Bug 9140 - Cannot play mp3 file on Ubuntu or Fedora9
: Cannot play mp3 file on Ubuntu or Fedora9
Product: Logitech Media Server
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Formats
: 7.1
: PC Ubuntu Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
: 7.x
Assigned To: Osama Zaidan
Depends on:
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Reported: 2008-08-13 17:19 UTC by Osama Zaidan
Modified: 2009-09-08 09:23 UTC (History)
3 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---

MP3 file (3.55 MB, audio/mpeg)
2008-08-13 17:19 UTC, Osama Zaidan
Server log (464.34 KB, application/octet-stream)
2008-08-13 17:20 UTC, Osama Zaidan

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description Osama Zaidan 2008-08-13 17:19:32 UTC
Created attachment 3802 [details]
MP3 file 

We got this customer who cannot play an MP3 file on Ubuntu 8.04 and Fedora9. He has tried Squeezecenter 7.0.1, 7.1 and 7.2. We tested the file and it seems to Work fine for us. 
Please see the attached file and the server log
Comment 1 Osama Zaidan 2008-08-13 17:20:06 UTC
Created attachment 3803 [details]
Server log
Comment 2 Chris Owens 2008-08-13 17:56:47 UTC
Whenever I see problems scanning or playing content in linux or another unix-like environment, I think that perhaps there is some kind of file permissions problem since so few people understand file permissions.

In this case it looks to me like right at the point where squeezecenter is trying to stream the data, it starts having problems.

Is the user able to use the player UI normally?  Can the user play any format of music, or is MP3 the only one you were able to try?  Did you do the usual tricks of re-updating the user's firmware (I assume so since you tried all these different versions)?  Did you try reprogramming the xylinx?

Are you using the web UI or the player UI to play the file?  Does it make any difference?  What is the behavior of the player UI?  Does the song "appear" to be playing?  Does the now-playing screensaver kick in?

Thanks for any additional info.
Comment 3 Osama Zaidan 2008-08-14 13:13:47 UTC
RN = 080715-000406
Comment 4 Blackketter Dean 2008-08-14 21:05:59 UTC
Osama, is it just this one file that won't play or can he not play any files?
Comment 5 Ross Levine 2008-08-15 13:39:20 UTC
This works fine for me. Osama can you reproduce? Can you communicate with your customer about permissions? 
Comment 6 Graham White 2008-08-19 00:25:56 UTC
Hi guys,

There is an overview of my issue(s) in the forum:

A much more detailed description is in the Logitech support system:

This isn't a trivial problem with file permissions and I hope I haven't overlooked any other simple settings.  Just to be safe while debugging all permissions are chmod 777 in my music directory right now.  I'm not a new Linux/Unix user and have worked professionally with Linux for many years, I also know Perl very well.

I would be very grateful if one of the developers could take a look at the information I've provided in the forum and support centre via the above links and give me some ideas about what to try next.  For example, nobody has yet suggested I try reprogramming the xylinx chip as already described in this bug report - is this something I should try, is it appropriate for a Duet?

I have already done a reasonable amount of detailed debugging via the campfire instant messenger forum with both Andy Grundman and Michael Herger who should both have a decent understanding of the problem.
Comment 7 Blackketter Dean 2008-08-19 07:22:52 UTC
Graham: I noticed in your pos that you have 4 purple blinks on your player after the update.  This could be a side-effect of the main problem (file access) or it could indicate some bad hardware.  

Osama, since Ross was able to test successfully on FC9, I wonder if we should exchange the receiver...

Comment 8 Graham White 2008-08-19 07:35:16 UTC

I'm really not sure if the main problem is file access.  But in truth I really have no idea what the problem is.  I've explained on the forum I appear to have each part of the system working in some way but the configuration I want to use doesn't work.

So, if I connect the receiver to my Redhat 5.2 box everything works well.  If I connect it to any of Fedora 8, Fedora 9 or Ubuntu (tried all three) it doesn't work.  The only difference is I'm running Redhat on my work laptop (which works with SC), I'm running Fedora 8 on my home PC (doesn't work) and Fedora 9 on my home server (also doesn't work).  Therefore, I appear to have good connectivity, mp3 files, SC install, hardware, etc, etc.  To top that off, SoftSqueeze or streaming mp3s from Fedora 8 or Fedora 9 on my home systems works absolutely fine!

I would be happy to exchange Receivers though, it would eliminate one more thing from my long list of enquiries  and experiments as my Controller doesn't seem to have a problem with any of the setups I've tried.
Comment 9 Blackketter Dean 2008-08-19 07:40:45 UTC
The player upgrade failure could be a cause or a symptom.  On all these systems, are you running the same version of SC?  If that's the case, then once upgraded on one, you shouldn't see any upgrade on another.

Comment 10 Graham White 2008-08-19 07:47:23 UTC
I have now stabalised my debugging efforts on SC 7.1 on RHEL, Fedora 8 and Fedora 9, all on different boxes.  I've tried 7.01, 7.1, 7.2 and even versions of 7.3 while I've been debugging though, with the most recent firmware update failure happening while trying to upgrade from SC 7.1 to SC 7.2.
Comment 11 Graham White 2008-08-20 04:01:06 UTC
I've just completed an experiment I've been meaning to try, connecting the Receiver to my switch via cabled Ethernet rather than wireless.  

With a cable connection any of my installations of SC work perfectly with the receiver, and the controller is able to operate in hybrid mode using wireless to control play.

I have now moved the Receiver very close to the wireless access point, signal strength is shown as 100% for the receiver on the SC status page.  Even with this level of signal I cannot play music from my SC install where the only change I've made is moving from wired to wireless connection.  Strangely, I'm able to play Internet Radio while connected to SC or while connected to SqueezeNetwork as my music source.  That should indicate my wireless settings are correct and the Receiver is connected to my wifi network as some wireless traffic is passing between my access point and the Receiver device.

My wifi settings:
Netgear DG834Gv1 ADSL+Wifi+Wired Router
WEP encryption
MAC address restricted
Router shows Receiver is connected
SC Settings panel shows wireless signal at 100%
Receiver is able to play Internet Radio over wifi
Receiver is not able to play SC mp3s via wireless where wired works

Is there any explanation for this type of behavior?  I think perhaps it might be worth a shot at trying another receiver since none of my other wireless devices (including the SB Controller) have problems with my wireless network?
Comment 12 Blackketter Dean 2008-08-20 07:13:20 UTC
Ok, good detective work here, Graham.

Since the unit can play some audio, then the hardware is almost certainly at fault.  And since Ross was able to set up a fresh FC9 system here and make it work correctly, it has to be some issue with your particular configuration that's causing the issue.

Osama probably had you review your firewall settings, but one thing can cause this kind of behavior is the player's inability to connect to the server on port 9000 for streaming audio.  Do you have _any_ firewall or security set up on this machine?  

Also, please confirm that you can get to the SC web interface on this machine from another machine.
Comment 13 Graham White 2008-08-20 07:57:45 UTC
While debugging I've disabled all firewall rules on the machine running SC.  I am able to connect and control SC through the web interface via port 9000.

The firewall was my first suspect too, and the first thing Andy G suggested I look at when I chatted to him on Campfire.  It might be useful to have a look at the Campfire log of my chat with Andy if it's still available as we did a lot of useful network debugging but didn't reach any conclusion to what is causing the problem.

So just to be explicit here, there are no iptables rules (I've turned off iptables altogether at the moment), and SELinux has been disabled.

I've had a lot of thoughts about what this could be while debugging but having tried a wired connection vs a wireless connection; wired works and wireless does not.  So I now have to suspect something with the wireless, either in hardware or config.  The Controller doesn't seem to have a problem with my wireless along with 4 different laptops, and a Nintendo Wii all of which communicate successfully over my wireless setup.  Hence I think it may well be worth trying a different piece of hardware at this stage.
Comment 14 Graham White 2008-08-26 11:28:49 UTC
Hi guys, hope you all had a good long weekend.

Any progress on this bug?  Just wondering what's happening?
Comment 15 Graham White 2008-08-27 11:21:04 UTC
Today I re-read Dean's comment "Since the unit can play some audio, then the hardware is almost certainly at fault." and thought it sounded a little odd.  Is there a missing *not* in there somewhere?  i.e. you were trying to say you don't think the hardware is the problem?

On that note, my mind turned to my router so I did a little research.  Came home tonight and scanned for wireless networks in the area, seems there's quite a few I can reach from my house.  Two of them have a very good signal, one on channel 11 and one on channel 6.  I've changed my router over to channel 1 now and I'm getting much better results.  For the first time since buying (several months ago) I'm getting audio from my home server!

I hope this marks the start of another happy customer and squeezebox story.  But this shouldn't have taken months to resolve!  Before marking this bug as solved can I request you put together something in the wiki to help people diagnose their wireless network problems?
Comment 17 Chris Owens 2009-07-31 10:27:10 UTC
Reduce number of active targets for SC