Bugzilla – Bug 2419
Interational characters in playlist filenames
Last modified: 2008-09-15 14:39:24 UTC
I've hade a lot of problems with my playlists, causing the slimserver to crash when saving playlists. Playlists that worked when saved, stopped to work, songs are in the playlist but are not available by the player (squeezbox and slimserver view using web interface. I suspect that there is some limitation on the character set when handling file names in playlists. Note that the songs shows up at search and I can play them, the problem is that the playlist doesn't work problerly. The same problems with all 6.x.x versions of the slimserver that I've used.
Created attachment 962 [details] Example playlist All files are playable but not from the playlist. Only the two first files shows up and are playable from the playlist.
Problem also exists with playlist filenames. I've had several slimserver crashes when using ÖÄÖ/åäö in the filenames.
What is your LC_CTYPE environment variable set to?
It seems to be undefined. Does slimserver require this to be properly set and how do I do that? I'm using SUSE 9.2. If slimserver requires some settings, warnings should be issued at installation or startup.
Changed language settings, LC_CTYPE now set to sv_SE.UTF-8. I've rebooted my computer, restarted slimserver. Problem still remains, I always get Untitled as suggested playlist name even if I have one selected that is presented for the Music Player in web interface. Do I also have to delete my playlists and recreate them because of my new settings?
Mix-up with another bug, sorry.
The issue is that there is no one correct setting. Older systems don't do UTF-8 at all. It's a variable that should be set specific to your system. You will need to wipe & rescan to pick up all the music. Please let me know if there is still a bug here. Thanks.
More data on this. One problem seems to be that playlists with international characters in the path stops working after rescan, full or only playlists. I can create playlists with international characters and they work fine, but after rescan of playlists the songs with international characters in are missing in the database (they still exist in the m3u file). So there seems to be a bug at rescan. Tried this again today, using only two songs in the playlist, one without international characters, one with. After rescan of playlist, only one song is available, the one without international characters in the path (directory and filename). Tested with SlimServer-version: 6.2.1 - 5157 - Linux - SE - utf8
This is not limited to Linux. I'm seeing the same thing on Windows with the 6.5 betas (svn5194). Song: 16. Ang�h! from The Trilogy Disc 1 by Andreas Vollenweider Command line output shows: 2005-11-14 16:17:09.2031 Slim::Formats::Parse::readM3U: WARNING: file:///D:/My%20Music/Andreas%20Vollenweider/The%20Trilogy%20Disc%201/16%20Ang%F3h!.wma found in playlist: file:///D:/My%20Playlists/Untitled.m3u doesn't exist on disk - skipping! The file does exist, and is playable via browsing.
Note: I can repro on Windows. If I create a playlist with multiple files from an album, I will only see those files without international characters. I can play those files though browsing and the playlist has the files (I checked). This is true with .m3u and .wpl playlists. No errors shown -- just doesn't list the songs. Changing names of the songs is a workaround (but lets fix the bug).
This should be fixed as of the 6.2.2 official release for PLS & M3U files. And I just added a fix as change 7209 for 6.3 for WPL files specifically.