Bug 12933 - Can't connect to wireless except with AES encryption
: Can't connect to wireless except with AES encryption
Product: SB Radio
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Networking
: Include FW version in comment
: All All
: P1 normal (vote)
: MP
Assigned To: Ross Levine
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Reported: 2009-07-18 14:22 UTC by Sue Chastain
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:32 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Sue Chastain 2009-07-18 14:22:37 UTC
As of a few days ago, the Baby will not connect to a wireless network unless it uses AES encryption only. I need TKIP for compatibility with other devices on my network. I was working with Baby before. Seems to have broken around the 15-16th.

I have a Buffalo router running Tomato firmware, but there are other reports in the forum of this problem with Netgear routers.
Comment 1 Ross Levine 2009-07-20 13:19:41 UTC
Sue do you remember which firmware version was on baby when you saw this?
Comment 2 Sue Chastain 2009-07-20 15:08:56 UTC
I don't remember the firmware version, but I'm pretty sure the last day I used it was Thursday the 16th, so it was probably whatever firmware came out after that.
Comment 3 Felix Mueller 2009-07-20 23:51:23 UTC
A change I made to support hidden ssids broke all APs using 'TKIP' or 'TKIP and AES'. Only 'AES' only was still ok. This should be fixed in r6674 onwards.

Could you please retest when newer firmware is available and report back to this bug?

Comment 4 Felix Mueller 2009-07-21 01:11:15 UTC
Please reopen if you still see issues with newer firmware, thanks.
Comment 5 Felix Mueller 2009-07-21 08:54:22 UTC
Sorry, due to a file not being deleted on the build machine the fix didn't make it for the revision stated earlier. It should be fixed in r6711 onwards though.

Comment 6 Ross Levine 2009-07-21 13:06:04 UTC
I reproduced that 6633 cannot connect to TKIP but can connect to AES, waiting for bug 12970 to be fixed so I can verify the fix.
Comment 7 Ross Levine 2009-07-22 13:08:12 UTC
Verified baby now connects TKIP with r6729. Sue, yours working now too?
Comment 8 Sue Chastain 2009-07-22 13:48:42 UTC
Will let you know when I get that version.
Comment 9 Sue Chastain 2009-07-24 15:45:11 UTC
With r6758 I can't connect to wireless with any combination of WPA/WPA2/TKIP/AES. Even AES only that was working before is not working now. Note I just went through network setup without factory reset. If need be, I will try it from factory reset when I have more time.
Comment 10 Ross Levine 2009-07-24 15:47:41 UTC
Scary! Sue please do factory reset and let us know how that goes.
Comment 11 Sue Chastain 2009-07-24 18:51:14 UTC
got it! Factory reset did the trick.
Comment 12 FredFredrickson 2009-07-26 17:00:00 UTC
I am unable to connect with 6758, even after factory reset.

PIN, push button, and password methods all fail. (although push button, according to my router's control panel, it's connected..)

Network Name (SSID) :	Burlesque
Wireless Security :	Configured
Network Authentication :	WPA+PSK
Data Encryption :	TKIP
Comment 13 Felix Mueller 2009-07-27 00:17:26 UTC
Hello Fred

Thank you for the feedback.

- What router model, firmware are you using?
- What wireless channel uses your router?
- Could you power cycle your router and see if that helps?
- Did Baby (with earlier firmware) ever connect to that router?
- Have you tried (temporarily) to disable security on your router?

Comment 14 Richard Titmuss 2009-07-27 01:09:50 UTC
Reset priority before triage.
Comment 15 FredFredrickson 2009-07-27 06:27:59 UTC
(In reply to comment #13)
> Hello Fred
> Thank you for the feedback.
> - What router model, firmware are you using?
> - What wireless channel uses your router?
> - Could you power cycle your router and see if that helps?
> - Did Baby (with earlier firmware) ever connect to that router?
> - Have you tried (temporarily) to disable security on your router?
> Thanks
> Felix

I'm using Belkin F5D8236-4v1(01)
Channel 11.
I have restarted my router and had no luck.
I've never had Baby connect wirelessly to this router before, but I did have it connected to my netgear for a while with AES. Interestingly, now (as of this firmware, but not before) I can connect with AES.

I just tested the pushbutton method with these settings:
Network Name (SSID) :	Burlesque
Wireless Security :	Configured
Network Authentication :	WPA2+PSK
Data Encryption :	AES

AES Currently working. Still no luck with TKIP.
Comment 16 FredFredrickson 2009-07-27 06:29:21 UTC
(In reply to comment #15)
> (In reply to comment #13)
> > Hello Fred
> > 
> > Thank you for the feedback.
> > 
> > - What router model, firmware are you using?
> > - What wireless channel uses your router?
> > - Could you power cycle your router and see if that helps?
> > - Did Baby (with earlier firmware) ever connect to that router?
> > - Have you tried (temporarily) to disable security on your router?
> > 
> > Thanks
> > Felix
> I'm using Belkin F5D8236-4v1(01)
> Channel 11.
> I have restarted my router and had no luck.
> I've never had Baby connect wirelessly to this router before, but I did have it
> connected to my netgear for a while with AES. Interestingly, now (as of this
> firmware, but not before) I can connect with AES.
> I just tested the pushbutton method with these settings:
> Network Name (SSID) :    Burlesque
> Wireless Security :    Configured
> Network Authentication :    WPA2+PSK
> Data Encryption :    AES
> AES Currently working. Still no luck with TKIP.

Sorry I was a little vague, to clarify, I'm able now, but not before this firmware, to connect to the belkin with AES, not TKIP.
Comment 17 Chris Owens 2009-07-27 09:30:26 UTC
QA to reproduce with this router.
Comment 18 Ross Levine 2009-07-27 17:45:03 UTC
I'm not able to reproduce this with the WPS Belkin I have here (F5D8231-4) I'll pick up the exact model you have and try it. 

Fred, have you tried connecting baby without using the push button method? Factory reset baby and try connecting to your SSID, you'll see 3 options push button, PIN, and enter password. Try the 3rd option and let me know if that connects.
Comment 19 Felix Mueller 2009-07-28 03:36:28 UTC
Also, when you did the factory reset did you see the 'Factory reset' screen and then are back at the language selection screen (i.e. begin of setup)?

I am specifically asking this again, because a bad configuration file needs to be replaced and that only happens when a factory reset really takes place.

BTW: A factory reset can be done either by pressing and holding button More (+) on the front panel while plugging in power or by going to Settings - Advanced - Factory Reset - Continue.

Comment 20 FredFredrickson 2009-07-28 06:44:15 UTC
I'm pretty certain I did a factory reset before trying each of the three methods. I will try again tonight and report back.
Comment 21 FredFredrickson 2009-07-29 18:52:46 UTC
I have just tested and confirmed:

I cannot connect to:

Network Name (SSID) :	Burlesque
Wireless Security :	Configured
Network Authentication :	WPA+PSK
Data Encryption :	TKIP

Even after a factory reset between.

I also tested another router:
 	Firmware Version
 	Boot Version

It has multiple options:
WPA-PSK - AES, and WPA-PSK TKIP, it does not support WPA2. I cannot connect with either setting.

I can connect to the F5D8236-4v1 with WPA2-AES.
Comment 22 Ross Levine 2009-08-03 16:14:53 UTC
I'm not able to reproduce any AES related connection issues at this time. It appears Fred may have identified a particular older Belkin router we have issues connecting to. I've opened a bug for that specific bug and I'm going to close this bug as it appears to be resolved. 

Bug 13223 is the F5D7231-4 specific bug.
Comment 23 FredFredrickson 2009-08-07 10:03:50 UTC
(In reply to comment #22)
> I'm not able to reproduce any AES related connection issues at this time. It
> appears Fred may have identified a particular older Belkin router we have
> issues connecting to. I've opened a bug for that specific bug and I'm going to
> close this bug as it appears to be resolved. 
> Bug 13223 is the F5D7231-4 specific bug.

I'd like to clarify that I'm having issues with two different models (I've tested them seperately).

-F5D8236 WPA TKIP does not connect
-F5D7231 WPA TKIP does not connect
-F5D7231 WPA AES does not connect

I'll post this on the other bug report