Bug 16048 - self:string() localization method does not work when used in QVGA child skins
: self:string() localization method does not work when used in QVGA child skins
Product: SqueezePlay
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI Skin
: 7.5.x
: PC Other
: -- normal (vote)
: 7.5.1
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
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Reported: 2010-04-12 11:51 UTC by Ben Klaas
Modified: 2010-04-13 07:15 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug


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Description Ben Klaas 2010-04-12 11:51:34 UTC
need to find a way so the value for the text key in tables such as below in QVGAlandscapeSkin and QVGAportraitSkin is operational. I'm assuming that the method we are using for inheritance in these child skins inhibits the use of self:string()

                                style = 'nowplaying',
                                artworkSize = '320x320',
                                --FIXME: self:string() does not work here
                                --text = self:string('LARGE_ART'),
                                text = 'Large artwork',

this bug is a side effect of the checkin for bug#15926
Comment 1 Michael Herger 2010-04-12 22:37:02 UTC
Here's my naive question: why should the base skin be inheriting from itself?

Index: src/squeezeplay/share/applets/QVGAbaseSkin/QVGAbaseSkinApplet.lua
--- src/squeezeplay/share/applets/QVGAbaseSkin/QVGAbaseSkinApplet.lua	(revision 8694)
+++ src/squeezeplay/share/applets/QVGAbaseSkin/QVGAbaseSkinApplet.lua	(working copy)
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@
 module(..., Framework.constants)
-oo.class(_M, QVGAbaseSkinApplet)
+oo.class(_M, Applet)

This simple change seems to be fixing this issue in desktop SP.
Comment 2 SVN Bot 2010-04-13 07:15:40 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #8697 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == http://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=8697 ==

Fixed Bug: 16048
Description: QVGAbaseSkin needed to be a class of applet, not itself.
Good catch Michael-- that's why I cc:ed you on the bug :)