Bug 9776 - Unknown publisher window when starting Windows installer
: Unknown publisher window when starting Windows installer
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Windows Installer
: 7.4.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: 7.7.1
Assigned To: Michael Herger
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-10-21 14:57 UTC by Mickey Gee
Modified: 2012-02-14 02:19 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Task

Screenshot of pop up (29.10 KB, image/jpeg)
2008-10-21 14:58 UTC, Mickey Gee

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Description Mickey Gee 2008-10-21 14:57:20 UTC
I installed the SqueezeCenter version 23647 for Windows, and the first thing I saw was the "scary" Unknown Publisher pop-up box. I haven't seen it before, and I don't know why I saw it on this version.

Attachment to follow.
Comment 1 Mickey Gee 2008-10-21 14:58:26 UTC
Created attachment 4163 [details]
Screenshot of pop up
Comment 2 Michael Herger 2008-10-21 22:43:15 UTC
Oh, that message has always been there. I think we've been discussing this back in Mtn. View... 

Some probably helpful links:

Looks like we need some kind of certificate.
Comment 3 Michael Herger 2008-10-28 01:35:43 UTC

Matt - we need a certificate to sign our installer. Do we have something which might fit in?
Comment 4 Matt Wise 2008-10-28 13:56:52 UTC
There may be a Logitech certificate for this kind of thing already... I dont know exactly what kind of certificate is needed. 
Comment 5 Michael Herger 2008-10-29 04:29:06 UTC
Mickey - could you please find out whether Logitech has such a certificate and whether we're allowed to use it?
Comment 6 Mickey Gee 2008-10-29 15:23:00 UTC
OK -- let me ask around.
Comment 7 Mickey Gee 2008-11-03 12:30:36 UTC
I asked around Logitech. This appears to be a more involved and complicated issue and appears to involve our IT group.

I'll keep working the issue, but definitely not something that's going to get solved in the 7.3 timeframe.

Comment 8 Mickey Gee 2008-11-03 15:51:08 UTC
Had a chat with Anoop in Tech Support. It's a low priority from his standpoint.
Comment 9 Mickey Gee 2009-07-31 10:35:18 UTC
Matt Wise now knows what to do to solve this. This is a build issue.
Comment 10 Ben Klaas 2009-08-26 07:49:58 UTC
this is an administrative shuffle on priority fields to help make better judgment on the top end of the priority list. P4->P5, P3->P4, and P2->P3.
Comment 11 Dan Evans 2009-09-30 12:00:32 UTC
I see this didn't make it into 7.4.0.  

Is this an easy fix, or a time-consuming fix?
Comment 12 Matt Wise 2009-09-30 12:47:09 UTC
It's time consuming because we have to change our release process. I'm  
on point for this, and expect to have the infrastructure in place to  
do this for 7.5.0. Not 7.4.x.
On Sep 30, 2009, at 12:00 PM, bugs@bugs.slimdevices.com wrote:

> https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/show_bug.cgi?id=9776
> Evans Daniel <devans@slimdevices.com> changed:
>           What    |Removed                     |Added
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 CC|                            | 
> devans@slimdevices.com,
>                   |                            | 
> pat_ransil@logitech.com
> --- Comment #11 from Evans Daniel <devans@slimdevices.com>  
> 2009-09-30 12:00:32 PDT ---
> I see this didn't make it into 7.4.0.
> Is this an easy fix, or a time-consuming fix?
> -- 
> Configure bugmail: https://bugs-archive.lyrion.org/userprefs.cgi? 
> tab=email
> ------- You are receiving this mail because: -------
> You are on the CC list for the bug.
> You are the assignee for the bug.
Comment 13 Michael Herger 2010-05-28 08:39:51 UTC
Now that our infrastructure is better integrated this should become easier. I'll take care of it (with a little help of our new friends at ABU).
Comment 14 SVN Bot 2011-09-07 00:34:30 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #33318 to the slim repo by mherger ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/slim?view=revision&revision=33318 ==

Bug: 9776
Description: add signing to build script, if LogiSign tool is available
Comment 15 Michael Herger 2011-11-02 08:33:27 UTC
still in progress...
Comment 16 Michael Herger 2012-02-14 02:19:33 UTC
Though done manually, release builds now are signed.