Bug 5989 - Doesn't always keep album sorting and display preferences when not used every day
: Doesn't always keep album sorting and display preferences when not used every...
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Web Interface
: 7.0
: PC Windows XP
: P2 minor (vote)
: 7.x
Assigned To: Michael Herger
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Reported: 2007-10-31 17:55 UTC by Doug Williams
Modified: 2009-07-31 10:15 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

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Category: ---


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Description Doug Williams 2007-10-31 17:55:03 UTC
Previously album sorting was set to artist/album and display pref. was large image.
After upgrade (from previous 7.0 beta) it was back to just album and small image.
Comment 1 KDF 2007-10-31 19:50:27 UTC
is this reproduceable or just a case of your specific previous build to todays?  upgrading nightlies isn't considered a high priority path for migration (meaning, not a bug if you have a problem from one specific build to another only).  
Comment 2 Doug Williams 2007-10-31 20:10:51 UTC
It has happened over several different versions of the install.  I believe also when upgrading from 6 to 7 as well, but I will have to specifically test this upgrade scenario again to be 100%.

I've only really run version 7 in a production environment so I'm not totally sure how the auto-update works but I always figured that since there are settings for it to automatically check for upgrades, etc. that it would really be more important in that scenario.  Installing a completely new version I wouldn't mind, or be as surprised, to have to set some preferences again.  Again I am extrapolating but I kind of figured that manually installing the nightlies was something similar to this.
Comment 3 KDF 2007-10-31 20:20:23 UTC
thanks.  something to note: the album sort and artwork "prefs" are cookies.  If you have cleared your browser private data, make sure you haven't cleared the cookies at the same time.  If you do, thes two prefs get cleaned.
Comment 4 Doug Williams 2007-10-31 20:24:58 UTC
OK.  That would certainly explain the 6 to 7 upgrade loosing it.  With the 7 to 7 upgrades I didn't clear anything - just various combinations of old install running and not running scenarios.  The install is really working smoothly in the scenarios I've been testing lately - great job, by the way!
Comment 5 Doug Williams 2007-11-02 16:47:09 UTC
It didn't keep the title formatting preference either.  ON the interface tab the title format option went back to disk, tracknum, title from tracknum, title, artist, album.
Comment 6 KDF 2007-11-02 18:43:55 UTC
it?  as in 6->7 or 7->7?
titleformatting isn't something that would have required any changes or migration from 7->7 so it would really be useful to find a reproduceable case, if this actually does happen.  Otherwise, there isn't anything likely as a cause.
Comment 7 Doug Williams 2007-11-03 07:01:57 UTC
7 to 7 was the case here for this call, sorry for not being clear.  I wasn't able to reproduce it specifically going from the 10/31 to 11/03 builds, though, so it is possible that an earlier 6-7 wiped it out and I only noticed it after a later 7 to 7.  I've been setting it a lot lately so I can't remember exactly when I've set it last.  Certainly somewhere in a 6-7-7 upgrade it is loosing it, though - I've had that happen several times.

I'll keep an lookout for it specifically and report it seperately if I encounter it again.  Just to be clear, are you saying that it WOULD be expected to reset in a 6-7 upgrade or do you still want that reported as well?
Comment 8 KDF 2007-11-03 10:09:00 UTC
anything in the prefs is migrated, and therefore represents a risk of error.  the cookies were a simpler issue, having not been renamed or anything.  cookies include preferred player, sort order, artwork, fishbone skin style and the browse choice (fishbone skin as well)

SC7 has had some known pref issues, and 7 -> 7 will have some glitches along the way that beta users are expected to sort out on their own.  The primary upgrade path is 6.5.x -> 7 or perhaps 6.3.x -> 7

I think this report needs a clear restatement of the problem just to make sure that the original issue is clarified.  It seems to me that some aspect of it was already sorted out, but the mention of additional prefs later on has confused things.

Comment 9 Doug Williams 2007-11-03 11:57:19 UTC
OK, now I may be confused.  I'm trying to figure out what you want reported under what circumstances.

This is what I think you are saying:
If any preferences are lost between 6.5 and 7 then report them.
If any preferences are lost between 7 and 7 nightlies then don't report them unless it happens on 2 different nightlies.

I don't care much about beta 7 to beta 7 upgrades keeping preferences, either.  I can easily set them.  The only reason that I even mentioned them was that I thought that it may be possible that a manual 7 to 7 upgrade would mimic the automatic upgrade (post GA) process.  If so, then it might be important to note when things get lost in this scenario.  If the manual process does NOT mimic the automatic one (which it sounds like it does not) then it doesn't matter.

Hopefully I've got it straight now.

Comment 10 Chris Owens 2007-11-07 10:33:12 UTC
QA to make sure the 6.5 -> 7.0 prefs get preserved as well as possible
Comment 11 Ross Levine 2007-12-03 16:03:33 UTC
Tested 6.5 -> SC7, it seems these preferences are not migrated. I changed the cookie'd album art preferences, and 'show year with albums', both were not the same after upgrading. Of course, the new default skin pays no attention to my old preferences, but /classic also shows no migration. 
Comment 12 Michael Herger 2007-12-13 03:26:02 UTC
As kdf states early in this report these settings are stored in cookies. These cookies names have indeed changed. That's imho a minor issue.

The real issue here is that the settings are lost even within the SC7 series. I was able to reproduce this, but haven't found out the reason yet. Will take a closer look.
Comment 13 Michael Herger 2007-12-13 03:40:36 UTC
change 15252

William - The cookie manager defaulted to one week expire time, which might have been too short in many cases. I upped this to a year. Could you please verify, whether this fixes your issue?
Comment 14 Doug Williams 2007-12-13 06:22:59 UTC
Will do, but I might need a bit more info.  I'd have to start testing from today's/tomorrow's build and a future build, right?

Also, when I reported this problem I was doing some major install testing and was actually installing no fewer than once a day, usually multiple times a day, so a week expiration date would seem to be long enough.  I was usually setting them with each install to verify that changing them worked, etc.
Comment 15 Michael Herger 2007-12-13 06:34:03 UTC
> Will do, but I might need a bit more info.  I'd have to start testing from
> today's/tomorrow's build and a future build, right?

IMHO it's absolutely unrelated to the update. The title is a bit misleading

> Also, when I reported this problem I was doing some major install testing and
> was actually installing no fewer than once a day, usually multiple times a day,
> so a week expiration date would seem to be long enough.  I was usually setting
> them with each install to verify that changing them worked, etc.
The installation doesn't touch the cookies at all. If you can reproduce losing those settings through an update, then we'll have to investigate further. But for now I'm pretty sure it's just the cookies.
Comment 16 Doug Williams 2007-12-13 06:51:34 UTC
Will do.  Thought that you had made a change that would have to be in place first.  Thanks.
Comment 17 Doug Williams 2007-12-13 07:35:43 UTC
Upgraded 7 from a week or so ago to today's nightly and settings were preserved.
Comment 18 Michael Herger 2007-12-13 08:04:20 UTC
Thanks for the feedback. But the interesting test will be in about a week and a day after you've opened browse albums for the last time ;-).
Comment 19 Doug Williams 2007-12-13 08:12:48 UTC
OK, that makes more sense.  It was the sort of thing that I was asking about at first - just badly, I guess.  I will not run the SC web page on the server for over a week and see if the settings stay.  

So to be clear, I have installed the 13 Dec. nightly, gone in and verified the settings.  I will wait 1 week plus to open the web interface on the server again and check that the settings were retained.
Comment 20 Michael Herger 2007-12-13 08:19:38 UTC
You can still use it, just don't use Browse Albums, or use a different skin to do so. I watched the cookies in Opera's cookie manager, where the expiry date is displayed. FF might offer a similar tool.
Comment 21 Doug Williams 2007-12-22 05:54:04 UTC
It lost all of the album sorting information on my test today.  I haven't used the interface on that box since the 13th and they have reset.  Went from sorting by artist/album to album and to small artwork.

Comment 22 Jim McAtee 2007-12-23 01:54:16 UTC
I notice that I also keep losing the cookie-based preferences.  All I'm doing is SVN'ing to latest revisions within 7.0 and restarting SC.  I'm clearing Firefox's cache occasionally, but according to FF's dialog I'm not clearing cookies.  It doesn't happen every time I SVN and restart, but often enough to notice.
Comment 23 Michael Herger 2007-12-23 23:45:18 UTC
Could you please check your Cookie manager and see what SqueezeCenter-orderBy and SqueezeCenter-albumView say? What's their expiry date and value?
Comment 24 Jim McAtee 2007-12-24 10:00:52 UTC
I went in and browsed around a bit under Albums.  I had large artwork sorted by 'artist, year, album'.  Here's what I had in cookies:

    Name: SqueezeCenter-orderBy
 Content: contributor.namesort,album.year,album.titlesort
    Path: /
Send for: Any type of connection
 Expires: Friday, December 19, 2008 1:33:58 AM

    Name: SqueezeCenter-albumView
 Content: 1
    Path: /
Send for: Any type of connection
 Expires: Friday, December 19, 2008 1:35:49 AM

Then I changed the sort ordering to 'genre, artist, album' and switched to small artwork.  Here's what I got:

    Name: SqueezeCenter-orderBy
 Content: genre.namesort,contributor.namesort,album.titlesort
    Path: /
Send for: Any type of connection
 Expires: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:55:48 AM

    Name: SqueezeCenter-albumView
    Path: /
Send for: Any type of connection
 Expires: Tuesday, December 23, 2008 10:56:00 AM
Comment 25 Michael Herger 2007-12-27 01:53:03 UTC
>     Name: SqueezeCenter-orderBy
>  Content: contributor.namesort,album.year,album.titlesort
>     Host:
>     Path: /
> Send for: Any type of connection
>  Expires: Friday, December 19, 2008 1:33:58 AM

This all seems fine to me. Could you please, the next time the values are reset, verify these again, _before_ you change the setting? I'd like to know whether they actually disappear from the browser or whether it's our cookie handling code which is breaking things. Thanks!
Comment 26 Doug Williams 2007-12-27 07:19:11 UTC
Without upgrading and not using the browser for a couple of days my settings reset.  How do I see the cookies and their expiration dates, etc. in IE7?  Changed the summary line as well (hope that is OK).
Comment 27 Doug Williams 2007-12-27 07:30:25 UTC
I forgot to note - I am still using the Dec. 22 nightly build.  I'll hold off upgrading to the latest for now so that I can check on the cookie information.
Also, just noticed that the sorting went back to album from artist/album but the artwork size stayed at large.
Comment 28 Michael Herger 2007-12-27 07:39:20 UTC
Looks as if IE7 didn't have integrated cookie management... there are 3rd party addons out there.
Comment 29 Doug Williams 2007-12-27 13:35:32 UTC
Well, I'm open to suggestions/recommendations on a 3rd party package.  I tried IEHistoryX but it doesn't show any cookies for SqueezeCenter, etc.  It does show some cookies for internet sites, though, so it appears to be working.  I am running ie7 on Windows Vista and SC is running on XP.
Comment 30 Michael Herger 2007-12-27 14:13:03 UTC
You would find the SC cookies under the "localhost". Anything in there?
Comment 31 Doug Williams 2007-12-27 15:22:42 UTC
Nope.  Just known internet sites -Intuit, Wells Fargo, etc.  Nothing localhost, office-sony (server box name) or anything.
Comment 32 Michael Herger 2007-12-27 15:37:00 UTC
And you aren't using some internet security suite which is blocking cookies? Does the selector work for you at all? If it does, then there must be cookies. 
Comment 33 Doug Williams 2007-12-27 15:41:44 UTC
I think it is more of a limitation of the 3rd party utility I tried more than anything else.  Everything works, just resets after a day or so of non-use.  I'm using Windows Vista with McAfee as the client in thsi case.  Cookies are saved but I can't see them.  Do you know of a 3rd party tool that will display Windows Vista IE 7 cookies?  Thanks.

I've used the server box before as well (Windows XP with Symantic Norton).
Comment 34 Michael Herger 2008-01-18 00:15:01 UTC
Doug - have you seen any change in this behaviour?
Comment 35 Doug Williams 2008-01-22 15:07:20 UTC
I haven't had the settings/preferences reset in quite some time now.  Must have taken an additional time or 2 to cycle them with the new, extended expiration dates?
Comment 36 Michael Herger 2008-01-22 22:49:34 UTC
Thanks for the feedback!
Comment 37 James Richardson 2008-05-02 11:51:32 UTC
(In reply to comment #35)
> I haven't had the settings/preferences reset in quite some time now.  Must have
> taken an additional time or 2 to cycle them with the new, extended expiration
> dates?

Marking this bug as closed, if you still see the behavior, please reopen the bug with new details.
Comment 38 Chris Owens 2009-07-31 10:15:12 UTC
Reduce number of active targets for SC