Bug 16679 - Alarm rings when "All Alarms" says Off
: Alarm rings when "All Alarms" says Off
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Alarm
: 7.5.1
: Macintosh MacOS X 10.4
: P1 critical (vote)
: 7.6.0
Assigned To: Squeezebox QA Team email alias
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Reported: 2010-11-25 04:47 UTC by Daniel Barrett
Modified: 2011-04-21 10:18 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Screenshot of alarm settings that caused the problem (71.71 KB, image/jpeg)
2010-11-25 04:47 UTC, Daniel Barrett
Alarm rang even when all alarms are off, as in this screenshot (37.76 KB, image/jpeg)
2011-01-12 04:55 UTC, Daniel Barrett

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Description Daniel Barrett 2010-11-25 04:47:46 UTC
Created attachment 7048 [details]
Screenshot of alarm settings that caused the problem

Last night, under Server Settings / Player / Alarm Clock, I set "All Alarms" to
OFF and clicked Apply.  See attached screenshot.  Its "I" button, when hovered
over, says: "This settings allows you to turn all alarms On/Off. If set to Off,
no alarm will go off."  So I believed this would disable all alarms, even those
that are individually set to On.

This did not happen. This morning the alarm rang on my Squeeze Radio, firmware 
Firmware: 7.5.1-r9218. It woke me up Thanksgiving morning when I intended to
sleep in, and I'm really pissed!!!!!

The alarm sound that rang was the "default" alarm sound, even though my active
alarm had a full playlist (and was set to play it).

An alarm clock that rings when you're trying to sleep is a critical failure of
that clock.

See attachment. All Alarms is set to Off, yet Alarm 1 rang on schedule.
Comment 1 Daniel Barrett 2011-01-12 04:55:51 UTC
Created attachment 7077 [details]
Alarm rang even when all alarms are off, as in this screenshot
Comment 2 Daniel Barrett 2011-01-12 04:56:22 UTC
The problem is even worse. Even when "All Alarms" AND the individual alarm are BOTH off, the alarm still rang this morning with the default sound.  This is with 7.5.2. See new screenshot.

This "critical" bug is now 2 months old with NO RESPONSE. Alarms that at ring at 7:00am on your day off are NOT ACCEPTABLE. The alarm feature is clearly too buggy for real use.

I have disconnected my Radio permanently and am selling it on Craigslist.
Comment 3 Ben Klaas 2011-01-14 10:18:19 UTC
flagged for bug meeting

for meeting discussion, note that user was doing alarm provisioning from WebUI, not device.
Comment 4 Daniel Barrett 2011-01-14 10:53:32 UTC
I did use the Web UI, but when I checked the Radio itself, it also said all alarms were off, and that the individual alarm was off too.

But... the little "alarm bell" icon was still present on the radio screen.
Comment 5 Jim McAtee 2011-01-20 14:00:59 UTC
I just experienced this same bug. Very much the same scenario. Squeezebox Radio with one alarm configured, I set 'All Alarms' to Off from the web interface and the alarm still rang at the set time. Also, it played some sort of internal alarm instead of the designated playlist.
Comment 6 Ben Klaas 2011-04-12 12:34:47 UTC
In *7.6*, I attempted to reproduce this bug and failed to do so. I confirmed that setting the All Alarms to OFF from the WebUI generates exactly the behavior on the client side log I'd expect when this is working properly, which is to show that an alarmState notification was seen and to take proper action, including stopping the timer for the fallback alarm. Console shows the right output, and the behavior of the device was what was expected, no sound.

Apr 12 14:20:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:135 notify_playerAlarmState received for LocalPlayer {Squeezebox Radio} with alarmState of none
Apr 12 14:20:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:140 **************************** notify_playerAlarmState received: none nil
Apr 12 14:20:20 squeezeplay: INFO   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:179 no alarm set, clearing settings
Apr 12 14:20:20 squeezeplay: INFO   squeezeplay.applets - AppletManager.lua:708 store settings: AlarmSnooze
Apr 12 14:20:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:187 clear alarm directive received while RTC timer is running!  Stopping.  Careful now...
Apr 12 14:20:20 squeezeplay: WARN   applet.AlarmSnooze - AlarmSnoozeApplet.lua:733 _stopTimer: stopping RTC fallback alarm timer

My theory is that fixes already in 7.6 for the alarm notification have remedied this ugly bug.

Assigning to QA to reproduce in 7.6. If they cannot, this bug can be marked RESOLVED for that release.

btw, I did see one much more minor bug when testing this, which was that the clock screensaver doesn't update its alarm icon properly when this alarmState notification comes through. There's a separate open bug for that, but I'll be looking at fixing that for 7.6
Comment 7 Bradley D. Wall 2011-04-21 10:18:33 UTC
Cannot reproduce bug in build 7.6.  Going to close.  Side note, the screen saver Did Update the alarmstate icon, so will look to close that bug as well.