Bug 4588 - Single song FLAC file + Album cue sheet = odd behavior
: Single song FLAC file + Album cue sheet = odd behavior
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Tagging
: 6.5.1
: PC Windows XP
: P2 normal (vote)
: ---
Assigned To: Ross Levine
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Reported: 2006-12-12 10:46 UTC by Dan Evans
Modified: 2007-03-22 11:57 UTC (History)
0 users

See Also:
Category: ---

single song FLAC file (13.44 MB, application/octet-stream)
2006-12-12 10:48 UTC, Dan Evans
full album CUE sheet file (1.99 KB, application/octet-stream)
2006-12-12 10:49 UTC, Dan Evans
full album CUE sheet file (1.99 KB, text/plain)
2006-12-12 13:42 UTC, Dan Evans

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Description Dan Evans 2006-12-12 10:46:31 UTC
(reference support tmid 13248)

Customer has FLAC files ripped into individual songs. (not full album)  He also has a cue sheet for the entire album in the same folder.  Slimserver reads the song files erratically.  Some tracks are duplicated and some do not have the right duration. (a few seconds at most) 

The customer sent me 1 FLAC song file and 1 full albut cue sheet.  I cannot recreate the bug.  However, I AM seeing some weird behavior...

Slimserver is reading the single song file just fine.  Slimserver is also reading a file that's NOT there; a song listed in the cue sheet.


 song file = 01 - Beautiful Day.flac
 cue sheet = All That You Can't Leave Behind.CUE

 Slimserver shows 2 albums:
 1. All That You Can't Leave Behind ... which contains 1 song "Beautiful Day"
 2. 13248 (this is the folder where both those files are contained) ... which contains 1 song "Grace"

note: "Grace" is the last song listed in the cue sheet.
Comment 1 Dan Evans 2006-12-12 10:48:37 UTC
Created attachment 1737 [details]
single song FLAC file
Comment 2 Dan Evans 2006-12-12 10:49:01 UTC
Created attachment 1738 [details]
full album CUE sheet file
Comment 3 KDF 2006-12-12 12:58:59 UTC
CUE file seems to be attached as a binary, so it's getting confused when trying to download (can't view).

single song with folder name as album likely a result of guess tags, but it's confusing why it would have a valid song title with no other metadata.  I'm guessing no filenames are "grace.?".  I can't see the cue, so will maybe guess that somehting to do with the info on that track is making guesstags do the work (odd part is that is should be all or nothing.)

When reproducing, one test would be to empty all guess tags formats just to eliminate that part of the issue.

d_parse, d_scan, d_info are relevant debug flags (d_parse for the raw cue parse results).  Lots of known issues with merging CUE info, some may overlap with this bug.
Comment 4 Dan Evans 2006-12-12 13:42:30 UTC
Created attachment 1739 [details]
full album CUE sheet file
Comment 5 Dan Evans 2006-12-12 13:44:25 UTC
The song title is from the CUE sheet.  You'll see the last song listed in the cue sheet is "Grace".  But there is not actual file.  So it's Guess Tagging a song that doesn't exist.  It's odd.

I've re-attached the CUE sheet as a text file.  Hopefully that will make it easier.
Comment 6 Chris Owens 2007-02-12 14:45:26 UTC
Since there are improvements in 7.0 CUE sheet handling, I'd like to see if we can reproduce this there. 
Comment 7 Ross Levine 2007-02-13 16:54:15 UTC
I'm not able to reproduce this in 7.0a1. 
Comment 8 Ross Levine 2007-03-07 17:00:19 UTC
This bug seems quiet, is anyone else experiencing this issue? Is 7.0 an acceptable work around for your customer(s) Dan?
Comment 9 Ross Levine 2007-03-22 11:57:34 UTC
I'm going to wrap this bug up. If anyone has any questions or input please feel free to comment and re-open this bug.