Bugzilla – Bug 13516
Home button is dead in sleep menu
Last modified: 2010-04-08 17:25:17 UTC
Version: 7.4 - r28225 Controller r7115 After invoking sleep, the home button doesn't work until I press the back button to get out of the Sleep menu first.
Same with r7158
this is an administrative shuffle on priority fields to help make better judgment on the top end of the priority list. P4->P5, P3->P4, and P2->P3.
I think I reproduced this with r7262, sort of. My home button wouldn't do anything, but I wasn't using sleep and the back arrow was no help. My Controller had gone to sleep (and then suspend too) but I think that's a different sleep. ;) Now I'm not able to reproduce. I wonder if there are more conditions than this sleep menu that can cause the home button to break.
My Next >> button also doesn't work while I'm in the sleep menu. I went into the sleep menu planning to sleep after 15 minutes, but then I decided to skip to the next song and use sleep at end of song. I had to back out of the sleep menu before I could skip the song, then go back in to set the sleep timeout. Also, I have promoted "Sleep" to the home menu on my Controller because I use it every night.
I was able to replicate this on other SP devices, moving to that category
Press-and-hold of home does appear to work, FYI.
reproduced, but nothing at all in the log file. curious... target for 7.5. gonna give this one to Tom...
Tom and I spent some time on this last night and definitely understand the 'why', just not quite the 'how to fix'. This is a more generic problem than what's going on in the sleep menu, so bumping up to P1 synopsis: items in the sleep menu have a nextWindow param, but hitting the home key doesn't have a jsonAction tied to it. SlimBrowser erroneously is executing the nextWindow (in this case it's either "parent" or "refresh") when the home key is hit in the sleep window.
Tom checked in a fix for this a while back. Tested against more-or-less current 7.5 firmware and it works fine there. Marking as fixed.
This bug has been marked fixed in a released version of Squeezebox Server or the accompanying firmware or mysqueezebox.com release. If you are still seeing this issue, please let us know!