Bug 8117 - Rename Analog Out Mode
: Rename Analog Out Mode
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Player UI
: unspecified
: Macintosh Other
: -- normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Felix Mueller
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Reported: 2008-05-10 22:33 UTC by Blackketter Dean
Modified: 2008-08-28 17:09 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Blackketter Dean 2008-05-10 22:33:08 UTC
This setting is hard to understand because of all the text.  Let's simplify it:

Analog Out Mode -> Analog Out

Subwoofer Output, Speakers Enabled -> Subwoofer

Headphone Output, Speakers Disabled -> Headphones
Comment 1 Blackketter Dean 2008-05-10 22:35:43 UTC
Actually, let's call it:

"Headphone/Sub Out" instead of Analog Out, because that's what's printed on the unit.
Comment 2 KDF 2008-05-10 22:57:56 UTC
change 19632, and change 19633