Bug 13472 - Albums template font size and placement incorrect
: Albums template font size and placement incorrect
Product: SB Controller
Classification: Unclassified
Component: UI Skin
: unspecified
: PC Windows Vista
: P1 normal (vote)
: 7.4.0
Assigned To: Ben Klaas
Depends on:
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Reported: 2009-08-18 19:01 UTC by ndijulio
Modified: 2009-10-05 14:35 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:
Category: Bug

screenshot of changes made to albums template (49.91 KB, image/png)
2009-08-23 14:33 UTC, Ben Klaas
Ref artwork - composite of s.shot + guide (77.97 KB, image/png)
2009-08-24 08:58 UTC, ndijulio
Ref artwork - spacing btwn lines (30.88 KB, image/png)
2009-08-24 08:59 UTC, ndijulio

Note You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.
Description ndijulio 2009-08-18 19:01:40 UTC
The text is not scaling when selected.  Please see guidelines for correct size and spacing.  This is true for all QVGASkins.

1. Selected item (top album title) = 21px font

2. The album title text is 1-2px too low and needs to move up

3. Bottom artist name font color TBD and being handled in a separate bug.
Comment 1 Ben Klaas 2009-08-23 14:33:37 UTC
Created attachment 5664 [details]
screenshot of changes made to albums template

screenshot after fix about to checkin.

Noah, can you comment on this one? Vertical line spacing is kind of tricky so I have to just trial and error it until it looks correct. How does this screenshot look?

Also, landscape skin also 21/14 and 18/14? I have a guideline that says 18/12 and 15/12...would prefer to keep the two consistent but anything is doable.

One last thing to point out, fwiw: in my skin code this is actually called the 'icon_list' window style, and IMO can also be used elsewhere from albums where needed.
Comment 2 SVN Bot 2009-08-23 14:35:09 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7224 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7224 ==

Fixed Bug: 13472
Description: change icon_list style to move text up a few pixels, change font size of menu item lines to 21/14 (selected) 18/14 (unselected)
Comment 3 Ben Klaas 2009-08-23 14:35:39 UTC
Noah, if there's tweaks to be done re: the attachment, please reopen the bug and instruct. thanks
Comment 4 ndijulio 2009-08-24 08:57:41 UTC
Ben- Both skins should be 21/14 and 18/14. The landscape guideline is out-of-date. 

The main differences are the vertical spacing btwn the 2 lines of text.  Not sure by your attachment, however, for extending characters (j,g p, etc.) it looks like we would have overlap.  Please see attached composite of your attachment and the guideline.

1. Move top line (album name) up 2px
2. Move bottom line (artist name) down 2px
-this will give each line enough space for extending char.

3. The padding of the text away from the album artwork should be 8px if possible.
4. Please ignore the album size. Correct size = 41px
Comment 5 ndijulio 2009-08-24 08:58:55 UTC
Created attachment 5674 [details]
Ref artwork - composite of s.shot + guide
Comment 6 ndijulio 2009-08-24 08:59:20 UTC
Created attachment 5675 [details]
Ref artwork - spacing btwn lines
Comment 7 SVN Bot 2009-08-24 14:22:28 UTC
 == Auto-comment from SVN commit #7244 to the jive repo by bklaas ==
 == https://svn.slimdevices.com/jive?view=revision&revision=7244 ==

Fixed Bug: 13472
Fixed Bug: 11606
Description: add item_info style to QVGA skins (still needs adding to WQVGA, bug 13460)
add setText() method to SimpleMenu
modify strings to accomodate two line label for diag items
tweak top/bottom padding of icon_list items
move away from using Choice widgets in diagnostics to using two lines of text in a label
change setValue() method to deal with change in widgets
Comment 8 James Richardson 2009-10-05 14:35:37 UTC
This bug has been marked as fixed in the 7.4.0 release version of SqueezeBox Server!
    * SqueezeCenter: 28672
    * Squeezebox 2 and 3: 130
    * Transporter: 80
    * Receiver: 65
    * Boom: 50
    * Controller: 7790
    * Radio: 7790  

Please see the Release Notes for all the details: http://wiki.slimdevices.com/index.php/Release_Notes

If you haven't already, please download and install the new version from http://www.logitechsqueezebox.com/support/download-squeezebox-server.html

If you are still experiencing this problem, feel free to reopen the bug with your new comments and we'll have another look.