Bugzilla – Bug 14674
Change default for double clicking task bar icon
Last modified: 2010-04-08 17:24:20 UTC
As per this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?p=468767#post468767 It seems people would like the default behaviour of slimtray to be to launch the web interface, as it used to before the Control Panel was introduced. If there is a specific policy reason that it should launch the control panel by default, how about a simple way to configure this. A little selection box at the bottom of the first tab of the Control Panel should do it.
design decision - up to Matt
i definitely think this should not have changed. the default should be it opens the webui. if you want to allow users to change it so that it does other things, fine, but the default should be webui. let the user change it via right click and context menu, much as they can change if SC should start with windows or not.
I've come back around to thinking the current behavior is best - otherwise there's not a lot of reason to have a Control Panel to begin with. It's meant to be a simple, native app for configuring basic aspects of the server such as type of startup, music folder location, mysb.com account credentials, plus a handy way to stop and start the server that can't be done from the web ui. I'm not crazy about the Control Panel implementation, though, and feel that it's missing some things, and it makes others difficult to do. It also has absolutely no Help available for any of the available settings. And it launches too slowly. It's just not a very good application. For a simple native Windows app like this it would be good to dump Perl and do it in a more standard development environment.
jim, agree with the 2nd paragraph. i have no bones with the first one, other than to say that i don't think it should be the default, but even if it is, it should be CONFIGURABLE! for years i and many other users have used slimtray to open a browser to the webui. i don't know why control panel means i shouldn't be able to do that anymore?
I too feel that the default behavior should be to launch the web ui.
For those that liked it the way it was, over a year for me, and those that like the new control panel default. Please make us all happy and allow the default to be configurable. That way we're all happy. On the control panel itself. I'm not fluent on Mac, Linux or other OS's, but if they have something that's like the Windows System Tray I DO NOT see that re-writing to make the control panel a native Windows app is a good idea. If the other OS's have a like item to Windows System Tray I would see this begin to really splinter the product and add maintenance overhead.
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #29644 to the slim repo by michael == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=29644 == Bug: 14674 Description: make default action for tray icon double click configurable; still need to do the UI for this setting. If you want to change already, set the following registry key: CUser/Software/Logitech/Squeezebox/DefaultToWebUI = 1
== Auto-comment from SVN commit #29647 to the slim repo by michael == == https://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=29647 == Fixed Bug: 14674 Description: add drop down to control panel to select default double click handler
> CUser/Software/Logitech/Squeezebox/DefaultToWebUI = 1 Wondering if this is a string, binary, DWord, QWord, multistring or expandable string?
> Wondering if this is a string, binary, DWord, QWord, multistring or > expandable string? Don't worry - the option is now available from the control panel.
Michael, i installed 7.5b just to use this feature, works great! thx. the option is very clear in the CP interface.
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release. If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!