Bug 16348 - Server crashes while scanning mp3 files
: Server crashes while scanning mp3 files
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Scanner
: 7.5.0
: PC Ubuntu Linux
: P1 major (vote)
: 7.6.0
Assigned To: Bradley D. Wall
: Audio::Scan
Depends on:
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Reported: 2010-07-07 15:44 UTC by Joerg Schwieder
Modified: 2011-05-09 16:24 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

Sample file (4.09 MB, application/octet-stream)
2010-07-07 16:28 UTC, Joerg Schwieder
another sample file (5.21 MB, application/octet-stream)
2010-07-07 16:31 UTC, Joerg Schwieder

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Description Joerg Schwieder 2010-07-07 15:44:35 UTC
I'm having an issue where SBS crashes on Ubuntu while scanning certain mp3 files.

This is fully reproducible, I'll attach two sample files.
Comment 1 Joerg Schwieder 2010-07-07 16:28:43 UTC
Created attachment 6909 [details]
Sample file
Comment 2 Joerg Schwieder 2010-07-07 16:31:48 UTC
Created attachment 6910 [details]
another sample file
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2010-07-07 22:42:34 UTC
Any error messages etc.? Can't reproduce on OSX
Comment 4 Joerg Schwieder 2010-07-08 00:22:45 UTC
It's ubuntu 8.04 LTS.

I tested it on two pretty different systems with the same result. With 7.5.1, 7.5.2 and 7.6. The two systems are my ViaC7 based server and a Web Server VM.

Scanner.log just ends with the respective files
Server.log just has "server died, restarting".

[10-07-08 09:18:40.6405] Slim::Utils::Scanner::Local::new (604) Handling new track file:///mnt/slugpublic/Media/Music/Various%20Artists/tmp/Crazy.mp3
2010-07-08 09:18:40 Squeezebox Server died. Restarting.

As I said: I can fully reproduce it (also with the downloaded attachment if renamed to "Crazy.mp3".
Comment 5 Joerg Schwieder 2010-07-08 00:23:06 UTC
Oh, and that was with all scanner logging options set to "debug".
Comment 6 Mike Walsh 2010-11-11 00:27:42 UTC
is there art in those files?

have you tried on a windows system?
Comment 7 Wolf359 2010-11-11 01:53:22 UTC
If have the same problem:
Squeezebox Boom, SqueezeboxServer 7.5.1, Synology DS109 NAS
SBS crashes while scanning certain audiofiles. (i think mp3 but i am not sure)
I have 17000 audiofiles and only some audiofiles cause this error.
My workaround:
I opened the audiofiles in a waveeditor (e.g. WaveLab) and then I copied the waveform in a new wavewindow and saved the new audiofile as mp3 with the same bitrate. Now the server dont crash while scanning this new file.
I can upload a samplefile if it is needed.
I hope the producer makes a bugfix.

Additional information: 
VLC-Player gives a errormessage but plays this files.
foobar plays this files normaly.
WaveLab opens and plays this files normaly.

Comment 8 Joerg Schwieder 2010-11-11 05:01:30 UTC
No, i haven't tried Windows, I don't have a Windows system here where I could easily try.
I believe that there is artwork in the files I uploaded but I'm not 100% sure, they are not my files, but I've got a few dozen more that can crash the server while scanning.
Have you tried a linux system?
Comment 9 Mike Walsh 2010-11-19 04:28:20 UTC
examine the files with puddletag (linux) to see if there is art in them, and if so delete the art and see if the error persists.
Comment 10 Joerg Schwieder 2010-11-19 05:16:48 UTC
I checked the files on a MAC and they don't seem to contain artwork but it might just be broken artwork. Not going to examine the tags, _I_ have no ptoblem with this, I believe Logitech should care about their server crashing.

These are not my files and I don't have any issue with this, I'm just reporting the issue. I can provide logs, help, access to a server producing the issue (I have various kinds that do).

I definitely don't need a workaround. But this is a fully reproducible crash of the server. And this is the current stable release version of SBS!
I believe this needs some consideration.
Comment 11 Andy Grundman 2011-01-12 07:30:24 UTC
These 2 files have a few GEOB tags ("Serato Autotags", "Serato Overview", "Serato Markers_", "Serato Offsets_") but don't cause a crash for me.  I tested on Mac and Linux.
Comment 12 Joerg Schwieder 2011-01-12 07:41:52 UTC
Which Linux was that? A debian flavor?
I don't see crashes on OSX either but do see them fully reproducibly on Ubuntu (32 Bit), 8.04 LTS on various hardware platforms.
That was 7.5.1 and an older 7.5.2 beta would have to try the current release.
Comment 13 Andy Grundman 2011-01-12 07:42:48 UTC
I tested on Debian Etch x86, and I was testing the latest Audio::Scan (7.6).
Comment 14 Bradley D. Wall 2011-05-09 16:24:25 UTC
Used Ubuntu 10.10, SBS 7.6.0, build 32302.  Unable to reproduce with attached MP3s.  No crash error message reported, files load and are playing through my SB Radio, 7.6.0, R9432

Going to close.