Bugzilla – Bug 1394
96kHz sampling support for SqueezeBox2
Last modified: 2011-03-16 04:18:47 UTC
Looking to buy, but have lots of 24 bit 96 kHz music. Will I be able to firmware upgrade to a system that can play 24/96? Or will that require new hardware? Or do you think you won't ever support 24/96? Thanks for a great product!!
This is a question for the forum, not a bug tracking tool. please refer to forums.slimdevices.com the dac used in squeezebox 2 is capable of 24/96. actual server support, as mentioned by slim devices around launch time will be considered but no date or decision has been set.
retitling as a feature request.
Sean: can you comment on the difficulty of this enhancement?
Moving off the 6.1 radar, since it's not going to make it.
customer report: archive.org apparently has some 24/96 encoded files up. in flac format. he sent me this url: http://www.archive.org/audio/etree-details-db.php?id=24688
I would like the SB2 to be able to output 24/96 SPDIF data on the digital output. There are two benefits, one of them immediate: 1) Auto replaygain will work with external 24-bit DACs. 2) sources with more than 16 bits or 44.1ksps can be played. I don't have any high resolution sources, but my friend has told me that the replaygain is really nice.
Firmware 64 for Squeezebox2/v3 (in slimserver 6.5) includes downsampling to 48kHz for 96kHz FLAC and WAV playback. It is not possible for the Squeezebox hardware to do 96kHz playback. 24-bit 96kHz FLAC and WAV playback is now available on Transporter (see http://www.slimdevices.com/pi_transporter.html).
What about 24/96 SPDIF output? Is that possible, at least for implementing a digital volume control or replay-gain?