.0 - r31401
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Audio
: 7.6.0
: PC RedHat Linux
: -- critical with 2 votes (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Unassigned bug - please assign me!
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Reported: 2010-10-02 12:09 UTC by Mikael Nyberg
Modified: 2011-05-12 10:23 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

server.log (51.98 KB, text/x-log)
2010-10-05 08:11 UTC, Mikael Nyberg

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-02 12:09:14 UTC

Yep all transcoding to 24/48 from 24/96 ceased to function can not play these on either my SB3 boom or radio , works fine on touch where transcoding is not needed, this have been working fine for years ? why breaking it now ?

Symptoms neither flac or sox is running when trying to play these files.

Also playing an 16/44.1 wav does not function either

Playing an  24/48 aif is also broken .

Probably more transcoding broken.

Getting this line in the log:

10-10-02 20:27:33.1817] Slim::Control::Request::execute (1926) Error: While trying to run function coderef [Slim::Control::Commands:laylistJumpCommand]: [Can't call method "FileHandle" without a package or object reference at /usr/local/bin/myperl/lib/site_perl/Slim/Player/Song.pm line 586. 

Version: 7.6.0 - r31401 @ Fri Oct 1 03:02:10 MDT 2010
Hostname: hal.home.lan
Server IP Address:
Server HTTP Port Number: 9000
Operating system: Red Hat - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - i686-linux-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.30_06 (sqlite 3.7.2)
Total Players Recognized: 4
Comment 1 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-02 18:25:51 UTC
look here another one:

Comment 2 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-02 23:37:21 UTC
Song.pm 31371 2010-09-23 14:15:16Z ayoung

Hmm ok, seems like it broke in rev 31371 but that was all about bug 3161
Comment 3 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-03 03:19:54 UTC
Bitrate limiting is also broken
Comment 4 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-03 03:43:25 UTC
A typo in post 1 forgot the p in "playlistJumpCommand"
Comment 5 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-05 08:11:40 UTC
Created attachment 7001 [details]

Ok here my server log file.

Another thing when these files are in the playlist I can not use skip >> ?
Or ffwd ?
Comment 6 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-05 08:18:18 UTC
I don't think I have a permission problem ?

No transcoding processes at all is running ?

[root@hal ~]# cd /usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux
[root@hal i386-linux]# ls -la
total 3987
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    1024 Oct  4 21:41 .
drwxr-xr-x  5 root root    1024 Oct  4 21:41 ..
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  289780 Oct  4 11:02 faad
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  477884 Oct  4 11:02 flac
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  137468 Oct  4 11:02 mac
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  432232 Oct  4 11:02 mppdec
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  219140 Oct  4 11:02 sls
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 2325692 Oct  4 11:02 sox
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root  171752 Oct  4 11:02 wvunpack
Comment 7 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-05 10:35:02 UTC
My version of FileHandle :

[root@hal ~]# perl -e 'use FileHandle; print $FileHandle::VERSION."\n"'
[root@hal ~]#
Comment 8 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-13 09:00:00 UTC
Hello anybody here ?

Btw this user 


MusicManiac is unable to get his email aproved for a bugzilla account ?
So bugzilla seems a little borked.

Anyway bug should really be at 2 votes now, if MusicManiac could vote ?
Comment 9 Alan Young 2010-10-14 02:55:25 UTC
I'm having trouble tracking down where this could be coming from. So far, I have been unable to reproduce it.

The initial report said that it occurred with r31401 but subsequently Mikael Nyberg suggested that the problem could have been introduced with r31371.

What is the latest revision that anyone can confirm does not have the problem?
What is the earliest revision that anyone can confirm does have the problem?

As far as I can see, this is a Linux-only problem.

For those able to reproduce the problem please report the perl version being used and the specific type of transcoding that fails (ideally the "Tokenized command:" string from the log when player.source=info is enabled).
Comment 10 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-14 06:38:37 UTC
Hi :

Slim::Player::Song::open (561) Tokenized command: "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/flac" -dcs -- "/media/music/music2/DVDA/The Brand New Opry - Another Time/Grand Ole Opry.flac" | "/usr/share/squeezeboxserver/Bin/i386-linux/sox" -q -t wav - -t flac -C 0 -r 48000 - & |

But this is the attached log file is it not ??

I have the rpm build and perl 5.8.8

MusicManiac who is unable to vote (he can't get an bugzilla account for some reason) also uses the rpm build and perl 5.8.8

In my tread we pretty much established that it does work on windows, or OSX or Linux when perl is 5.10.1 for example.

To reproduce you need a system using the rpm build and perl 5.8.8

Debian (Ubuntu) seems to be using perl 5.10 and thus not having this problem.

I'm using ClarkConnect 4.2 it's based on rhel
Comment 11 Alan Young 2010-10-14 07:17:52 UTC
Thanks. What I cannot work out is what might have changed in this area recently.

On the offending line, you could try replacing:

    new FileHandle $command;



At the very least it might give us a more useful error message.

Another thing to try would be adding 

   use FileHandle();

at the start of the file along with the other imports (use) statements.
Comment 12 MusicManiac 2010-10-14 07:28:18 UTC
Same Situation as Mikael Nyberg

Operating system: Red Hat - EN - utf8
Platform Architecture: i686-linux
Perl Version: 5.8.8 - i686-linux-thread-multi
Database Version: DBD::SQLite 1.30_06 (sqlite 3.7.2)

Flac wont transcode.

WMA-L through mplayer-lame also doesn't work anymore.

Tested transcoding for ogg, mp3 and wav, and it works fine.

I can post logs if needed, but everything Mikael has put up is identical.

Mikael: fyi, I checked last night and COS 5.0 is still using Perl 5.8.8.
Comment 13 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-14 07:53:22 UTC
(In reply to comment #11)
> Thanks. What I cannot work out is what might have changed in this area
> recently.
> On the offending line, you could try replacing:
>     new FileHandle $command;
> with
>     FileHandle->new($command);
> At the very least it might give us a more useful error message.
> Another thing to try would be adding 
>    use FileHandle();
> at the start of the file along with the other imports (use) statements.

Your the Man :)

SOC FLAC transcode 24/96 to 24/48 got working just fine again .

FileHandle->new($command) din Song.pm did it .

Amazingly enough cpu load is lower than ever have you done some other optimisations ?
Comment 14 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-14 07:57:45 UTC
Bitrate limiting flac to mp3 does work again with this change.

With the change in Song.pm
Comment 15 SVN Bot 2010-10-14 08:27:42 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #31437 to the slim repo by ayoung ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=31437 ==

Fixed bug 16590: Most transcoding is broken in 7.6.0 - r31401 
Not really sure why this fixes the problem but users report that it does.
Replace "new FileHandle $command"  with "FileHandle->new($command)".
Comment 16 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-14 08:40:24 UTC
I'm no perl expert at all (don't know twaddle about it)

"FileHandle module also changed from 2.01 to 2.02 with Perl update and the associated comment was something like "added object support". "

suspicius indeed I do not know perl but my fault msg contained.

Can't call method "FileHandle" without a package or object reference.

The key word is "objekt" that probably means a lot for you programmers :)
Comment 17 Alan Young 2010-10-14 09:18:09 UTC
"FileHandle module also changed from 2.01 to 2.02 with Perl update and the
associated comment was something like "added object support". "

Where/when did this happen?
Comment 18 Mikael Nyberg 2010-10-14 09:47:53 UTC
probably in 5.10.1


Both bpa and I have found this info somewhere but it's not easy for me to read perl documentation ?
Comment 19 Alan Young 2010-10-14 09:51:20 UTC
Right, but the bug only seemed to happen in 5.8.8. No one (that I know of) has reported it for 5.10
Comment 20 MusicManiac 2010-10-14 10:36:01 UTC
Alan's tweak has fixed my flac issues as well.

Transcoding wma via mplayer/lame still seems to be broke, but that could be part of another issue (nevermind the whole linux/wma thing...)

Not critical here since I'm 99.9% flac, just something I know for a fact was working before when this issue came up.
Comment 21 Alan Young 2010-10-14 22:54:19 UTC
(In reply to comment #20)
> Transcoding wma via mplayer/lame still seems to be broke, but that could be
> part of another issue (nevermind the whole linux/wma thing...)

Perhaps you could open a new bug for this (CC me) and include a log (probably player.source=info is sufficient).
Comment 22 Bradley D. Wall 2011-05-12 10:23:41 UTC
7.6.0, build 32398 can play 16/44.1 wav and 24/48.

Also, forum reports its fixed. 
