Bug 10212 - Live365 no longer works in SqueezeNetwork
: Live365 no longer works in SqueezeNetwork
Product: MySqueezebox.com
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Internet Radio
: Prod
: PC Windows Vista
: -- major (vote)
: Hotfix
Assigned To: Andy Grundman
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Reported: 2008-12-04 07:25 UTC by Robert
Modified: 2008-12-16 11:29 UTC (History)
4 users (show)

See Also:
Category: ---


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Description Robert 2008-12-04 07:25:06 UTC
Since last night's SN change:

-  Live365 no longer available as a menu item in the SN Menu configuration screen, to add to the players' menus

-  Live365 doesn't work in SN: get "Missing or invalid SqueezeNetwork account. Please check your settings and try again." even though it's still there under "Accounts" and I can access the Live365 site fine using the same user ID and password as before

-  Live365 removed from top level of "Browse" navigation option -- appears only under "More" (this may have been a design decision on your part, but one I'm curious about -- are you drifting apart from them?)

-  Perhaps related: the SBB decided to update its firmware all by itself last night, which resulted in the alarm not going off this morning.  The alarm wasn't pointing to a Live365 station, so maybe that's an unrelated bug about how you distribute upgrades, and their effect on the Boom (?)

Comment 1 Larry Feign 2008-12-15 17:10:37 UTC
Same exact situation for me, on all points.

The revamped menu on my SB3 is a huge step backward for SqueezeNetwork. I want to be able to include my favorite music services (not just individual streams) to the top-level menu, just like I could before the SN change. This (for me) includes Live365 and Radioio. Having to access these each time through sub-sub-sub menus and endless scrolling actually subverts  my whole intention of buying two SBs in the first place: the ability to browse through hundreds of Internet radio streams with ease. Now it's a chore, not a joy.

Perhaps Radioio and Live365 aren't on some sort of payola-style "partners list" with Logitech. So, fine, don't include them in the default menu. But let your users move such services to the main menu as they please.
Comment 2 Andy Grundman 2008-12-15 21:14:37 UTC
*** Bug 10348 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 3 Andy Grundman 2008-12-16 08:00:24 UTC
Browsing of Shoutcast/Live365 fixed in r5316.
Comment 4 James Richardson 2008-12-16 09:00:27 UTC
Verified fixed in  r5316/r24301
Comment 5 Andy Grundman 2008-12-16 10:45:54 UTC
I'd like to leave this open because the other half of this bug is still not fixed (able to add Live365 to the top-level menu).
Comment 6 James Richardson 2008-12-16 11:21:50 UTC
Wouldn't that be covered by bug 10347
Comment 7 Andy Grundman 2008-12-16 11:25:26 UTC
No, because it is a regression.